A Potential Reconciliation - H83r Opinion Piece

I’ll try my hand at this. Please note that I generally hate taking about myself, I feel like giving an honest opinion of myself can come of as conceded when in actually I am very self-critical most of the time.

Me as a person, I’m a smart, analytical person and have an extremely high EQ. I’m highly empathetic and a problem solver so it has made for a great combination. Unfortunately, I’m also agoraphobic, highly depressed and suffer from panic attacks. I’m great at making friends because I want to help them by my nature, but I’ve found most people move off and drift away after getting that help. This has made me closed off from being open about myself as a way of protecting myself. Over the past few years things progressively got worse and I became a loner, depressed that I never lived up to my potential.

Fluffies were something I stumbled upon a few months back while watching a The Click videos. Eventually, I sought out the reddit, even made an account for the first time and then decided to more to the site instead (all in). I started consuming all the content I could, trying to figure out what I liked and why.

I found myself despising most abusers in stories, there are some exceptions with one’s that had highly developed characters that actually had reasons for their actions. Sadbox broke my heart, and while I loved hugbox, it was often too one dimensional and sickly sweet. I found my home in neutralbox, it was often more complex and explored a variety of situations and emotions.

I eventually ever motivated to contribute to the community, both things I hadn’t felt in years (motivated and being open to contribute that is). I’ve never been an artist and I considered my writing mediocre at best, so I went with writing. For the first time in my life I enjoyed writing, it was honestly therapeutic.

I decided there that while I would touch on several different boxes ut would only be to enhance my hugbox moments. My genre I align with is neutralbox that heavily leans hugbox. I want it to feel relatable and real, to address things that are important to me, while looking for ways to solve problems to have a relatively happy resolution.

That is what makes me happy.


Myself, I got into this after watching some dubs on YouTube. And they were the most disturbing thing I had seen in a long time, which I don’t feel often due to numbness to extreme internet content.

And that is also why I gravitate towards sad content. Plus, I like the dystopian sci fi element of fluffies. Where people’s pets can talk and are smart enough to communicate, but are treated as toys that people have no qualm about replacing if they break.


No. I agree there.
Wether positive or negative as long as art gets a strong emotional response from you.
It means it has done its job as a piece of art.
You got something from it.

Discuss it all you want, both good and bad but don’t try to "fix"it or un do it.
That robs it of its emotional impact.


As long as the internet exists, there will be people screaming “STOP LIKING WHAT I DON’T LIKE!!!” It’s the third certainty in life, next to death and taxes.


I don’t even remember where I first heard of fluffies. Some forum or something. But to me it was just Tom and Jerry style cartoonish abuse paired with the extreme hatred adults have for things like Barney the Dinosaur and Peppa Pig.

I didn’t really get the hugbox stuff at first, but after a while, I see it as a natural extension of the community. A sort of palate cleanser after all the over-the-top suffering.



It’s not about putting an end to disagreements. If every problem could be solved by a topic like this, I wouldn’t be in the army.

It’s to possibly prevent baseless accusations and attacks like this.


I consider hugbox to be the natural state of fluffies
…now put down the pitchforks
in “muh headcanon” fluffies are toys, so them getting huggies and wub and all the other hugbox is how they are supposed to be.
But real life is not so kind which is where abuse comes in.

And off course HTF style absurdity.


Yeah well, we will never be able to do that.
But at least we can aspire to either try and do better or agree to disagree and avoid each other.
Even if it’s just on here.


It’s better than nothing at all.


It’s the best we can do.


But it can swing right back around to hugbox with people deciding to do something about all those people abusing fluffies.

Hugbox V. Abuse is actually an in-universe conflict in my headcanon. And the hugbox side is gradually winning, especially after the actions of a certain group of abusers, who did things for their cause that many other abusers would draw the line at. A lot of abusers just don’t want to be associated with a group like that.

Honestly, I think, if fluffies were real, anyone who openly advocated abusing them would probably come across as a psychopath. Killing ferals humanely? That’s one thing. Nobody bats an eye if you tell them that you exterminate rats and cockroaches for a living. But someone who kills fluffies for fun, and drags it out, would look just as insane as someone who kills rats for fun.


You just never meet the right kind of friends irl but I understand the bullying makes it hard I was bullied too kids threw rocks at me dragging me up wooden play areas and threw me in ponds and I know violence is something not everyone can do and I was one for a good long time until iv had enough and went up to them and beat the living piss out of the ring leader after then they left me alone and whenever I see someone getting bullied I beat his ass and friended his victim I even protected the ed classes the teachers really liked me even though my methods were against school policy. As for fluffys iv heard about them from watching click on YouTube and thought they were entertaining and funny with the art that they were in as for my affliction with abusers it’s just entertaining to see and draw yes I do the occasional hug box or cuite or sweet but I just like the violence I mean my old profile pic was billy from jigsaw a franchise that I lov by the way)


Oh, absolutely.
Though in my headcanon i consider fluffies to be an invasive species and they are treated the way Australian treats rabbits.
Rabbits in Australia - Wikipedia
Pets are off limits ferals are a free for all.
And you wil always have psycho’s getting off on killing rabbits or rats.

Or professional lunatics like Harry Harlow


I used to be a sensitive little fuckface, but laughing at myself because of dumb (now long-since hidden) posts made me less so. @ripoffMcgee prolly remembers some of the stupid shit I tried to fight him for, aye! Just glad to be here.


Honestly, I get what Big Boop is saying, because I’ve been there. Pretty much everyone I thought was my friend either abandoned me or stabbed me in the back. I’m not feeling all too fond of humanity anymore, present company excluded. Most of you have been a lot nicer to me than I’ve come to expect from humanity, so I like you guys.

And yeah, I can relate to fluffies too. All they really want is to be loved and have a good life, who can’t relate to that? Again, honestly, if fluffies were real, I would get one and hugbox the 𝓕𝓤𝓒𝓚 out of the little fluffball.


I know about rabbits being a pest in Australia. But when they kill rabbits, they don’t drag it out, right? When someone’s got a rat problem, they put rat poison out, they don’t build a Rube-Goldberg machine that comically tortures the rat to death. When someone’s got a cockroach problem, they burn their house down and move as far away as possible, like any sane person would do.


Trust me, I’m in the Started A Stupid Argument With McGee Club too.

We should get “I Argued With McGee And All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt” shirts.


I agree too if I had one I would to but I’m kind of strict but fair with my pets but will have no problem killing one if need be


Think we all would do that.
Cause we aren’t pycho’s

I know what you are getting at.
I’m just saying that abuse is justified to a degree in my head canon because fluffies are an invasive species.

But this community has issues with congnitive dissonance how can you square hugbox with abuse ?
You can’t, not really.

But I generally just consider abuse to be on HTF levels of cartoon gore.


I’m just going to assume that you mean having them put down by the vet.