A Tale Of Two Nutsacks [By BFM101]

In a random pet-store in a random city as yet unnamed by its creator, two Fluffy brothers were born.

Peter, a brown Alicorn with a multicoloured mane, and Paul, a white unicorn with a dark green mane.

The two brothers were courteous with each other, although Paul could tell his mother treated Peter poorly, calling him a worthless poopie babbeh. Paul wasn’t overly fond of bullying his brother but he still silent to allow the kind word of his mother to wash over him, how clever he was, how pretty his white Fluff was, how he would have the prettiest babbehs one day.

Then the day came, a man bought Paul as a present for his own human babbeh, Paul was so excitedly to finally have a forever home, to finally play and run and laugh with a human of his own, to taste sketti for the first time, to grow up with his owner and have a family of his own with a special-friend who loved him so much…

Then his new daddy took away his special-lumps.

With no warning and no attempt at distraction, new daddy sliced off Paul’s testicles with a switchblade and slapped a dollop of cold healing gel onto his dismembered crotch. Paul howled at the loss, all his dreams of pretty babbehs, of sharing his love with a beautiful mare and watching his family grow were thrown out of the window. It didn’t matter how much new daddy told him about ’the rules’ or how there were ‘too many Fluffies already’, Paul’s whole future had been excised from his heart and he never even got the chance to say goodbye.

He never got to play or run or laugh with his new owner, so annoyed by Paul’s constant sobbing were they that Paul was pushed to the sidelines and ignored in favour of non-depressed toys. He never tasted sketti, new daddy tossed dry old kibble into a bowl in order to have as little to do with Paul as possible. No-one in his new family wanted anything to do with the stallion who wouldn’t stop crying, so Paul was left to wallow in his misery, the only question on his mind about when his lumps would be returned to him

A question he’d stopped asking after the last backhand broke his nose, reminding him that he was no longer loved in this family, if he ever was to begin with.

For Peter though, he never dreamt of having a family, so maligned and ignored by his mother and siblings that the idea of any Fluffy loving a poopie monster like him never felt like it was possible. Until his own daddy found him and took him away, so impressed by his rainbow coloured mane, as well as his combination of wings AND a horn, the very things his mother had hated him for had given Peter a new home.

Peter was barely in the door when new daddy introduced him to Lyla, a gorgeous pink mare, prettier than any mare Peter had ever seen, and she was his new special-friend. Peter was overjoyed at the idea of having a family of his own, once a dream so unrealistic he hadn’t dared to think of it, now becoming a reality right in front of him. Peter loved Lyla and promised to always be there for her and their babies.

When the day finally came for Peter to meet his children, he had never felt happier. They were GORGEOUS, every shade of the rainbow, some of them sparkled, some of them shone, and almost every one of them was an Alicorn like him. New daddy was so happy that he accidentally took Peter away to celebrate, but before peter could ask to be brought back to his newbown foals, new daddy placed him in a pen with a very pretty mare called Ebony and told to enf her as well.

When Peter said no since Lyla was his special-friend and he loved her, new daddy smacked Peter in the face so hard he lost two teeth. Then when new daddy threatened to hurt Peter’s foals if he didn’t do as he was told, Peter reluctantly did his job and gave enfies to Ebony.

From there on out, new daddy forced new mares onto Peter on a daily basis, often multiple times a day, mares of every size and shape and colour, mares even prettier than Lyla was, mares that weren’t as pretty but had interesting colours or patterns on their Fluff that new daddy liked. Every day Peter would ask to see Lyla and his foals, the ones he had with his true special-friend, the ones he loved more than anything.

Everyday new daddy would refuse.

Until eventually Peter snapped, he refused to give any enfies to anymore mares until daddy let him see his family. By the end of that day, Peter would lose all of his legs, most of his teeth, all of his tongue, one of his eyes and have a painful suction cup jammed on his no-no stick where it would cruelly and coldly take his no-no juice all day, every day.

And as a final insult, daddy told Peter that all of his first litter had been sold weeks ago, and that Lyla had been mutilated and sold as a stress-toy for horny Smarties.

And so, in two random placed in a random unnamed city, two Fluffy brother suffered, one who had dreamt of love and family but could no longer have either, and one who never dreamt of being a father, now fathering a 1000 foals that he would never get to see. Both of them would die within the year, both of them would welcome it with open arms.

Because whether they knew it or not, life hate Fluffies, and people don’t give a fuck about their dreams.

I may expand this story someday, but I thought for now it would be a tragic little look into both sides of the Fluffy humping problem, one with no humping and one with too much.


Fluffy Saint Peter: “Yu am both sinnews! Yu both gu tu Sowwywand!”

Josef: “Why?!”

Fluffy Saint Peter: “Petew nu was dewe fow speciaw-fwiend and babbehs and Pauw nu gibe heawt-happies tu hoomin-daddeh. Does am mowtaw sins dey nu wepent fow!”

Josef: “Neither of those were within their control!”

Fluffy Saint Peter: “Fwuffy Saint Petew nu make da wuwes fow Fwuffy Cafowicism!”


You had me at the title

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Sad both ended in tragic :frowning: welp, moving on… :sweat_smile:

Added Peter ended up unknowllingly in a mill so guess thats the worst one ended bad.


Damn fluffy, it’s just your balls, get over it, it was just a bit of tomfoolery. Anyways, should’ve gone with the silent depressed strat, maybe you would’ve gotten spaghetti at least.


An excellent short with little fucking around.

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“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” indeed. RIP wumps.