A Study in Stages 7: Senior Fluffy by Disastrous Apricot

Over time, fluffies will enter their twilight years. Activity starts to slow down but they may continue to play as adults would.

The senior fluff may tend to sleep more. Their diet may consist of veggie mush or blended ‘Sketti.

Senior fluffs tend to be more alert and active in the presence of foals and their own children.

Giving senior fluffs a bit of an upgraded safety room and the occasional walk, along with a balanced diet, will keep them going for a long while until the journey to Skettiland inevitably begins.

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Yes! The hair texture swirls are very cute. :star_struck:

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ahh, the ever loving Grey-Fluffy, love old fluffies

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So that’s what an old Fluffy looks like.

I didn’t think they ever made it to that age


The tai1 wi11 grow out of the body 1ike a bush/tombstone after death if not proper1y burnt/contained.

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The tail appears to still be growing poofier, compared to the last time it was visible.