A Wild FLUFFY Appears! (clouttoken)

A request made by @iFluffybooru
Everyone DM them demanding they pay the ransom of 10 dollars to get their firstborn back


I would catch it, just to use it as an HM slave cause of course they can learn strength and rock smash as Earthies. the pegasus can learn Fly HM as well, unicorns can learn cut HM, and alicorns can learn both fly and cut HMs, making them better but a bit rarer to catch. and to top it all off, each time they use those moves outside of battle, (other than cut on grass and fly) they cry out and take some health points


Strength / rock smash: they break their legs trying

Fly: they jump off a cliff and flap their wings as they fall to their death

Cut: they break their horn or push it into their skull trying to ram a tree with it


Dipshit used piss: it was not effective

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