This is the section of FluffyCommunity where you can post your own images, or your own colorations of lineart (with proper attribution).
Please remember to add your name to the title line,
and if your image features
You know @Virgil, maybe it would be cool if there was an option to jump to the bottom of a given category.
Like we see most recently posted/commented on topics, but how about the least?
Not a big deal but it would be neat, just throwing that out there.
If Discourse ever adds that option to their framework I’ll gladly enable it.
But I am not a coder, and I’m not going to pay a coder to create that.
Not when we have so many other, more important items on our wishlist.
There’s almost certainly a lot of outdated information. For a long while we were like a house on fire.
Changes and compromises would be made on a weekly basis, and none of us had the time to go back and amend the rules and FAQ pages because either the server would die, or some new kerfuffle would erupt in the community.