A New Home - Chapter 2 [Justtheworse]

The car came to a gentle stop and Rick, the aforementioned human, turned the engine off and listened for a moment, the noises of the mare floated up to his ear, she was intermittently cooing, snoring and mumbling her little mummah song. Rick leaned over and examined his two new acquisitions, as suspected the mare was sound asleep, the stallion however was wide awake his eyes staring at Rick, watching him with intensity.

“Hey little guy, we’re gonna go in now, can you keep your lady quiet and calm as we move inside?”

The stallion stared at him for another second then nodded his head ever so slightly.

“Good.” Rick opened up the drivers side door, picked up the box and slid out, closing the door softly and making sure he didn’t jostle the box too much, holding it under one arm he fished in his pocket for his house keys and unlocked the door, slipping in he closed the door with his foot and checked in the box, the mare was still sound asleep and the little stallion was snuggling into her, one eye always trained on Rick. The trio moved into the downstairs bathroom and Rick placed the box on the counter next to the sink, he gently stroked the mare with one finger, attempting to ease her from her sleep, the stallion seemed to realise what he was doing as he lightly shook his special friend until she began to awake.

The mare finally came to with a little yawn and a chirp “Aw we at nyu homesie nao?”

“Yus, speciaw fwend” replied the little stallion.

Rick clapped his hands together, getting the attention of both fluffies who stared up at him “Okay you guys, we are gonna need to get you both nice and clean before you get to see your new safe room.”

“EEEEEE! Nyu safe woom, fwuffy wub nyu safe woom” the mare squealed.

The stallion just stared up at Rick, Rick however moved to turn on the tap, putting his hand under the stream until it was lukewarm, he then plugged the sink and let it fill partway, grabbing a bottle from a cabinet, he poured a healthy dose into the water then resumed the stream until it was filled halfway with warm sudsy water smelling distinctly fruity.

“Oooo pwitty smeww, fwuffy am hungy want fwuity nummies, pwease daddeh.” Rick smiled at the mare.

“I will feed you both shortly but this water isn’t nummies, it’s for getting you both clean and smelling pretty.”


The volume of the protestation surprised Rick and the little stallion nuzzled up to his mate who was now breathing a little quicker in her panic

“It am otay speciaw fwend, fwuffy am hewe, wiww pwotect oo” He shot a glance at Rick, mistrust evident in his eyes.

“Well I’ve gotta clean you both in order to get you to your new room and get you some food, how about it little guy? You wanna go first? Show her there’s nothing to worry about.”

“O-otay, fwuffy wiww be bwave fow speciaw f-fwend” he swallowed evidently trying to hide his fear, Rick lifted both the fluffies out of the box, noticing the mare had made scaredy poopies and pee-pees.

Rick held the stallion over the toilet and lightly massaged his midsection forcing him to evacuate his bowels and bladder, he squealed slightly in protest and the mare started to sniffle and cry a little. Moving the stallion back over the sink he dipped him in slightly and taking a flannel he scrubbed most of the dirt and filth from the little guys fluff, brightening it up and improving his smell greatly, he did the same for his mane and tail and when the little guy was mostly clean, he plopped his sodden little body onto a towel, giving him a quick rub down, the guy looked ten times better. To the stallion’s credit, he barely made a sound throughout the entire process. The mare however was gently weeping trying to rock herself to provide some measure of comfort. Rick picked her up and she let out a little squeak, he then placed her next to her mate. Her nose perked up at the smell and her eyes slowly opened “Wat am pwitty smeww? Am speciaw fwend?” She sniffed deeply taking in the scent of the freshly washed and fragrant stallion before her.

“Yus, speciaw fwend, am smeww pwetty nao, be gud fwuffy and wet m-mistah gib oo smeww pwetties.”

“Otay speciaw fwend…” her head dropped dejectedly and Rick went about his work, in a few minutes she was clean, dry and cuddling up next to her mate, babbling about fwuffies smeww pwetty” Rick emptied the sink and cleaned it up, the mare having somehow managed to produce more crap during her cleaning despite being emptied out beforehand.

The two nuzzled each other on top of the slightly damp towel as Rick moved toward them to pick them up, the mare giggled and delight “Uppieees” she happily chanted, the stallion still shied away from Rick but a little less so than he had before. Carrying the fluffies in the crook of his arm, he exited the bathroom and opened the door directly opposite into their new safe room. Placing the fluffies down on the soft, spongy floor their eyes went wide and their mouths hang agape as they looked around the spacious slice of heaven that was to be their living quarters.

The green spongy floor was designed to imitate soft loamy grass, the bottom of the walls was painted in green, to continue the facsimile of a meadow, itself lightly foamed to prevent any fluffies running full tilt into it and causing themselves an injury, it then fades into a light sky blue with white fluffy clouds scattered around the walls and on the ceiling which culminates with a central domed light painted on the edges to simulate the sun. Scattered around the room are various huggy toys, vinyl blocks with soft rounded corners, a few balls, some fluffy play tubes with little holes so fluffy babies can poke their heads through or parents can check on them. A pile of blankets and cushions that have been formed into a makeshift nest and a litterbox position at one end of the room.

“Dis am bestest safe woom ever! TANK YU DADDEH!” the little mare squealed wiggling her legs with a ferocious joy.

“Y-yus, tank oo nice mistah, f-fow pwetty safe woom” the little stallion intoned still seeming ill at ease.

Rick fought back a frown as he leant down and stroked the two fluffies manes, the mares now a rich violet and the stallions a vivid royal blue, not bad colours after all.

“Now you two, how about I go get you guys some sketties and when I get back you can eat and we can decide on some new names.”

“Yay! Mummah hab sketties an nyu namesies, am so happies!” she was bobbing her head and wiggling all around like she was having a seizure.

“Fank oo, mistah, fwuffy wub sketties” the stallion chimed in, despite the fact that he had never had them before.

Rick nodded at them both, got to his feet and left the room.

“Speciaw fwend, this am so nice nyu housie, am so wawm an comfy, gonna hab sketties an namesie an so many toysies an babbehs aw gunna hab bestest miwkies an wub fwom me and oo and nyu daddeh! Hab so many heawt happies!” The mare babbled, nearly delirious with the joy she was feeling.

“Hmmm, am no suwe speciaw fwend, me no twust dis mistah” the stallion responded, his head was cocked sniffing deeply and roaming the room with his eyes.

“Wha am dat smeww?”

“No be dummeh, daddeh am bestest daddeh eba, he am make fwuffies smeww pwetty and wook pwetty and hab been besest daddeh” the mare puffed up her cheeks at her mate. The stallion looked in her eyes then to the floor, the strangely familiar scent momentarily forgotten.

“Otay, wiww twy and twust mistah fow oo and babbehs” he nuzzled his head into his large partners side.

Rick listened to the fluffies coo and babble to each other and their future offspring through the closed door, a sneer of disgust on his face, he quickly composed himself, plastering on a fake smile as he nudged the door open with his hip, both his hands occupied, one with a big bowl of spaghetti and sauce, the other with a similar sized bowl of fresh water.

“Yay daddeh am back, wub oo daddeh” the mare shouted, the stallion looked up at Rick but his mouth started to water when the rich tomato aroma of the spaghetti hit his nostrils.

Rick set both bowls down, near the mares head, since she couldn’t move herself, “Eat up guys, now this is a special treat, you won’t always get spaghetti, maybe once a week and on special occasion’s, every other day will be kibble, sound good?” The mare pulled her head up, her snout covered in red sauce and strands of spaghetti still hanging from her open mouth.

“Sound gweat, fank oo daddeh” she lowered her head and continued her gorging.

“Fwuffies understan, fank oo mistah” the stallion responded, nudging the spaghetti to his partners mouth before taking a smaller strand for himself, dripping with sauce.

The fluffies ate and drank their fill, the mare more so but that was to be expected as she was heavily pregnant and the stallion seemed content, rubbing his stomach with his forepaws and sighing contentedly.

“Now, let’s see about some names for you two. How about you…” Rick pointed to the mare “You can be Coco and you…” Rick pointed at the stallion “You can be Turk.”

“Fank oo nice mistah, Tuwk wub nyu name” Turk trotted out the pre programmed phrase.

“Eeee Coco wub nyu name, wub nyu daddeh, am bestest daddeh in ho wyd wowd” Coco butted in with her usual overexcited manner. She truly was a little lady full of joy and optimism.

Rick pointed out a few other features to the fluffies, the TV on the wall, the little remote embedded into the ground consisting solely of a power button. The only programming being a 24 hour livestream of that awful fluffy entertainment, the volume set at a level that the fluffies would be able to hear over their little babbling noises. Turk stared up at the TV with rapt attention, enjoying the bright colours and seeing the other fluffies. Coco was vaguely complaining in the background, something about not being able to see the TV. Rick continued the tour showing Turk the emergency button, a little red button on the wall near the door.

“This will call me, if you have any problems, if you need anything. You press this and I will be here as soon as possible, understand?”

Turk was looking over to one corner of the room sniffing gently, that strange smell was bugging him again.

Rick clicked his fingers near Turk to grab his attention. “Did you hear me little guy?”

Turk flinched but looked up at Rick and nodded “Tuwk undastan” his gaze went to the button.

Rick went through the rules, good poopies in the litterbox, no fighting with each other and teaching their babies the rules when they came. Both the fluffies agreed to the rules and promised to be on their best behaviour.

“Okay, I’m gonna trust you, now I’ve got stuff to do but I’ll come check on you guys in a couple hours, I want you on your best behaviour”

“Tank oo daddeh, Coco an Tuwk wiww be bestest behavews” she responded, nodding her little head.

Rick exited to his study, opening up his laptop he loaded the surveillance program to the cameras in the safe room. Turning the volume up, he began to observe the pair.

Turk was rolling his mate around the room, showing her all the different things while she giggled and babbled and began asking questions “Wha am dat speciaw fwend?” Coco asked.

“Mistah sai dat am cawwed teebee” Turk replied, hitting the little power button. The screen came to life, halfway through an episode of ‘Dancie Babbehs’. The two fluffies watched for a while both giggling and wiggling along to the music and the movements of the eponymous characters.

“Speciaw fwend, Coco need to make poopies” she tried to wiggle her legs but to no avail.

Turk dragged his eyes away from the TV with some difficulty “Otay speciaw fwend, wiww woww oo tu wittabox”

Rick smiled, looks like Turk was a quick learner, that would make things easier.

“Yay coco make bestest poopies” the rotund mare said as she emptied her bowels.

“Speciaw fwend am so gud” Turk complimented his partner. He then rolled her over to the makeshift little nest consisting of cushions and blankets in one corner of the room. He nudged over a larger cushion and rolled her on it so she was belly down, with his teeth he grabbed a blanket and pulled it over so it covered his mate. Suddenly the smell hit him again and stronger, it was coming from in the folds of the blanket. It was the faint but unmistakable smell of a fluffy, the same smell he and Coco gave off, even under the lingering scent of their freshly washed and shampooed fluff.

“Wub oo speciaw fwend” Coco said as she began to drift off, the excitement of their day having taken it out of the expectant mother.

“Wub oo too speciaw fwend” Coco replied as he cuddled up next to her under the blanket.

Turk took one final look around the room and made the resolution that when he woke and the man was here, he would ask about the room, the blanket and the previous occupant or occupants.

He nuzzled his little snout against his partners side as she cooed softly in her sleep at the comforting contact. A few moments later he joined her in a deep and restful sleep.



Just kidding, keep going, loving it already.




Is this story missing the Impending Doom tag? :stuck_out_tongue:


I always judge how much I’ll enjoy a fluffy story by how well and obnoxious the fluffy mannerisms and fluff-speak are. So far it’s off to a great start