Abandoned, adopted. (By VehicleMotorMan)

(Short disclaimer, hello I am VehicleMotorMan new member of fluffy community! I am trying my best!). This was a morning, pregnant mare (light green, mare) feel bad, she understanding, Biggest poopies coming right now. On all the alleway she screamed : {«BIGGEST POOPIES!»} The mare was very happy, she wanted to see her foals, but saw a bad color fluffy (Dark brown, male) And after that she said : {«Urgh! Ugwy dummeh pooped babbeh! Only for num poppies and wicky-cweanies tummeh!»} The mare was mad by her foal, then she saw a Pegasus. (Light red, Male ) and her [Wingie] Babbeh (neon white, female ) she said : {«Red am bestes babbeh evah!! And pretty wingie babbeh! Mummah Soo happy!»} John, was a 23 years old guy, he was bored and saw that a mare, clean only two of her [babbehs] other one, was in poop and blood. He goes toward the alleway, [mummah] said : {«Hewwo? New daddy? Give mummah and pretty babbehs bestest sketties and toysies and bestest bed?»} John have said : "«I could take to in, but what about this shirt?» " Mummah instantly said : {«Urghh! Dummeh babbeh regwet only fowever sweepies! Take only pretty babbehs and bestest mummah!»} John kicked the mare. «SCREEEEE!!!- MY HUWT MUMMAH AND BABBEHS!!» John, have stepped on her [Wingie babbeh] «NUUUUUUU!- WINGIE BABBEH!!! WHY JUST MUMMAH AND BABBEHS?! AM GUD FWUFFY PWOMISE!!» John picked up the red pegasus. John without wasting any time rip-off his [weggies] «Chirp! Chirp! Chirp Chirp! SCREEEEEE!! “Hu-hu” My huwt “Sob” My huwt bestest babbeh!! " John throwed the foal with broken [weggies] into [mummah] “Owieee!!” Mare watched at the foal after that was loud scream : “NUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!- SCREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!- BESTEST BABBEH NU GO FOWEWER SWEEPIES!!! NUUUUU!!! (Hu-hu) (sob)” John picked the [mummah] And started throwing into wall, until she died… after that John takes the little shit-rat who was crying and cheerping. 3 days later his eyes have opened (p.s - Foals eyes!!!) And first thing he said was : [«Da-Daddeh?»] John were kinda surprised by that. But he still trying to be non-abuser and try to became hugboxer. (Lesson : Never think about the colour or karma won’t wait long. VehicleMotorMan (2024-2024)


Well I tried my best to do this! :cowboy_hat_face:

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Thank you man!)

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