Above the poop hole (carniviousduck)


Clean the exterior of the hole and you can stay out, ~cough~ till it’s clean ~cough~.

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OMG I just thought of something hilarious. Curling with pillow fluffs and the target is the poop hole. How close can you get to the hole?


Damn someone needs a colon screening that is blood


Practical breeders in houses up on sticks would love this.

Yes! I love that idea.

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Nu am poopies…

quick look up and down
Nope, incorrect i would recommend doing a cannonball so you hit the poopies butt first, woudnt want to lose your eyesight straight away now would ya, see. see how nice to you i am?.

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Are you brown, fluffy? Well what else is brown? So into the poopies hole you go. Logically, it’s sound. To reject logic and reason makes you no more than a piece of poopies!

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Well If it didn’t wanna go in by itself, is will force it.