About the Collaborations and Tributes category

This category is for all new Collaboration or Tributes
If you had significant help from someone else to create your art or story, it likely belongs here.
If your story or art heavily references another creator’s work, it may also belong here.

Commissioned work does not need to be in this category.

Old collaborations or tribute works that were present on Fluffybooru, or elsewhere are not to be included in this category.


What about those made to hate on the artist rather than the box?


That’s just a moral evil if you ask me.


I don’t think that sort of activity would be well-accepted, here.


Edits to shit on each other is kinda a time honoured tradition. As long as it dosnt get obsessive it should be permitted. This entire fandom was built on shitting on MLP and it’s fan less we forget our roots. This has never been a PC fandom or a safe space thin skins need to be checked at the door.


This rule exists because some reditors are remaking hugbox into hardcore abuse. There is even one specimen who shit edits carpdimes work to degrade his artstyle


Again Only seems like a problem if it becomes obsessive. Seems like a thin skin problem.

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I’m going to dispute this idea the entire fandom was built on shitting on MLP and its fans, precisely because the people who first started doing fluffy art and fiction were MLP fans themselves. Even on 4chan

I take that allegation seriously and vehemently object to it, because there was and still are MLP fans within fluffies who enjoy MLP through fluffies, or minorly rib it. I detest this idea that fluffies exist “to shit on MLP”, because some MLP fans enjoy MLP through fluffies. This applied to Waggytail, Marcusmaximus, LordAnubis, Coalheart, Foxhoarder, Fluffsplosion and yes, even myself.


I get that we are not a PC fandom. I get that we don’t really cater to this idea of a safe space. But this idea of shitting on other people, shitting one each other, and doing hate art of other peoples characters, especially without permission, is precisely the reason why the booru was in decline.

The signs were there. Mods were leaving or became less involved until it boiled down to one person. Creatives in both art and fiction became less involved, and many regulars so less incentive to stay. After all, what incentive is there to stay in a fandom if the only thing that people want from your fluffy OC is to see it killed?

I feel that more needs to be done to have an incentive for people to stay in this fandom. I emphasize hugbox, because I believe that being nicer to other people, and not just fluffies, is an act of hugbox. And we need that, because from what I’ve seen and researched this fandom did little to try to keep people within it. Its why I focus my attention to tributes, as well as archiving and presenting non-abuse content, which tends to be neglected.

I heard that rhetoric of not being a safe-space. Its the same rhetoric the 4chan MLP community used back in 2011, and before it became mainstream. They balked at the idea of MLP becoming more mainstream. But, and as cringe as bronies and MLP fans may be, derpibooru is still going strong, and people are proud to state that they are an MLP fan. And MLP fandom has produced notable alumni. I have not seen the same for fluffies.

I’m not saying that fluffies should go back to MLP. Far from that - part of the allure of fluffies is its independent identity. What I do think though, is that the fluffy fandom should learn from the MLP fandom, and see where the MLP fandom succeeded. And they have succeeded in making games, including spinoff games, as well as collaborations and many other projects. Hell, I’d point out that two of the fluffy games produced in the past year were both by @Foxhoarder, and she’s very much an MLP fan.

My point is, if this fandom is going to develop, it needs to put aside its history of shit-edits, schadenfreude and vitriol. Otherwise, it will only prove what LordAnubis said here:

I’ve had enough dealings with edgy teens and emotionally unbalanced manchildren to see that fluffy pony will likely never be able to properly balance its content to a net positive.

I believe this statement can be proven wrong. But its not going to be easy.


@Oculusfluffy I was being hyperbolic I’m sorry if you were unable to discern that. Yes their are many MLP fans who were involved in the founding and early content no one is denying that. My point is still their I’m not going to curtail my expression to preserve your feelings. I don’t advocate for it but I also will not be party to suppression of art or satire in the hopes of preserving another’s feelings. People are welcome to view the content they like and to not view the content they don’t like it’s not my responsibility to regulate someone’s viewing habits, or curtail their creative ventures based on my sensibilities so long as their is no physical harm or crimes committed. Art has long been a forum for people to take the piss out of others. Examples include political cartoons printed in nearly every news paper, journal and magazine. Or Piss Christ an art exhibit created with the pure intent to upset christians and act as a form of protest. If a person is unable to handle a situation their is nobody forcing them to engage with it other then themselves.

I initially was going to respond more negatively but, I see your point. Its also part of the reason why I try to ignore abuse or let the abusers have their own space. I do agree that a lot about this genre is its willingness to explore ideas and concepts other than fandoms won’t. It is what seperates us from our MLP forebears.

What I do think though, is that there has to be limits. Just a few days ago, a guy uploaded a toddlercon anthro picture that was clearly traced, and we had to take it down. I know people will say “freedom of expression” and “its not real”, but I’ve seen this argument even from the shotacon/lolicon crowd. The reality is, we can’t accept that kind of content, and I believe the same should apply to hate-art and shit-edits. Significantly the former, because that practice was what helped chase people out of the booru. While drama is unavoidable, I think it needs to be lessened one way or the other, and if hate-art is going to discourage people from contributing, then I think it shouldn’t be allowed.

I will also state though that, while I am giving an opinion here, it is not the only defining one. Part of the reason why we have a team managing this site is to make sure that we have a discussion an agreement before any changes are made. I am sure Virgil sees things different from myself, as does Mister. One of the other flaws of the booru towards its final days was the lack of a team, which we have now.


@Oculusfluffy I agree their should be limits, which is why I mentioned Criminal or physical harm. I’m fairly certain toddler con is illegal atleast it is in some jurisdictions that this site can be accessed from, so it should be taken down. However I do not believe hate edits or the like should be automatically removed. Instead I would push for a less draconian approch. I would say my limit would be the word Occasionally. If someone uploads a hate edit then so what people take themselves to seriously and if they are offended to leave by a single instance then honestly fuck em. However dog pileing or obsessive hate edits should be taken down. That kind of behavior is toxic and will lead to issues, but I can’t get in line with purist safe space. Like all things in life left or right is usually not the answer. Usually the middle road is best.


Well here’s what I think. I know Jein was obsessively angry with Avocado, so I would consider that abhorrent. I know GWN “killed” Marble without RQ’s permission, and mostly to appease the abuse crowd, who thus took it as canon - which only and greatly developed RQ’s own feelings of schadenfreude. I’m against that as well.

The problem with hate art is that its a slippery slope. I get where you’re coming from, believe me, but given the nature of this fandom and its history, it seems very easy for certain people to “not” leave some other people alone. Its why I say, if someone wants to do a hate art of a character get the permission first. Its not the same as tribute art because this is targeted abuse. And while some people are able to just laugh it off, it doesn’t seem to be the way for a lot of them, especially within this fandom.

I do hope that we can reach that middle ground and we do try to get people to realize that this community isn’t exactly a safe space. But we are also trying to make sure that toxic behaviour isn’t fostered, as it was on the booru.


@Oculusfluffy the slippery slope is a logical fallacy. But I do hope we find that middle ground however that will require a willingness to confront uncomfortable situations. This fandom, one built on no cannon material is a beacon and example of group think, and the ability for many disparit parts to work in concert. It was able to build up such a rich lore because people were willing and are willing to push boundaries. This will never be a clean nor casualty free process. While that is true we must also endeavor to do what we can to ensure the environment remains hospitable to creativity. By allowing hate edits and the like, but regulating their frequency we can help ensure that.

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This category is under renovation.
The description is not yet finalized, but I wanted to make a couple of changes now because the idea of “Derivative works” was a bit confusing.
The category is now closer to it’s final form, and should be more clear than it was, but further description is likely to be added.