Zhāng clocked into work. There was a buzz in the air as machines were recalibrated and supply lines were prioritized for the incumbent orders. The new contracts should be signed shortly. He saw no reason to excite himself. Bonuses would be passed around and he’d be passed over as usual. The extra foot traffic was just an annoyance. He checked his watch. There was still a few minutes until he would be missed. He stepped away for a second and lit up a cigarette. He drew on it slowly hoping noone that saw him knew where he was supposed to be.
“Uh, mistew?” a little voice called up to him and he nearly jumped out of his skin. He half expected to see Lèsè at his ankle. He calmed slightly seeing it was a different unrelated fluffy. She stared up sadly with a quivering ball of fluff on her back. “Can nice mistew pwease gib nummies? Nee’ tu make miwkies fow babbehs.” He flicked his cigarette at her, showering her in ash. She sneezed as it landed in her nostrils. The jostled foal stirred and started cheeping loudly. The mare complained as she rubbed her nose. “Mistew can jus’ say nu. Nu nee’ tu be mean.” Zhāng squat down to look her in the eyes.
“Look at me. I have nothing for you! This is steel mill. Only thing for you here is pain, death, and metal. You want food go that way. Bug market people.” The mare continued crying.
“Otay mistew. Fank yu anyway. Huuhuu.” She walked away immediately heading the wrong way to get to the market. Zhāng sighed and snuffed his cigarette. There wasn’t enough time in the day to help something too stupid to follow directions.
Most of his day went well enough. He kept out of the way of operations and made sure his subordinates were working properly. He thought he’d actually get home without any fuss until he stopped by the wire presses. He’d seen they were closing off the spool early and wanted to see why. The newer design had a section of waste steel left in the press to fuse with the next feeding ingot and remove such stoppages entirely. When he arrived Press one was cold and had a bucket brigade working on cleaning it. Coke dust and pulverized slag was getting in the moving parts and slowing production. The production line had already been diverted to press 2. He winced as he heard the groaning of the regulator flanges. This machine had to be fitted with some of the newer parts his superiors saw fit to stock him with. He wouldn’t piss in someones eye for this cheap shit, much less pay for them, and he’d be rightly kicked to the curb if he’d approved such quality for shipping. It was understandable why they had shut down when they did but he still didn’t like it.
Zhāng stood nearby observing the process for a minute. He scanned the room as he listened to the groaning of the metal. Most of the workers were where they belonged, and those that weren’t were smart enough to be where he couldn’t see them. The only thing out of place was a few bucket runners replacing water in press 1 and a bundle of fluff slowly approaching each of the workers one by one. He shook his head recognizing the colors on her. How these things managed to survive was anyones guess but this was advanced stupidity. If these creatures had any wits about them he’d be terrified at the implication of where they could get into seemingly without interference. He only looked away when he heard the rending of metal as the new part failed. The joints hung slack at full extension and the piston moved forward at full force. He knew a breakdown was imminent. The pressure would burst the drawing plate and toss malformed metal up towards his workers, and that fluffy.
Before he knew what he was doing Zhāng switched the feeding track to press 1 denying the broken machine another ingot. The machine screamed as the piston threatened to bend under its own power and wire shot out in tight curls before splitting and throwing itself high with the force. His heart sank watching it sail through the air and he only took a breath when it landed with a crash far from any living creature. The workers had all scattered out of the way and only the fluffy remained. He was infuriated to see her move closer. He ran up and delivered a kick that knocked her back a few feet just before she touched the glowing metal.
“Fuck off!” he screamed after her and she slowly limped off sobbing.
“Jus wan’ pwetty skettis. Meanie human wan’ fwuffies hab tummy huwties huuhuu.” He found he had a hard time getting his heart rate to normal. Why had he done that? Why would he care? He was jolted by the hiss of the pa system.
“Zhāng Wei report to the foremans office immediately.” He cursed under his breath as he made his way up.
The windows were dim and dusted in the central office. A filth seemed to cling to every surface from dust uncleared in years of miscare of the jealously guarded space. Still he stood staring down through the yellowed windows lording over his subjects from his station of power. Zhāng felt his hands turn cold and clammy as he stepped in. The foreman was not one to take any measure he didn’t deem personally necessary. He was usually the last coworker one would meet and only while he was actively firing you. He turned to face Zhāng with a smile and gestured to the seat opposite his desk. He stood hoping to preserve what little nerve he still had.
“Zhāng. I saw your involvement in the break down tonight.” Zhāng winced, trying to figure what would be in the tirade to follow.
“Sir, I can explain…” he began but was motioned to stop.
“Don’t worry, we’ve already handled the paperwork on the men caught in cleaning the press. No one survived their injuries so costs should be minimal.” ‘The men?’ Zhāng thought. ‘I hadn’t even considered what had happened to them.’ He snapped out of it as a hand clasped over his shoulder. “No zhāng, We saw how you kept the presses working even as the parts failed. You were given a bad situation and showed initiative in making it work. We’ll have to respool the wire but all waste slag has already been recycled and repairs will be done by tonight thanks to you.” Zhāng was as shocked as he was confused.
“Thank you, sir?” He stated not understanding the purpose of the meeting. His foreman beamed.
“As I’m sure you’re well aware our CEO is retiring into congressional work shortly.” He wasn’t but he had given in on dreams of true advancement years ago.
“Yes, of course.” he lied.
“Many in the company will be moving up in the world to follow them, myself included.” He said unconscioussly preening and fixing his posture. Zhāng offered a fake smile to stroke his ego. He continued either unaware or uncaring. “With matters of legacy one must ensure they’re leaving things in capable hands. I think you’ve proven yourself more than capable.” His eyes bored into him as he rested his focus solely on Zhāng. “How would you like to be our mills new foreman?” Zhāng was stunned though tried not to stammer.
“It would be an honor sir.” He said as level as he could.
“Good man. There will be some time before the transferral but your space is all but assured. Get some rest and think on it.” He stared before leaving. “And get a better shirt. You need to try to look presentable with a position like this you know.”
Zhāng looked himself up and down in the mirror. He sprayed the overpriced cologne on his collar careful not to stain the new shirt. He fixed the mother of pearl buttons ensuring they caught the light and gave himself a seductive look. It was perfect, HE was perfect. He called out as he stepped to the front door.
“Pink! Teal! We’re going!” He called tying up his shining shoes. He straightened the knock off watch ensuring only its gleaming metal could be seen. two sets of hoofbeats ran up behind him.
“Whewe we goin’ daddeh?” pink asked excitedly. Her mild mannered brother seemed less excited.
“That’s mister to you. I’ve been meaning to get out and celebrate. Now is as good a time as any. Can you be an obedient girl?” He asked, his tone serious.
“Yus!” she nodded. "y-yeah"her counterpart warbled.
“Then, let’s get going.” He said scooping them up and walking out
In the city nightlife
Zhāng strut down the street with a cocky stride. He needed to feel the part for this to work and damned if he didn’t. Most gave him a wide berth as he strut between the neon lights promising all kinds of entertainment.
“Just remember your roles.” he explained to them. “Teal you’re out of it so just thank mister zhāng for anything he gives you.” His fluffy companion only responded with a soft “huu”.
“Pink I think you can handle more so I want you to play a little game.” She wiggled in excitement.
“Wut kind of gamesie?” She asked.
“It’s called actor. You my enforcer. I want you to call people names. Anyone and everyone who goes slow or does anything you don’t like you berate them for wasting my time.” She looked at him confused.
“Pink nu wan’ be meanie.” She pleaded.
“It’s all a part of the game pink. They need you to yell. Like when you play tag. If the other fluffy says you didn’t get them and they’re never it, it ruins the game for everybody. Just make them sorry for what they did wrong.” She seemed conflicted but nodded along.
“Otay wiww pway meanie actow gamesie.” She confirmed putting on a stern look. The trio walked past the guard at the door trying a bar for the night.
He put out a hand to stop them saying “sir you can’t bring them…” but Zhāng had already thrown a fistful of cash to the air and walked right past. The bar was upscale yet dimly lit. It was far from the overcrowded hit clubs but still sported the thumping music to draw a young crowd. He spied a mark among the booths, a flock of flighty gals. They were dolled up with more paint than a porcelin doll but one look was enough to tell him they’d been out many previous nights and probably tomorrow night too. He took a seat a ways away but within earshot. He lit a cigar and let it burn lazily in his mouth. A smartly dressed waiter hurried over immediately.
“I’m sorry sir but I must ask…” he began, then winced as a confetti of cash flew at his face.
“Bourbon” Zhāng demanded. The waiter sighed as he left to fetch a bottle. Pink stomped over to the edge of the counter in a huff.
“Don’ yu make bad bweathies at mistew zhang! Yu du wut he say!” She demanded. She glanced back for approval and he nodded in her direction. He tapped his ash off the cigar letting the burning embers fall in teals fluff.
“EEP!” The stallion cried out as tears flowed down his face. Pink glanced over but settled back in her role. He held the burning tip to his skin a moment as he tapped his flank to get his attention. “F-Fank yu fow huwties mistew zhang!” He called out, realizing what he wanted.
Zhāng spared a glance to the women and noticed one had caught his eye. She was interested even if she wasn’t acting yet. He pet his pink enforcer who was only emboldened by the affection.
“Pwease daddeh…” teal pleaded as more ash rained on him from above.
“Shut it ashtray.” He demanded with a cruel stab of burning pain.
“Huu- F-fank yu mistew zhang. Ashtway wub nyu namsie.” He lied.
A waitress came through carrying his drink on a loaded tray. As she stepped away Zhāng stuck his leg out and watch as she crumpled to the floor with the sound of breaking porcelain. Pink squealled, incensced, demanding she “Watch whewe yu goin dummy!” He wasted no time spitting on her as she tried to stand up. The girl began to cry as she wrapped a filthy cleaning rag around her cut and bleeding hands and ran to the back. pink looked conflicted as she watched her run off sobbing.
“Da-eh mistew zhang? dat nu wook wike actow game saddies. pink fink dat am weaw saddies.” She said quietly.
“Hush.” He chided, looking back over to his mark. The look in her eyes had turned carnivorous and a she had a dangerous predatory need about her. She approached drink in hand and sat as near him as she could squeeze in. ashtray looked over to their new complany.
“Nice wad-” he began before earning a flick to the ear from Zhāng. She smiled and flicked his other ear for good measure.
“Drinking all by yourself tonight?” She asked sweetly.
“Better to drink together.” She smiled and draped herself over his arm.
“I’ve been drinking the champagne.” She lied. “You wouldn’t want me to run dry would you?” He looked over the pricing. It was a full months wages to a bottle but he’d prepared for that.
“Sure, two bottles!” He called over. “Probably won’t stick around to finish it. I got a better selection at my penthouse.” Pink looked at him but said nothing. The woman seemed more excited by the second.
“I think we could move the party on. You could show me around.” She asked coyly.
“Can’t let my wife see you.” He said flashing his plain gold band. A new deeper desire set in her expression and she grabbed his hand.
“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. screw the penthouse, I think I saw some motels nearby.” She practically dragged him out with her wine in hand. He scooped up the fluffs and carried them, struggling, under one arm as she led him astray. The journey was mercifully short and in minutes he found himself paying extortion prices on a room by the hour. She was at him like a starved tiger, claws tracing white scratches in his skin and tearing at his buttons even as he dropped them off. He threw open the “employee only” cleaning closet and threw both of them in. They wrinkled their noses at the harsh scents of bleach and ammonia but knew better than to complain.
“Stay. Don’t bother, and don’t move.” he ordered as the door slammed in their faces.
“Huuhuu. nu wike it hewe.” Ashtray complained, trying to rub his fresh burns against anything that relieve the itching pain. Pink turned to him excited.
“Den wet’s gu espwowin’!” She said brightly. Ashtray was horrified.
“Bu’ daddeh say stay hewe!” He cried. She rolled her eyes at him.
“Mummah said tu weab. Gud fwuffies fin’ gud homesie, wemembew?” Ashtray cowered into a loaf, his legs folded under him and his tail tucked.
“tuu scawy…” He whined. Pink pressed on the door and found it popped open without resistance. He called to her as she walked out to the hall. “Nu weab Ashtway awone!” She turned back and hissed.
“Come wit den! Nu am waitin fo’ yu.” and left. Ashtray paced unsure of what to do. He wanted to be a good fluffy, but daddy and mommy both wanted different things. It was scary having to choose. He just felt helpless, but moreover he felt alone. When he did wander into the hallway he found he was too late to join his sister.
“Pink?” He called hopefully. “Yu dewe?” He shivered in the hallway. A draft ran through him and he felt exposed. Like he’d been caught doing something bad. He turned back to the closet but found the draft had shut the door behind him. “Nu.” He pleaded. “Nu! pwease mistew doow wet Ashtway back in! Ashtway wan be gud fwuffy!” He pounded and scratched at the door but pushing as hard as he could he couldn’t pull it open again. Locked out and alone he tried to think on what to do. ‘Maybe daddy won’t be as mad if I find him and explain things?’ He hoped. He set out trying to see which of the identical doors he had gone through but could do little but wander in hopes of finding him, or someone to ask for help. He stopped on hearing voices carrying, loudly, through the door. Scared as he was the yelling didn’t seem to be directed at him.
“Keep it up! Faster! Harder! Come on keep going! You’re losing it just focus! Think of Lulu Chu. Think of astolfo. Think of Eri Yoshida? Damnit, CUT! Fluffer? Where the hell is our fluffer?” The door burst open as the aging man inside looked around for someone at eyelevel.
“Hewwo. Mistew nee’ a fwuffy?” Ashtray asked innocently. The man blinked at him and said,
“Fuck it, sure. You’ll get can of skettis if you cooperate.” Scooping him up. “New plan!” he called out as he tossed teal to the cheap mattress. “Rodney, you’re out. We move forward with the fluffy until we can bring you back in for later scenes.” At this one of the women baulked.
“Was!? Ich nicht…” She was cut off with a wave of the directors hand.
“Please dear, if you can’t speak mandarin at least speak english. It is the lingua franca of the industry for a reason.” She looked frustrated but continued.
“I never agree to do scene like this with this… this… schweinhund.” She looked at Ashtray with disgust as though ready to vomit. The director was unsympathetic.
“Helga, I know this is a change but such changes happen in the industry. Just think of how the others had to adjust to fit you into this film last minute.” She looked at him coldly.
“I never agree to scene like this at all…” she said darkly. He sighed frustrated.
“I’m sorry the musical you were slated to lead was cancelled.” he began with measured precision of rote repetition. “I hated to leave you stranded with no work especially after those theives made off with your passport. If you’d rather not take the role just repay the advance to the company and we’ll call you as soon as we have other work.” A look of panic shot across her face.
“Nein! no, I’ll… oh scheiße I’ll do the scene.” She said reluctantly.
“Good to hear it.” The director intoned, almost bored. “Do well and we can put you first on the billing. Make sure credit is given where it’s due.” She glared at him.
“That’s starting to sound more like a punishment than a reward.” The director shrugged.
“See it how you like. Just do better so you can choose the order you want. And, ACTION!”
back home
Putple turned the page of her book carefully. She usually loved this story but today her heart just wasn’t in it. She looked over to tangerine still lying on the bed. He hadn’t moved since they got back. He made an effort to eat and drink when they brought something over to him, but he was still losing weight and his joy was gone. Something at the back of her mind told her something was very wrong. She closed the book and nudged the ball over to him.
“Tangewine wan’ pway baww?” She asked with a sympathetic smile.
“Nu, Dat’s otay puwpwe. Tangewine nu wan pway baww.” He smiled at her reassuringly. The smile didn’t reach his tired baggy eyes.
“Yu otay?” She asked nudging him. His smile drooped.
“Tangewine miss bwue.” He looked away. She nuzzled him as she spoke.
“Puwpwe miss bwue tuu.” He lay back down unable to explain.
“Otay tangewine…” she said unconvinced. She made a few laps around the room making sure he could see her chasing it, but he didn’t lift his head. She abandoned the ball not having fun with it. She was still worried for him, but she was unsure what else she could do.
Tangerine sniffed at the orange collar lying by his head. It still faintly smelled of her. There was so little of her left. It was just this and their bed where he’d… He was crying again. It seemed like the only measure of time worth noting anymore. Crying then not, crying then not, light and dark skipping from one to the other without reason. He closed his eyes and let the tears carry him off to sleep.
“Tangewine?” A soft voice asked. He stirred uncomfortable. “Tangewine?” She asked again.
“Pwease Puwpwe. Nu now.” He said trying to shut her out. She giggled.
“Nu am Puwpwe siwwy.” He looked up and saw blue standing over the lip of the balcony. She stood radiant and beautiful, wreathed in a golden light. ‘has she always had wings?’ He couldn’t help but think.
“Bwue?” he asked unbelieving.
“Ob couwse. who ewse?” She laughe jumping to a lower cloud.
“Why am yu hewe?” He asked. She looked at him with a sad sympathetic look.
“Wan be wif yu Tangewine. We aww du.” She said as a collection of multicolored balls of fluff flit about from under her wings.
“Babbehs?” He asked watching them swirl around.
“Ouw babbehs.” She confirmed. There were so many of them, and they were all so beautiful. His babies. He finally got to meet them.
“How can tangewine be wif yu Bwue?” He asked tears of joy and sorrow mixing in his eyes.
“Jus’ fowwow.” She said prancing off up a staircase of clouds. He jumped up, a new energy in his limbs, purpose in his heart. The clouds were so soft and warm. They felt like comfort. They smelled like home. On he jumped higher and higher as the stairways curved this way and that. Each step lifted a weight from him. Each jump filled him with joy.
“You’we doin’ su gud Tangewine!” Blue cheered as he caught up with her. Everything was right again! Everything was good! He went faster and faster spotting the way up. Eager to join in whatever lay ahead.
“Tangewine pwease. Hewp bwue uppies.” She called to him but she was flying? She was soaring ahead she’d catch up soon.
“Whewe Tangewine goin’? Cum back!” She screamed and he looked back to see where she was. Too late he felt his hind legs fall from under him, his forelegs scrambling for purchase. She stopped in front of him. Tears were in her eyes as she reached for him. He stretched out a blood soaked hoof to meet her but try as he might it slipped right off. He was growing heavier and heavier. She looked tired and weak. The cloud sagged under his weight. He tore through and she screamed as he did.
“NUUU! Cum back!” She cried as the wind rushed through his ears and he fell. The words echoed all around him. Haunting him. “Cum back!” She screamed flying towards him. He knew she was, she had to be! “Cum back!” So why did she sound so far away? “Cum back!” How he wished he could. What he would give to be with her again! “Cum back!” but there was nothing he could do. there were no clouds to jump on, nothing to break his fall, just the ground rising rapidly to meet him.
Tangerine woke with a start. Hours had passed. He was back in his bed, safe in his house. He wasn’t crying. His sister purple had cuddled up to him in a fluff pile of two. He wrapped his legs around her hugging her close. “Nu faiw.” He whined muffled into her. “Why tangewine have tu wake up. Tangewine jus’ wan stay wif Bwue.” He was crying again. He let them soak into his sisters fluff. “Tangewine jus’ want sweep foweba.”
Zhāng snuck out the door with his shirt in hand. Good as the night was it would be better preserved if he could leave before he wound up a pauper choosing between ramen and rent. He dressed himself on the way down the hall and groaned as he found the broom closet empty. He heard the whimpering of fluffies nearby and followed it around the corner.
“D-Daddeh!” Ashtray sobbed.
“What are you doing here?” Zhāng asked.
“N-nice mistew am su mean! Huu huu. He nu wisten when ask tu stop. He jus’ yeww an’ yeww. Ashtway nu wan be wittapaw! Mistew said dewe be skettis, but dewe nu skettis! dewe nu sketties a’ aww! Owwies!” Zhāng flicked him on the nose and grabbed him by the scruff.
“You don’t complain when someone doesn’t give you what you want, even if they say they will.” He chided. Ashtray looked away crying.
“Otay daddeh.” He sobbed.
“Where is pink sister?” He asked patting his head.
“Ashtway nu kno’.” Zhāng sighed scooping him up and walking off.
“Come on. We’re going home.”
Pink wandered the street trying to calm her beating heart as the night wore on.
“Hewwo?” She called to the empty concrete roads. Where had everyone gone? There had been humans around when she left but she hadn’t seen any in minutes! The cold roads were harsh on her hooves and she felt an odd rumbling in her belly. As famished as she was noone was around to offer any food.
“Hewwwo-o? any nice mummahs ow daddehs wanna adopt a fwuffy?” She called but there was nothing. No plants, no birds, no people, not even the distant sounds of traffic factories or buzzing electrics. “Su hungwy.” She sniffled.
The streets smelled bad, vauely like garbage but she couldn’t make any sense of it. Even if there had been people around it was like they were hiding things from her. It might smell like corn but she couldn’t see any. There may be a hint of coffee grounds but she couldn’t taste it. She might pass a whiff of sketti but she… ‘Sketti.’ Her mind took over. Fresh pangs of hunger wracked through her as she followed her nose.
Pink turned into the building with the scent and saw only ramps leading up in crossed lanes. She searched high and low, far and wide but try as she might the sketti remained elusive. “Pink know it’s hewe!” she said stamping her hoof. Still it remained a mystery. Even the point where it was strongest was empty and barren. A horrible thought crossed her mind as she sat hungry and alone. ‘This isn’t punishment for something is it? To be denied sketti when it smells so close? Was I a… Bad fluffy for playing the actor game?’ Tired and denied she saw no answers coming and curled up falling to a restless sleep.