A question for hugboxers of the community

Leave your simple box think behind and just make good content


The -box terms probably would not have taken off were it not for the strange meta blend Fluffies have, where meta terms exist in-universe and artist names are used for breeds.


Stupidity is why the box shit took off and no one uses artist names for breeds


Donā€™t argue with Ripoff, just donā€™t.


(Technically Neutralbox, but I definitely lean Hugbox.)

In universe, as in, if I lived in the fluffy-verse, would I want it banned? Yes, for sure.

As content IRL? Absolutely not.


Hell no, you canā€™t have one without the other, abuse just makes the hug sweeter


But what if a fluffy dies and the artificial body pollutes nature like plastic?


no way! all things in moderation. i wouldnā€™t want this gorey, bloodsoaked fandom to be any less delightfully violent towards these dumb horses



Fuzzies would make sense. They have computer chip brains, possibly more robotics beyond that.

But Fluffies are purely flesh, born if flesh, only capable of consuming organic matter. Theyā€™re just chimeras of existing animals.

If anything they should be good for the environment, breaking down waste into things other things can use the way fungus and bacteria does. They canā€™t destroy most things since they are small, dumb, fragile, and weak.

In a spiritual sense maybe theyā€™d be harmful. But not scientifically.


recicle :v (those are animals, so just let eat them :v by worms, bacteria or wild animals :v)

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For a question that supposed to be hugboxers, msot of the replies here seems to be from people who donā€™t take up the tag lmao.

I find this question vague. The power to stop ALL abuse in universe would be, in my mind, asking for an end to all evil in the real world. Because who wouldnā€™t want to see an end to violence and hatred in the real world? I know a lot who would, but the thing is that evil can also be subjective. For instance, some people would see pornography as evil.

If weā€™re talking about the power to stop all abuse in-universe, thats really as simple as just writing out abuse as mainstream, accepted or very recurring, which a lot of headcanons and hivecanons have adopted. And, yes, some hugboxers have done that, myself included. I know there are some hugboxers who have done the one-off abuse image, but, the hugboxers whose art I usually look at or research into vary between those who accept abuse exists but donā€™t justify it, or depict their universe as not having excessive abuse.

Not when it comes to content specifically, no. Try as one might, abuse fiction will always exist one way or the other and, even if it could be stopped, some things of value may be lost. As much as foal-in-a-can is an abuse concept, it also led to one of my favourite hugbox stories. So, no, I wouldnā€™t ask for end to abuse content. I agree with what @Chikahiro said - you canā€™t relay accurate stories about humans without it

That being said

@AIDS @Bear2021 @anon90849157

I generally disagree with the idea that abuse exists as a counter-balance to hugbox. I have been known to be critical of abuse, but what I am mostly critical of is the over-emphasis on and attachment to abuse and suffering within the fluffy pony fandom. For me, the real counter-balance to hugbox is sadbox, because Life isnā€™t perfect, and does have its sad moments. However, I feel that abuse, especially as an expression of malice, is more a reflection of ā€œevilā€, and that aprt of the reason why this fandom has the negative reputation that it does is because too many place abuse as too high on a pedestal, or get ā€œtooā€ involved with their abuse fantasies and ideas.

Iā€™m all for depicting abuse in a realistic way as abuse does exist in real life, and fluffies are a good way of exploring the negative repercussions of abuse and its dangers. However, too much of the fiction has become gratuitous. Sure, some can see a value in that, but I find that it has become too niche, and some people who have put in effort into developing and defining their fluffies have been preyed upon by abusers in the past, which is why some people donā€™t continue their stories. It is why I am critical of the role of abuse - I felt it should not overly define the fandom.

I guess thats where we disagree. I would prefer the fandom to be a bit less gorey and bloodsoaked, and Iā€™d argue that its history didnā€™t have much in the way moderation.


I waited for your answer the most


I figured that I might as well just throw my two cents in, if only Bc I was tagged specifically, but I donā€™t see Abuse and Hug as two sides of the same coin. My original comment of Hug being sweeter with Abuse was short and simple, but to clarify I mean that I enjoy stories of trauma victims over coming their antagonist very much.

Iā€™m a primarily hugbox person, these dumb things make me happy, I like to read about their triumph and loving nature! That being said, I also like compelling narratives, I donā€™t read abuse for the literal violence or manipulation, I read them because I want to see why itā€™s happening and how the characters react.

Hugbox can be very interesting and good for a feel good story, which is what Iā€™m trying to go for with my Cheesecake series; but Abuse can have a million and one ways to get towards an end goal.

I also donā€™t see Fluffys as animals, despite the hivecanon and the fact that they give ā€œliveā€ birth, but thatā€™s a discussion for another day (if I ever get around to actually publishing my headcanons)

Idk if this makes sense and if Iā€™m not explaining something right just say so and Iā€™ll try again, but hopefully this is literate enough,


As content, no. Thatā€™d be like banning horror films and such. Itā€™s content, not everyone likes it, but itā€™s content.

In universe, if Peta didnā€™t get in the way, and fluffies were allowed to be finished, probably would be good to be banned. Population control like hunting? Would be beneficial. Maybe not just straight gutting babies and boiling the mother alive.

Probably also because of a fluffies intelligence level. You can keep a dog in a kennel for 12 hours, you might be looked at, but itā€™s not technically abuse. You do the same to a child, here comes CPS. Fluffies have the same intelligence level of maybe a 2-4 year old (Iā€™m new to the fandom so correct me if Iā€™m wrong)


No. I honestly find it unavoidable and as fluffy content, abuse makes it more versatileā€¦sooorta. The only abuse in universe I would like to not really stop but punishā€¦is abuse caused more by human morons rather than the fluffies own mistakesā€¦DEY GIT UNDER DOCā€™S SKIN

If I could, Iā€™d only do it to a slight degree. Itā€™s admittedly the other side of this communities coin. I understand eliminating pedo fluffs and other miserable types, but the long, drawn out, slow, psychological and physical annihilation that drones on loses flavor to me.

ā€œIf you gotta shoot, shoot, donā€™t just stand there and talk.ā€