A Potential Reconciliation - H83r Opinion Piece

I have to mention that much of my writing and ideas builds up on concepts from the past, and enough past content on the fluffies ahs indeed challenge what could or couldn’t count as a fluffy. After all,w e have thing like Elemental Fluffies, and Fluffy mold. On my end, I prefer to define fluffies as relying on unique language of fluffspeak, but I know a few artists who have depicted fluffies not speaking in fluffspeak (though some rely on circumstance)

Its one of the many reasons why I don’t want to be harsh on fluffies. Saying one hates fluffies may end up being the case a person hates only a particular negative depiction of fluffies, which I can understand, but I am very much against conflating a negative depiction of fluffies as applying to “all”.


In the same vein as the wisdom, “If it bleeds, we can kill it”, if it’s supposed to be a fluffy, I will hate it.

In fact, one could propose that I fucking hate fluffies @StoneRouge


I think the one you already have suffices.

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Hate is an understatement. We would need to create a new word for how much you hate fluffies.


I propose “Ragglefraggle”

I fucking ragglefraggle fluffies


If you need some art advice, I’m more than willing to give it ^w^ I love helping people out, especially when I know what I’m doing hahah

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some people seem to forget that the reason fluffy abuse/torture exist, is to get back at them for being disgusting pointless retards. They are stupid, so they are fun to take advantage of, they can talk and their sensitive so their fun to inflict pain on. If you don’t like abuse, you should not keep one because one, their stupid so they are a major pain to train, and their ugly, why would you want one in the first place? They are fact creatures without a point to exist. Not only that, if you don’t think thats reason enough, the fluffies are racists fucktard bastards whi abuse their children for being a dark tone, or for having a stupid little thing like a horn. Honestky you aint human if you aint enjoying watching fools suffer