A Star is Born Comic 5/16 (Fluffus)


Grab the shoty for the bird and tell the fluffys if they hear a loud bang it means time to party

Is Star’s white brother leucistic?

I never considered it, but he might be. He is a pure white unicorn with sky blue eyes, and not an albino like Star. But he definitely could be leucistic.


“Ayo that shit kinda close ain’t it?” Said the fluffy. “Lol” said the bird “lmao”

That’s a shame. Your art style is fantastic.

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the little fluffs hugging is such an adorable touch at the end there!

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Your art style is so damn cute, Fluffus!! I love every panel I come across! <3

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As soon as I say something about the eyes,here comes a fluffy with yellow eyes to make me look silly,haha.

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