A walk in the park (carniviousduck)


I hurt just looking at this. Excellent work.


Cmon lard-butt, ya need the exerci-MARY MOTHER OF GOD!


. . .I hate myse1f for picturing f1uffy hoof crocs for support on pavement. xD

Or maybe whatever footwear used having an insta-hea1 ge1 insert to fix their feet as they injure it.

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Que marshme11ow hoove b1isters forming over the next day or so.

I’m so glad you are a frequent poster Duck


Looks like it needs some shoes for the hot pavement. I’m thinking Crocs.

Hot pavement is no joke for pets. That’s why sky daddeh invented horse boots and dog sneakers.

Don’t buy dog sneakers unless you want their dewclaws to make mincemeat of their legs. Looking at you, Ruffwear. No, I won’t buy your bullshit dog socks to go with them. All you had to do was cut a frigging dewclaw hole. Capitalist pigs.

Wait. What was I talking about? Right! Hoof booties. Fuffy hoof booties need to be an accessory if they aren’t already. Pretty sure they are.


Like these??

Also can I ask why you use ones in place of 'L’s? I don’t mean any hate, just curious


The L key on his laptop is busted.
So it’s back to ye olde typewriter ways.

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Copy an L from somewhere on the page & just Ctrl+V it in?
Lol I’ve been wondering for a while but wanted to try figuring it out on my own.
I thought he was playing some sort of character & I just missed the joke.

I suggest to use an capital i instead because it looks like a lowercase L.
Lothmar says he is used to this way now and likes it.

He can just break down and use the W. We ALL understand it.

Walk you miserable sack of fluffy shit or I’ll l drag you !
And that wil hurt even more.

Yes but more just hoof s1ippers instead of the point1ess toes. So 1ike those things you put on furniture feat to keep them from scurring f1oors.

As for the 1 in p1ace of l its because my I key is broken on my home Iaptop and I often forget to just use capitaI I and instead use 1.

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That’s an old typewriter trick.
Old typewriters often did not ship with a 1 key installed, instead they substituted an L\l for one.

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You know why, don’t you?

Keep walking, you piece of shit. We are almost home.

Ah alright! Broken keyboards suck, hope you get it fixed soon :frowning:

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