A REALLY cold Fluffy in Russia (DanilaNik)

A really big fear of Russian people is…

Yup,another CountryballsXFluffy comics


"In September 1941, a loudspeaker-equipped bus was driven through Vyborg blasting the Säkkijärven polka nonstop at 715 kHz to block the USSR’s detonation signal. " LOL, today I learned.
Seriously, look up that song and ‘jamming’.

Also, sending a fluffy might be considered a great insult or act of war? :wink:


Heart “polandball” (as they used to be known) from /b/ days … Q: why does thr finnish fluffy drain their colors, and they’re all (seem toi be) smiling in the last panel ? Or are they frozen in fear or shock or joy ? Now that I know about the Vyborg incident … I guess I don’t know how Russia feels about Finland in 2023 but I’m curious


The US would definitely send fluffies to ruin other countries for sure

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Countryballs <3

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As a Russian, i think,they frozen in fear AND shock!

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