A Very Tiny Story
of a Very Tiny fluffy
This is the story of a fluffy that was very, very small. Yes, smaller than any you’ve ever seen - you’d need a big old magnifying glass to see him at all, much like this story!
Now, the fluffy didn’t know just how small he was. He just thought everything else was very, very big! A drop of water to us was the size of a lake to this little fluffy, and a strand of grass looked like a gigantic beanstalk reaching into the heavens. Even ants, as tiny as they are to us, were scary beasts standing a little taller than him!
As you can imagine, life was tough for such a very, very tiny fluffy. Just imagine having to run from big ants, or take hours to cross a patch of grass!
But still, the very tiny fluffy was doing his best. He didn’t know just how hard things were, after all - he had been very tiny all his life, and so thought this was just how all fluffies lived. And if this was how all fluffies lived, who was he to complain?
Besides, when you’re a very tiny fluffy, you don’t need much. A drop of water provided all the water he could ever need, and he could sleep inside a berry to have food at hand anytime he liked.
But one day, all of a sudden, this tiny fluffy woke up to find another fluffy just outside his berry. The other fluffy was a baby, even tinier than the tiny fluffy! Just by a little bit, but this was the first and only time the tiny fluffy had seen something that wasn’t bigger than him.
“Hewwo,” said the extra tiny baby. “Can babbeh have nummies?”
And so the very small fluffy let the very smaller baby into his berry nest. But as the little baby was eating, the berry began to shake! The very tiny fluffy looked out to see that it was starting to rain - and so he grabbed onto the tiny tiny baby and held on tight, as every lake-sized drop shook their home and formed a giant ocean below them.
“Oh, nuuu!” cried the tiny tiny baby. “What wiww fwuffies do now? Why is thewe so much wawa?”
“Fwuffies just wait,” assured the very tiny fluffy. “Wawa wiww go away soon. Jus’ haf to howd on.”
But while the fluffies could hold on, the berry couldn’t. Suddenly it broke free from its stem and fell into the water, turning from a berry house to a giant boat! The two tiny fluffies gasped and looked around as they were pulled with the rain water, house and all, going faster than they had ever gone before! It was a quite terrifying ordeal to them, but at the same time it felt exhilarating, like a big rollercoaster ride the likes of which they’d never seen.
The two tiny fluffies were laughing in their fear as faster and faster the berry went, and for hours they were stuck in their new boat as the rain wouldn’t ease. When it finally stopped and all the rain water drained away, the two found themselves so far from home they had no idea how to get back!
But that was okay with the tiny fluffies. After all, they were very small, and there was a very big world out there. A world so much bigger than the very tiny fluffies had ever seen! Finally they were outside the big jungle of grass, and they had never seen anything like it.
So, rolling and pushing along their big berry home, the two tiny fluffies began to explore the world… Though, of course, being as tiny as they were…
This entire story, ending and all, might just have played out in your backyard. And how would you know?
After all, when a fluffy is smaller than an ant with an even smaller baby to care for, it’s a little bit hard to see - just like this story.