A remake popurrí/Un popurri remake(By: Clayhammer)

And so, and once again, here I bring another remake of one of my original works done in pencil and paper, taken to digital.
Yes, I know what you’re thinking, just making reissues and tracings of things I’ve already done. And if that is the case, you are right, but I will be honest with you. And I certainly don’t have many ideas at the moment, or I have others, but they will require a lot of time to develop them, and I don’t have enough time. But as I said before, at least I use it to better practice using digital art and thus develop a habit. I promise that over time I will give you something new from time to time, as long as you enjoy this (again) And have a great day.


Y así, y una vez mas, aquí traigo otro remake de una de mis obras originales hecho en lápiz y papel, llevado a digital.
Si, ya se lo que estarán pensando, solo haciendo reediciones y calcas de cosas que ya he hecho. Y si es así el caso, tienen razón, pero seré sincero con Uds. y es que ciertamente no tengo muchas ideas actualmente, o tengo otras, pero requerirán de mucho tiempo en elaborarlas, y tiempo no me sobra bastante. Pero como dije antes, al menos lo uso para practicar mejor en el uso del arte digital y así, desarrollar costumbre. les prometo que con el tiempo les daré algo nuevo de vez en cuando, mientras disfruten de esto (otra vez) Y tengan un excelente día.


Making fluffies eat their own body parts is such a great trope.

Also just based on other remakes that I’ve seen I don’t think anybody is going to give you a hard time about it.


I had some sympathy for the purple foal at first, but then it had to refer to itself as a “bestest” and my sympathy evaporated like a drop of spillt water in death valley at high noon.


It is an immediate effect, when you are reading and see the sentence “Bestest Babbeh” it generates an instant repulsion.

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Fantastic work! I love how the purple babbeh is hanging by its cheek, and the green one is just… GUD

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I cannot express the sheer joy of pure abuse towards a Fluffy. The only wish I can muster is that I want more. The suffering is food for my soul.

Good job.


Beautiful work, reminds me a little of carnivorous duck. Also it’s “bon appetit” fyi

The mummah deserves some credit for still thinking of her foal, she deserves a semi-quick death at least.