A New Beginning.
Chapter 2: The Herd
It had been many bwight times since lemon had become the smarty of her herd. Her mummah was smawty before her and her mummah before her. Wemon’s mummah had taught her much about how to be a smarty. A smarwty should never be mean to their herd and all fluffies are good fluffies, until they were a bad fluffy.
All babbeh’s were to be loved, given hugs, love and milk. There was no such thing as poopie babby or munstah babby. There was no bestest babbies all babbies were bestest babbies. Only bad fluffies were made to eat poopies of other fluffies, bad fluffies were fluffies who had done bad things to other fluffies. These were fluffies who gave babies forever sleepies, gave bad special huggies to babbies, bad special hugges to other fluffies who didn’t want special huggies, stole nummies, stole milkies from mummah fluffies, fluffies who gave good fluffies sorry poopies or gave sorry hoovies on purpose.
There would be no bad fluffies in Wemon’s herds. All fluffies worked and did their part in the herd to help. Wemon was the head and made the hard thinking for the fluffies but Wemon had help. She had heard from her mummah it was called a counciw, Wemon didn’t know what that meant but trusted her mummah. A counciw helped the smarty make good decisions, the counciw listened and helped herd…
Wemon sat in the tree hollow and looked at her counciw. She had three fluffies for her counciw, all were good fluffies. The first she eyed was an older fluffy who had served with her mothers mother. The fluffy was named Bwight Moon, she was the oldest of the herd, she once had vibrant black fur but it had long turned grey, her biege mane and tail had long since started losing their fluff and colour. Her right see place was sealed shut having lost it many years ago, revealing only the left a slowly dulling yellow.
The second fluff on the council was the only stallion and had been appointed by lemons mother. The stallion was called Weck, he was a large stallion and was different to other fluffies. He was much, much larger than most fluffies, he had a pair of horns and had a large white wooly coat that almost covered his see places which were black. Weck said he was a fwuffawo, what ever that was. You knew he was kind, smart, big, strong and hard worker. Weck was good protector and a toughie.
The final fluff Wemon had appointed, she was Wemon’s long time friend. Appwe was a earthie pony like Wemon, she was strong like a toughie but smart. She had light tan fluff with a green tail and mane, her see places with bright red. Appwe was a nummy finder, she was really good at telling what good nummies and what bad nummies. Appwe had stopped many fluffies from going forever sleepies from bad nummies. Appwe was also tough and had given good sorry hoovies to many bad fluffies that try to give bad special huggies to Appwe, other fluffs and babbehs.
“Smawty wemon hab bewy gud news fo’ hewd, found wots of nummies!” said Wemon to her counciw. Three fluffs turned to look at her and waited for her to continue. The three were good fluffs and new when to speak.
“Smawty wemon tawk to hooman. Hooman not gib owwies tu wemon. Buh tawk to wemon an’ make deaw wiff smawty an’ hewd. Wet hewd wowk his wand, num taww gwass fo’ nice mistah.” Wemon looked over her fluffies her chest swelling with pride at having found nummies for them. The place around their home had no grass and very little nummies, was not enough nummies for babbehs and new tummeh babbies in new mummahs.
“Fwuffy bwite moon nu twust hooman’s. Hooman’s bad to fwuffies say dey nu gib owwies tu us ow gib fowebah sweepies buh wies. Many fwuffies go fowebah sweepies.” The old fluffy spoke in a soft but tired voice as her line see place looked to her smarty before the rest of the counciw. Bwight moon had been on this counciw for many many bwite times and dawk times. The land was mean to fluffies, many meanie munstahs live here.
“Smawty wemon twink that tu, but hooman niwe to fwuffy. Twust fu nu. Smawty wemon, sum toughies and wowkew fwuffs go fwist, see if hooman nice mistah. Counciw wead hewd fow wemon.” The smarty mare declared, deciding she would go and some fluffies not all, needed fluffies to protect herd, babbehs, mummahs and soon mummahs.
“Wecks go wiff smawty wemon, pwotect wemon, wemon wun if hooman bad mistah.” The large fluffalo said as he stood on his hooves, horns glistening in the sun. The horns in the light appeared cracked from many battles.
Wemon shook her head. “Nu wecks stay wiff hewd, dah hewd nee’ wecks to pwotect them. Hewd nee’ counciw to make thinkies.”
Weck pounted not liking it but obeyed as he sat back down. Appwe appeared conflicted and could only bite her lip.
“Appwe nu wike, but wisten to fwien wemon. Appwe pwotect herd for wemon, am gud fwuffy.” Appwe said with pride in her tiny little voice. These fluffies had grown up in a harsh environment and had adapted their thinking changing with it, they were not like other fluffies.
“Wemon gu wit to nice mistah hooman nao. Take wiff wemon toughies wock, bawk, wiwwow an’ wose. Take wowkah fwuffies wawa, bewwy an’ twig. Bwin’ back nummies” Wemon waited to see if any fluffies spoke up but none of the counciw did. With a nod she and the counciw let the tree hollow to the gathering of fluffies outside. A large number of fluffies had gathered, wemon couldn’t count how many but lots. The hollow overlooked the small grove the fluffies called home and gave wemon high place to speak.
“Smawty find nummies fo’ hewd, buh smawty meet wiff hooman. Not know if hooman weawwy nice mistah, take some fwuffies wiff wemon. Test hooman to see if wiaw. If hooman nice mistah, wemon bwin’ west of hewd. Wiww bwin’ back nummies.” Wemon spoke in her biggest voice for all fluffies to hear. The fluffies began to whisper some shivering in fear at the thought of hoomans.
“Fwuffy wemon bwin toughies wock, bawk, wiwwow an’ wose. Bwin wowkah fwuffies wawa, bewwy an’ twig. Bwin’ back nummies. Fwuffies gu!” Wemon jumped down from the high place as the fluffies began to leave returning to nests or work. THe toughies and workers called gathered.
The toughies were two stallions and two mares. The stallions, wock was a strong looking unicorn with a broken horn. His fur was a deep olive shade, his mane was torn and shredded from fighting but was red. He had no tail and was covered in scars. Bawk was a shorter stallion pegasus and a deep brown colour with yellow mane, in another herd he would be a poopie fluffy but not here. The mares were both alicorn sisters, they looked identical with deep blue fur, topaz eyes, white tail and mane, the only difference between them were the colour of their horns wiwwow had a red horn while wose had a pink one.
Three worker fluffies were all earthie ponies. Wawa had deep blue fluff with matching mane and tail, his eyes were brown. Bewwy she had bright pink fluff with red tail, purple mane and blue eyes. Lastly was twig a much smaller earthe fluffy then the others, he was a tree bark coloured fluffy with a bark like pattern, his mane and tail were an autumn shade with grey eyes.
“Fwuffies fowwow wemon, take ‘ou to taww gwass nummies. Hewp hooman an’ get nummies fo’ hewd!” Wemon turned and began marching in the direction she could remember with her thinky place the hooman was. The other fluffies unsure but followed after. The three workers were behind wemon with the four toughies surrounding them giving protection.
With that the hopeful fluffies left their nest to find the hooman who wemon had made twade with, wowk for nummies.
The end of chapter 2, the herd itself slowly being introduced. Next chapter the herd will arrive at the Dandyman’s land and begin to work.
I hope you enjoyed. Still trying to get the hang of writing fluffies.
I tried to write these fluffies a little smarter than other fluffies due to the harsh environment of Australia they live in.