A Pretty Pair [by: ekulmam3838]

I’m gonna destroy these lil’ shits.
Suggestions needed >:)
Feel free to give em’ names too

Orange babbeh’s fate
Purple babbeh’s fate


Suggestions on what happens to them ?
Hmm well that is a tough question tbh.
You could lobotomise/derp the bestest by pushing his horn inwards or feat the purple one until hes obese hand has a heart attack?

As for names call one Worstest and the other Wine?


The world’s your oyster,
You could keep it simple and chuck them in a dog pen, place them in a glass jar and drop it on the concrete, or tie them to the back of a bike and take off.
No wrong answers.


More like Whiner

Shit and stinky could be good names for them.

About how torture them, you can connect a dropper to the purple’s anus to make him empty the shit out of his intestines through his mouth and force the orange/brown to eat this as punishment for being a “shit-rat who nobody would love” and chop one of his leg as punishment every time he can’t continue and vomits .


Creamsicle and violet. Put them in a blender!


Ill poke theri genitals with a pin and their anis too

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Give them a lovely saferoom full of toys and skettis…and then smash it all in front of them. Turn their blocks to sawdust and their sketti into a test of your toilet’s suction.


Put them in a pot of water and slowly bring it to boil, test that stupid frog theory.

Honestly some guy torturing them to death in his bathroom like the good old abusers used to do would be great too.


Recreate the infamous rainbow dash jar

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Do things that disfigure them (shaving, burning, drawing/tatooing on them, and then mock them for being ugly, cut off their front legs so no more huggies, boiling water on the genitals, splintery wood in the poopie place

The hell is that one complaining about?

It’s a fluffy. What doesn’t it complain about