Abuser Apprentice Part 10 by Karn

There was a tangible silence as Seth entered the saferoom. It was quiet, and quiet fluffies were never a good sign. Walking to the fluff-proofed fence, he scowled as he saw Candyfloss, huddled against Raptor’s chest, trembling and weeping. While her wounds seemed mostly superficial, she was barely responsive, with her fragile nature being unable to manage whatever had befell her. The rest of the foals were with Cyclops on their bed, save for Dud who was facing the corner on the other side of the room. While angry that his favorite foal was injured, Seth smirked slightly at the opportunity to really punish the little unicorn this time, but wanted to keep up appearances, lest his smarter fluffies catch on. “Who is responsible for this?!” His voice carried loudly through the saferoom, startling the fluffies and causing Raptor to void his bladder as he stared anxiously towards Seth.

Despite being alarmed at how angry her owner sounded, Cyclops rose to her hooves, sweetly calming and quieting Powder Keg and Domino before trotting closer to her daddy.

“Wus Dud daddeh!!! Dud am a bewwy ba’ babbeh!!! Gib huwties tu Candee’fwoss ‘gain!!! An’ caww Candee’fwoss ba’ wowd!!!”

“So it was Dud again…” Seth did his best not to grin, wanting to appear surprised in earnest. Hearing her name, the filly in the corner gulped before beginning to peep nervously, feeling each footstep as her owner walked ever closer. Leaning over, Seth savored how she twitched and screamed when he gripped her scruff between his fingers, picking her up despite her protests.

“*screeeeeee!!! ba’ upsies!!!*chirp…*chirp…meen’e da’deh nu gib dud ba’ upsies!!! *chirp…*chirp…am onwy wid’ew ba’beh…*screeeeeee!!!”

Seth cut off her protests by firmly shaking her, the tiny filly screaming as she swayed violently back and forth before Dud threw up from all the violent thrashing, now dangling quietly from Seth’s hand. “No more excuses from you, Dud!” It was a true delight to see the unicorn brought low, her recent misbehaviors giving Seth the excuse to vent. Ever since the loss of Ash and Starburst, he’d missed the minor abuses he would inflict apon the pair, their daily suffering permitting Seth to hold off on his more brutal torments. Before, he could wait until The Fourth by biding his time and focusing on his older fluffies. But after nearly a week without the pair, Seth felt outright starved of the sadism that his lost pets allowed him.

Lost in thought as he stared at the filly drooping from between his fingers by her scruff, Seth barely heard Cyclops call out.

Powdah Keg?! Nu gu obah deww!!!”

Confused, Seth looked towards the screaming mare, her eye wide with panic. “What’s wrong Cycl…” A series of weak thumps against his boot cut Seth off. Peering down he saw Powder Keg striking his tiny hooves harmlessly against Seth’s foot.

“wet dud gu!!! *chirp…*chirp…nu gib siss’e huw’tees nu mowe!!!”

Seth couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of Powder Keg, normally the most cowardly foal he owned, now demanding the return of his sister as he tried to give his owner sorry hooves. It was pretty brazen, and he didn’t often see this behavior in fluffies, having broken his fair share of defiant biotoys. In fact the last fluffy that he could remember that got physical with him was Powder Keg’s late mother, Sassy. And just like the colt whose bravado was wearing thin, tears falling down his face as his demands turned to begging, his mother had only resorted to it because her family was in danger. Still, as noble as it was, Seth couldn’t afford to let it slide, lest the rest of his fluffies think that misbehaving would go without punishment. “Powder Keg!!! Bad fluffy!!!” Shifting his boot slightly, Seth shook the colt off, the foal yelping as he tumbled to the ground.

“*screeeeeee!!!” *chirp…*chirp…hewp!!! *chirp…*chirp…ba’beh feww obah!!!"

Leaning over, Seth likewise scruffed the previously defiant colt, who screeched and flailed against his grasp before going limp, shaking as urine trickled down his haunches.

“*screeeeeee!!! ba’ upsies!!! *chirp…*chirp…sow’ee!!! powdah keg sow’ee!!! jus’ wuv siss’e!!! *chirp…*chirp…p’we nu huwt ba’behs!!!”

Peering at the mewling foal, it was clear that his brief bout of courage was gone, now simply begging for some semblance of mercy. While still relatively young, Cyclops had been very clear with the rules and based on how frightened Powder Keg was, the colt knew how serious his transgression truly was. “Do not tell your daddy what to do, Powder Keg! And trying to hurt me…that was a big mistake…” While the young fluff couldn’t be sure what Seth was planning, the serious tone was more than enough to send the colt into a fit of screeching chirps, his tiny nubs wiggling desperately towards Cyclops.

“mu’mah!!! *chirp…*chirp…hewp ba’beh!!! sab ba’beh!!! *chirp…*chirp…”

“…Mummah sowwy babbeh…”

Her voice no louder than a whisper, Cyclops shamefully glanced towards the padded floor, unable to face the begging colt. It pleased Seth that the mare had learned her lesson about meddling so thoroughly, knowing that even suggesting that he go easy on the foals would merit a punishment for her as well. “She can’t help either of you now…” Powder Keg began to weep as he saw his mother look away, his screaming from before now only a series of muted sobs as Seth carried him and his sister to the punishment table and placed the pair on top. “Wait here while I check on Candyfloss.” Too frightened to respond, the colt crawled over to Dud, hugging onto his catatonic sister with one hoof as he anxiously suckled on the other.

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…*chirp…*chirp…p’we wakies siss’e…*chirp…*chirp…powdah keg scaw’d…”

Candyfloss was where Seth had left her, still curled up against Raptor, shuddering as she made muted peeps. Cyclops was watching over her, with Domino now slumbering on her back, a look of concern growing over the mare’s face.

“Poow Candee’fwoss…babbeh hab huwties an’ am su scawed…P’wease hewp Candee’fwoss, daddeh…”

“Don’t worry, sweetie. I’ll take care of her…” Seth leaned over and took a look at the mewling filly, his anger rising slightly as he saw the bruises from where Dud had kicked her repeatedly. He knew this might happen, ever since the unicorn had shown signs of hostility towards Candyfloss the night before, Seth had almost chosen to separate his favorite foal from the saferoom fluffies. But isolation was always terrible for one of the sociable creatures, causing them severe separation anxiety, not to mention depression, and with his only other foals being Frostbite and Kismet, he’d decided against it, not wanting to push the half-pillow any further than he had to.

But it was clear to him now that something had to be done, with this attack being far more malicious than the incident with the ball. While not the warmest of people when it came to fluffies, even Seth had pangs of guilt as he slowly scooped up Candyfloss’ trembling body in his hands, the filly flailing and screeching as she was lifted into the air.


“Hey, hey…It’s okay now. It’s okay. Daddy’s here.”


Hearing his voice, Candyfloss unclenched her eyes, slowly turning her head upright to see her owner. While she was overjoyed to see him, Seth could see from the stilted movements of her neck combined with her pained expression that she was still quite sore from the attack.

“Daddeh!!! *chirp…*chirp…Candee’fwoss hab wowstest bwite time!!! *chirp…*chirp…An’…an’ Dud gib Candee’fwoss sowwy hoofsies…fow nu weason!!! *chirp…*chirp… An’ caww Candee’fwoss nu nices’ wowd…caww…caww Candee’fwoss dummeh…*huuu…huuu…huuu…Am Candee’fwoss a dummeh fwuffy?”

Her voice was cracking, with the filly breaking into tears when recounting the awful name she’d been called. Dummy was an odd word in the fluffy lexicon, and one that wasn’t used very often, at least by most fluffies. It would usually be heard by an angry or misbehaving biotoy to describe something that was off to them, or didn’t work the way it should, like a busted toy. All fluffies knew the word, in some capacity at least, but only ones that had been traumatized in some manner used it, with most of the gentle creatures likening it to a swear. “No sweetheart. You’re not a dummy. Dud was just being mean. But that stops tonight…”

Gently rubbing her face with his finger, Seth slowly consoled Candyfloss, tending to the sullen foal until her tears had dried. Once she was calmer, he carefully cupped her in his hand before walking back towards the punishment table, an idea already forming on how to help Candyfloss while also teaching Dud and Powder Keg a lesson. Having curled up against Seth’s palm, cooing and nuzzling against her owner, the half-pillow abruptly screamed when she saw Dud sitting on her haunches, huddled against her brother on the plastic table.

“*SCREEEEEEE!!! *chirp…*chirp…NUUUUUU!!! NU WAN HUW…”

Seth gripped the filly in his hand firmly, cutting her outburst short. “I won’t tell you again Candyfloss…calm down.” While far from crushing the foal, it was more than enough pressure to quiet her, hearing only a few muffled whimpers as her bruised chest ached from Seth’s firm hand. Once he was certain she would behave, Seth unclenched his hand and leaned over the table so he was face to face with the troublesome foals.

“*screeeeeee!!! siss’e!!! *chirp…*chirp…wakies nao, p’we!!! *chirp…*chirp…ba’behs nee’ wun way’!!!”

Whatever courage the colt had before was long gone, with the faint hearted foal gripping his dazed sister and shaking her for a few moments before finally rising to his nubs and trying to awkwardly waddle away, the slippery plastic table making his ill fated escape attempt all the more futile. With his free hand, Seth flicked the colt on his nose, sending him tumbling on his back as he screeched, his nubs rubbing the fresh wound.

“*screeeeeee!!! ow’e!!! *chirp…*chirp…smeww pwa huwt’ees!!! *chirp…*chirp…nu gib huwt’ees!!! ba’behs fo’ wuv!!! fo’ wuv!!!”

Unable to resist, Seth wound up his index finger again, striking the prone colt directly in his testicles. “We do not run from daddy…and we sure as hell do not tell him what to do either, Powder Keg!” His eyes widened as his groin was struck, with the foal collapsing to the table, unable to even scream with the blow knocking the wind out of the tiny fluff. Dragging the defeated colt back to his sister, Seth then started lightly rapping the unicorn on her head to stir her from her stupor. “Wake up!!! Hey!!! I said wake up!!! Now!!!”

“*chirp… … …*chirp… … …*chirp… … …st…sta…stahp!!! stahp!!! *chirp…*chirp…nu huwt’ees dud!!! *chirp…*chirp…da’deh meen’e!!!”

Once the succession of light hits had roused the unicorn, Seth grabbed her face between his thumb and forefinger, lightly squeezing as her saw her expression quickly shift from irked to terrified, her nubs now grasping against his fingers in vain. He spoke slowly so he could savor Dud’s overt terror, with even the gentle grip on her muzzle cutting off her ability to breathe. “Dud…I heard that you were very bad today…Is that true young lady?” Whether the panicked filly could even hear him or now was unclear, as she was struggling to get loose, the young foal having never felt the unexpected horror of suffocation, her head shaking as hard as her tiny frame could manage, her hooves sliding against the plastic table in a blind panic. “Did you hear me? I asked if you were bad today, Dud…Shake your head yes or no…Were you bad today?” Seth could only smile as the filly continued to jerk her head between his fingers, desperate for one breath of air, her eyes already bloodshot as her nubs tapped against his hand slower and slower.

“…Scawy…nu wike…”

Shit… Hearing Candyfloss’ voice was enough to snap Seth out of it. Releasing his grip on Dud, Seth held the shivering half-pillow up closer to his face. “Sorry I scared you…Remember, daddy’s punishments might look really scary, but it’s for their own good…they were bad, and bad fluffies get punished…okay?”

“…Otay daddeh.”

With his favorite foal placated, Seth turned his focus back to the unicorn on the table, the filly on her side gasping as she took deep, desperate breaths. At least I didn’t kill her, thought Seth as he reached towards her. Expecting the worst, Dud clenched her eyes shut as she tried in vain to flee from Seth’s grasp, only to find that he was pushing her closer to the table’s edge, along with her brother, the colt still holding his aching groin, positioning his other hand so that Candyfloss was right next to the siblings. “Now I’ll ask again…Dud, were you bad today?” Despite being right next to her owner, the half-pillow was still frightened being in such close proximity to the unicorn, the memory of her brutal attack still fresh in her memory.

“…Daddeh…Candee’fwoss nu wan be hewe…nu wike…”

She was staring down at the palm of his hand, afraid to lift her head and even glance in the direction of Dud, the little half-pillow trembling slightly as she wriggled anxiously in place. “It’s alright hon, you’re safe as long as I’m here with you…” Seth spoke softly, wanting to comfort the poor filly, before abruptly staring down the unicorn again, his voice still low but the malice in his tone easily heard. “…Well Dud…I’m waiting for an answer…”


“Excuse me…what did you say?!”

Sheepish at first, Dud stood upright, emboldened despite her obvious trepidations about being back on the punishment table. Puffing her cheeks, the unicorn began to stomp her tiny nub against the plastic top, trying to seem as menacing as possible for a foal.

“dud sai nu!!! *chirp…*chirp…nu du nuff’n wong!!! dud am gud’est ba’beh!!! *chirp…*chirp…candee’fwoss am du’meh!!! mu’mah am meen’e!!! *chirp…*chirp…an’ da’deh am ba’ meen’e tu!!!”

Seth knew that Dud had been slightly confrontational before, but he was almost shocked at how aggressive the diminutive unicorn was, even daring to insult her mother and owner. “Is that a fact…” Not wanting to overdo it in front of Candyfloss again, Seth restrained himself, fighting the urge to simply smash his fist into the rebellious foal. Instead, he ignored her protests, letting the unicorn revel in her little tantrum as he drew Candyfloss towards his face so he could talk to her. “See that sweetie…that is a very bad fluffy. And only a fluffy as bad as she is would ever think there is anything wrong with a cutie like you.” While the half-pillow smiled at all the compliments and attention from her owner, she glanced down anxiously towards Dud, not wanting to speak out against the unicorn while she was around to hear her. “…I know this kind of thing scares you, but I brought you over here for an important reason Candyfloss…With Dud attacking you, and her brother trying to stop me from punishing her, we have two bad fluffies for the punishment table. Daddy decided that because you got hurt again, that you would get to decide how bad their punishments will be…”

The concept was an odd one to the filly, her head tilting slightly as she looked towards her owner.

“Wah? Candee’fwoss choows hao ba’? Wat am dat mean daddeh?”

“Well for example, Dud here…” Seth reached down and quickly scooped up the unicorn admist her tiny revolt, her protests quickly cut off as she was hoised into the air by her hind legs.

“*screeeeeee!!! *chirp…*chirp…ba’ upsies!!! nu gib ba’beh wegg’ee upsies!!! *chirp…*chirp…”

Now dangling upside down, her eyes widening as she saw the distance between her and the floor, the unicorn’s bravado was broken, the filly now a panicked screeching mess as she scanned the room for someone to save her. While a bit loud, Seth was overjoyed to see that Dud finally understood just how serious her transgression really was, hearing her revert into nothing but shrieks and frenzied chirps. “…gave you sorry hooves and called you a mean word. Do you think she should get a little punishment, or a great big punishment?” Her ears fell at the reminder of the attack, tears falling down Candyfloss’ face as she stifled a whimper.

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…Dud am meanie! Huwties Candee’fwoss wiff sowwy hoofsies an’ caww Candee’fwoss dummeh! *huuu…huuu…huuu…Dud desewb gwate big sowwy time!”

Yelling through her sobs, the half-pillow broke into hysterics after deciding Dud’s fate, the mere act of recounting it being too much for the delicate foal. Seth lowered the unicorn closer to the table before dropping her, the filly hitting the table with a dull thud as he focused on calming Candyfloss. “Shh…I know it’s scary hon, but I promise that she’ll think twice about hurting you when I’m done with her…” Stroking her gently with his hand, the foal came around, her mewling slowly turning to coos as she nuzzled against her owner’s palm. “…Now, what about Powder Keg?” Still savoring the light scratching that Seth was giving her head, the half-pillow tilted her head up towards him, a puzzled expression on her face.

Powdah Keg? Buh Powdah Keg nu am meanie, daddeh. Nu gib Candee’fwoss huwties ow caww Candee’fwoss nu nices’ wowds…”

“Still…he broke the rules, Candyfloss. He tried to stop me from punishing Dud, and he tried to hurt your daddy…” Seth held back a laugh as he played up the colt’s futile attempt at sorry hooves, feeling only slightly guilty as he felt the half-pillow squirm uncomfortably in his hand at the thought of her owner being injured. “…What would you call a fluffy that tries to hurt their daddy?”

“…Fwuffies nu am sup’osd tu gib sowwy hoofsies tu hoomins…an’ fwuffies dat du am ba’ fwuffies… buh daddeh…”

“No buts, CandyflossPowder Keg broke the rules, and some pretty big ones at that. But still, I’ll leave the decision up to you. Should he get a little punishment or a big one?” Unlike with Dud, it seemed that the filly didn’t really want to see Powder Keg hurt, her face scrunched up as she struggled to come to a decision.

“Candee’fwoss nu wan Powdah Keg tu hab big sowwy time…Can daddeh onwy gib Powdah Keg widdew sowwy time…p’wease?”

Seth found her meekish way of asking infectiously cute, smiling slightly as he gently stroked her fluff. “…Okay. Only a small punishment for Powder Keg then…” Hugging her tightly for a few moments, Seth then walked Candyfloss back towards the fluffproofed fence, gently handing her off to Raptor and Cyclops, the pegasus grunting slightly as she was placed on his back. “She’s had a pretty rough time guys. Keep her happy for me, okay?” With all that the filly had been through, she was clearly exhausted, with a combination of Seth’s comfort combined with the familiar fluff of her adopted brother allowing her to quickly curl up and fall fast asleep.

“Nu wowwies daddeh, Cy’cwops an’ Waptow wiww keep babbeh Candee’fwoss fwom hab’n saddies ow huwties! Poow widdew babbeh…”

“Waptow nu wet nuthin ba’ happ’n tu widdew sissee nu mowe…”

While Cyclops was seemingly more distraught by what had befell Candyfloss, Raptor only narrowed his eyes, staring off towards the punishment table with a slight scowl, his ears lowered and his tone almost sounding like a threat. Amused at the pegasus’ gall, Seth only leaned over and surprised the fluff with a bit of affection, stroking his mane. “Very good fluffy, Raptor…” Tensing up at Seth’s touch for a moment, the pegasus quickly began to coo and weakly nuzzle against his once cruel owner, always delighted to have his praise instead of scorn.

Seth left the pair, trusting that without the troublemakers on the table that awaited him, Candyfloss would be safe. Deciding to get Powder Keg’s punishment out of the way first, he made his way out of the saferoom, both needing supplies for the colt’s castigation and wanting the siblings’ dread to fester while he was away. Opening the door to his hobbyroom, Seth was instantly greeted by muted sobs. He could see Frostbite squirming uncomfortably in his box, trying to make as little noise as possible, lest he get Seth’s full attention. While the pillowfoal was always sullen and easily frightened, Seth had noticed that ever since the incident with Kismet, the colt seemed more downhearted than usual. It had only been a day since he’d dropped Frostbite’s box in a moment of angry panic, but it was clear to Seth from his morning feeding and now that something was off.

“*chirp… … …*chirp… … …*chirp… … …mu’mah…”

“Maybe I’ll go easy on him tonight…” Mercy wasn’t Seth’s usual go-to when it came to fluffcare, but with the foal’s sanity already teetering on the edge combined with a pillow’s delicate sensibilities, he simply didn’t want the little bastard to go wan die too fast. Leaving the pillowfoal to his despair, Seth walked over to his trunk, putting on his welding gloves before perusing it for what he needed. After a few moments of searching, he had what he needed, a leftover battery from the Dunk a Foal game, as well as half empty pack of button cells and some modeling glue. Holding up the wrapper filled with the small, pill like batteries, Seth nodded, knowing that after tonight, Powder Keg would think twice about disobeying him again.

Returning to the saferoom, Seth could hear an audible yelp from the table, followed by a series of nervous peeps and chirping. Walking over slowly, he could already see that Dud was at the very edge of the table, sitting on her haunches as she sobbed uncontrollably, her tiny nubs flailing out towards Cyclops wildly.

“mu’mah!!! *chirp…*chirp…wai nu sab’ ba’beh?! *chirp…*chirp…mu’mah nu wuv ba’beh?”

To her credit, Cyclops was lying in the fluffbed, giving Domino a bath and trying not to listen, her eye slightly watering as she fought back tears. It must have torn her up inside to hear that, even if Dud had misbehaved. Powder Keg however was right where Seth had left him, sitting on his rear in the middle of a fresh puddle of urine from when his owner had returned, his hoof in his mouth as he peeped rapidly. “…You seem to have a problem with not making it to the litter box, Powder Keg…” Seth put his varied implements down for the moment, grabbing the foal by his torso as he abruptly started to scream, knowing that something horrible was about to befall him.

“*screeeeeee!!! *chirp…*chirp…nuuuuuuu!!!”

Seth pressed the screeching colt face down in his own waste, swishing the foal about as though he were a mop. Powder Keg tried to call out several times, his voice cut off as he spat up mouthfuls of the puddle, gargling and sputtering from the effort. It wasn’t long before the foal was a trembling, shrieking mess, his words gone from the terror of the cruel torture. Holding the squirming foal upright in his hand, his face dripping from his own urine, Seth lightly shook the colt, occasionally flicking him in the face as he screamed incomprehensibly. “…Not yet you little shit…We aren’t done just yet…” After countless blows to the face, Powder Keg had quieted slightly, his screeches from before now pained mewling as he feebly chirped in Seth’s hand.

“… … …*chirp… … … *chirp… … …p…p…p’we…nu huw’tees… … …*chirp… … …*chirp… … …”

It was a lot to take all at once for such a young foal, but it was a lesson that he needed to learn, and Seth knew that fear and agony always stuck deeply within the mind of a fluffy. Reaching down, he gripped the nine-volt in his hand, leisurely bringing it close to Powder Keg’s face. “Are you ever going to threaten me again, Powder Keg? Are you going to behave from now on?” His eyes unfocused from all that had been inflicted on him, the colt’s gaze centered on the frightening metal object, his head lulling about as he tried to move away despite Seth’s grip.

“*chirp… … …*chirp… … …n…nu wan”

“Wrong answer…” Taking two fingers, Seth squeezed the tiny colt’s mouth, the foal screeching from the pain until his tongue was forced out. Holding him steady, he then forced the contact points against it, only letting them touch for a split second as Powder Keg seized in his hand before flailing wildly again, the frightful sensation shaking him from his daze.

“*screeeeeee!!! *chirp…*chirp…nuuuuuuu!!! p’we!!! *chirp…*chirp…powdah keg am gud ba…*screeeeeee!!!”

Seth let the battery and his tongue meet again, holding it in place for a few seconds this time as the colt arced and shook in his hand, voiding his bowels as he let out a distorted scream. “Still not an answer…” Pulling the nine-volt away, the foal began to breath rapidly, hyperventilating as he started to chirp and peep at a frantic pace. His head held firm, only his eyes shifted about the room, tears falling down his face as his loud screeches failed to save him. “You are too old for that Powder Keg!” Seth tapped the battery against his mouth several times before pressing it firmly and holding it in place as the foal’s nubs spasmed and flailed, a nightmare of warped noise being the colt’s the only response before he pulled the battery away. “I’ll ask again…Are you gonna misbehave again?!” Hammering in his point, Seth shifted the battery so that it was inches away from the colt’s face, with Powder Keg screaming wildly as he tried to push it away.

“*screeeeeee!!! *chirp…*chirp…ba’beh be gud!!! nu mowe!!! *chirp…*chirp…ba’beh sow’ee!!!”

“That’s more I like it…” Seth let the colt tumble to the table, a frightened peeping mess as he curled up in a ball, suckling on his hoof for comfort. Seeing Powder Keg engage in his predictable habit brought a smile to Seth’s face as he reached down for the packet of watch batteries and glue. “I know that was rough little guy, but you broke some very big rules today. We do not attack daddy or tell him what to do! Now I think that has sunk in, but fluffies can be forgetful…So daddy is gonna give you a little reminder to help you behave…”

“nuuuuuuu!!! *chirp…*chirp…gib wegg’ee back!!! nee’ wegg’ee!!! *screeeeeee!!!”

Grasping his hoof from his mouth, Powder Keg shrieked and kicked about as Seth pressed a small bit of glue onto the first battery before firmly placing it against the cracked hoof, holding it firm until it was adhered to the end of the tiny digit. Letting go, he then repeated the process with his remaining front nub, the colt quickly trying to put his freshly freed digit back in his mouth, screaming and shaking as soon as it made contact.


“Hurts, doesn’t it?” The second now dry as well, Seth let Powder Keg go, giggling as the foal tried several times to suckle his hoof for succor, only to receive a nasty shock each time. It was a hilarious and terrible loop, with the pain causing Powder Keg anxiety and the anxiety causing the colt to try and use his hoof as a pacifier. Seth had seen countless fluffies do it over the years, the childish, instinctual behavior bringing abused or neglected fluffies some semblance of repose. It was something that always amused Seth, a visible cue that marked the unfortunate fluff as a target for further abuses, from human and fluffy alike. After countless attempts, Powder Keg just started crying, huddled against the table as he shivered and chirped. Smiling at a job well done, Seth then turned to face his sister, the unicorn pressed against the wall covering her eyes as she chirped anxiously. “Your turn, Dud…”


Dud is really F’up for hurting Seth favorite foal, Maybe Seth would just drop Dud in the box full of needles for the night.

I am really enjoying the story and hoping that princess will soon suffer next.


Duds day is coming and i can’t wait. Hope you doing well karn great story


Good stuff; makes me wish I had the time to write here again. I might try again at a later date, when my mind’s already filled with anger from gaming, so I can make some delightful abuse.

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Oh god if this was a “little punishment” then i cant imagine what duds punishment is gonna be like




hertz donut


Suffer Shitrat! NYEH!