Abduction by Fluff Yu

Guess the Grays can be taken off the suspect list for “Hasbio’s mystery benefactors” because they’re just as baffled as anyone else.


Hell, fluffies don’t need to get abducted by aliens to enjoy a little anal probing, more than enough hunans on earth would be happy to fulfill the request.

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Ayy lmao


it reminds me of one of those rage comcis from about 10 years ago
I was browsing the internet with my cousin, and there was a man happy to see aliens like these, until they said “anal prob now”
laughed my freaking ass off
thanks for unlocking that memory xD

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There is a link between increased public acceptance of butt stuff and Alien Abduction no longer being taken seriously!

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Flying saucer lands, alien steps out and stares awkwardly at a human who just takes a long drag on his cigarette
“Um… are you not shocked?”
“Man, I got a lot going on. Are you going to probe my ass?”
“Probe your-? No, no!”
“Cool. If you’re here to see our leader, you need to go about 1,200 miles thataway. If you’re here to mutilate cows or some shit, there’s some fields over there. If you’re here for my weird neighbor Rick, he should be home in about an hour, he’ll probably be ecstatic to meet you. I gotta go do a thing. Peace out.”
Tosses cigarette butt in the general direction of the flying saucer and walks away casually
“… The fuck is with humans, lately?”

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