A Smarty's Horn (Part 2) (Beetle)

I haven’t thought of names foe Phoebe’s parents yet :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: feel free to leave suggestions!

Fun fact: I actually had finished the script before I even posted the first part of this comic here. I tried to think of what people would theoretically say online :thinking: a lot of you had so much to say that lined up with what I thought! A few of you even guessed what would happen :open_mouth: Wow!

I’ve had an experience like this before. When you go to look for information, a species that is considered a pest, like insects or rodents, the first results that pop up are like: “HOW TO ERADICATE!!!” “HOW TO KILL AND GET RID OF THESE BITCHES!!”
It always surprises me a little :sweat_smile:


This give new meaning to huggies and Love.


Oh I can tell this is going to be so hilarious. I am rooting for the smarty here regardless as anything can happen with fluffies, to see if he can push Phoebe into snapping.


The guy strikes me as a “Donovan” for some reason


Very nice name! I like it! Thanks dude :smiley:


Interesting rooting for the smarty! Personally I can’t take them too seriously xD They think they’re soooo scary


Watch he’ll either somehow breaks his horn off or get his horn forced deeper into his skull that stunt.

Also I want to say Madeline for Phoebe’s mom, but Donovan is a perfect name for the father.


Zoey and Bryce


They aren’t scary at all, heck, I’m sure if he keeps going with bumping into things with a ball or something on their horn, he’ll end up slipping and snapping it’s own neck.

But taking besides their “totally scary puffy face” if they are smart enough to give bad poopies to something valuable, they are indeed in the path to make any hugboxer snap.


Wait until something starts eating valuables. Such as, say, ones library. Or baby, I suppose :smiling_imp:

That aside, that is an interesting insight as to how people in-world might view fluffies - pests, like rats, that have happened to become incredibly fashionable to keep as pets, as well.
There is only an s of difference, after all.


Let the smarty keep trying to get the ball off its horn. It’ll probably break it on its own anyway.


I actually like Smarties. The Sass and Attitude are something I’d enjoy more over usual the usual fluffy attitude. If I was to choose a fluffy …

Would I want one that is a complete idiot and being clingy, affectionate that I would need to baby a lot? One that may want babies all the time?

Or would I want one that is a complete idiot but has spunk and some attitude (in a good way) where I would get to watch and have more laughs (At its expense or otherwise)? Plus … Guard Smarty.

“Dummeh Fwuffy, dis am Smarty wand!”

I also don’t actually buy into the whole ‘Smarties are Hellgremlins’ headcanon like most people. If they were, I’d have a Smarty that would bully/torture/kill/etc other Fluffies and make me want one even more! I could keep going on a Smarties appeal but I think this at least covers the basic.


Smarties, like bitch mares, can be amusingly impertinent.


The good thing about the tennis ball is that it acts as a dunce cap for other fluffies.
And he won’t derp himself if he rams a wall.


Apart from wanting babies, this sounds kinda like my cat. Then, she has tortitude, too. And is probably smarter than a fluffy.


why should anyone be concerned with humane methods regarding horse chimera?


Yeah, but cats always have a free pass! You can fuse 1000 fluffy brains and majestic abilities and still not come close to the magnificence of a kitty. Plus the cat will be more entertaining then some creature that may die because it seen the contents of a water bottle, and will not shit everywhere because you cursed after stubbing your toe.

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Some cats are scaredy cats, poor things


Mhm, but they do not spray shit because they heard a loud sound like fluffies XD


Cats can be very individual, though they admittedly lack the sheer intestinal processing power of an equinoid being.
Actually, come to think of it, fluffies could potentially learn most of the less civil traits of felines - sharpening horns on furniture, marking territory, torturing creatures & leaving them for their obviously incompetent human clowdermates, etc ( though in the latter case victims would be rather smaller creatures, or other fluffs )

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