A New Story Project (FreshlyPillowed)

Hello Everyone :glee:/

Im considering a story where a park is split between two herds one cannibal herd who lives off the poopy/dummeh babbehs that are born within there own herd

and a normal fluffy herd who are many in number so they are starting to struggle in hunting for nummies as they wont be allowed to the cannibals side of the park, the cannibal leader then offers a deal where if the normal herd starts giving babbehs over as tribute the normal fluffies can start getting nummies on the cannibal herds side (cannibal fluffs cant eat reguler nummies at all in my headcannon so its in abundence) but the normal herd start to break down and hate the leader after they find out how they have been able to get nummies and everything start breaking down.

the normal herd is far bigger then the cannibal herd so the cannible fluffys cant just come invade. until as time goes on after the normal herd leader is killed by his toughies for his crimes the nummies stop comming and the herd slowly starts dieing off forcing some to abandon the herd or start numming other mummahs babbehs etc etc (really reaching desperation stage) till eventually the herd disbands everyfluff for himself and the cannibal herd goes on a rampage picking off everyone they can. (id like the underfed weak toughies to do a last stand trying to hold back the cannibal herd while the mummah babbehs, weaker fluffs try to escape) the herd is a nice herd, they just are doomed due to overpopulation the smarty-freind leader is too nice he lets poopys,dummehs,sbs all live in the herd so its inevitable, it just forces him to make this terrible deal for the survival of his herd.

Id do a episode 0 do introduce characters this would probably be quite a long series so let us know what you think any ideas you think would add something, also im considering if i will go with fluff-speak while i have basic fluff speak down i dont feel im 100% with it so should i just go with the fluff speak and if i make errors so be it or should i go no fluff speak and risk ruining the emersion. :shrug:



Has someone been playing casual fluffies too much?

There is no “too much” when playing casual fluffys!!

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Sounds like something I would enjoy reading!!

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Have I been playing a very outdated version Or something? Last time I checked the only items were balls and bowls and the only terrain was dirt pink carpet And metal bars.

Check CFv0.8.5.1-ncme.zip - Google Drive
