Abuser Apprentice Part 18 by Karn

Spot laid in a puddle of her own fear induced waste, chirping as she trembled from the horrific sight she’d just witnessed. It had all happened so fast, from her new owner’s sweet sounding lies, to what he had done to her adopted brother, the image of his flesh burning and dribbling off his skull forever etched into the foal’s mind. Traumatic for any fluffy, let alone a foal, Spot’s instincts had been to hide from the horror as best as she could, clenching her eyes shut and covering her face with her hooves. It was all her frayed and poorly designed impulses could manage, the shell-shocked filly now cheeping and peeping for something to come and save her, to offer her some semblance of comfort.

“*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…mu’mah!!! *chirp…*chirp…*chirp…sab’ spot!!!”

There was some primal joy that Seth took in the foal’s lament. While he had abused countless fluffies of all shapes and sizes over the years, it was hard to top the high that came from breaking younger fluffs. All of the biotoys had an air of innocence, a child-like wonder that for most, wore down like a ticking clock the moment their eyes opened, if not sooner. But to take a foal, a young fluffy that was in the prime of it’s jovial ideals, unspoiled by hunger or pain, and to lay those sentiments to ruin? True bliss. Even now, Seth simply watched as Spot writhed and trembled, peeping frantically as her fragile mind was unable to cope with what happened. Rubbing a gloved finger over her back, he gently stroked her fluff. It amused him how she flinched and recoiled at his touch, chirping faster every time he made contact with her. Losing the earthie in such an abrupt and brutal manner had achieved the desired effect, and Seth was almost giddy at the thought of how she’d react to what he had planned next.

Leaving Spot for the moment, Seth went to fetch the pegasus from the sink. Terrified by all that she’d heard, the filly had left a trail of fear induced waste throughout the basin. Being to slick for her hooves to get traction, she was covered in her own filth from trying to escape again and again, only to go tumbling backwards each time. Now crying face down in a puddle of her leavings, the pegasus had given up on getting away, quietly cheeping between sobs.

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…da’deh am huw’te mun’sta…*chirp…*chirp…*huuu…huuu…huuu…ba’behs nee’ wun way’…”

Her voice was soft and quiet, unaware that Seth was already looming over her. Turning on the tap, he grabbed the filly, not wanting to give her the chance to scream out just yet. She barely had time to gasp before he held her under the spraying tap, wriggling wildly as the filth ran down her. Water filled her mouth, silencing her attempt to scream as she sputtered and coughed it up, lest she drown. After what felt like an eternity, Seth turned the water back off, carrying the dripping pegasus over to a plastic dollhouse in the safe-room’s corner. It was old but well made, the kind that unfolded from the front to reveal a mock home within. It was mostly bare within, with worn, padded carpeting as flooring and soft, squishy stairs that allowed younger fluffies to get from floor to floor. While it had been cleaned countless times, Seth could see the reddish tinge to the off white carpet as he opened it up. He hadn’t been the first to play with it, but that mattered little to him. All that mattered was that it suited his needs. It would make the most sense to put her at the top… The pegasus shook in Seth’s grip, shivering as she finally recovered from her near drowning under the faucet. Despite all the horror she had heard and what the monster had just done to her, the sight of the small house excited her, the foal’s nightmarish ordeal momentarily forgotten.

“how’see!!! *chirp…*chirp…*chirp…ba’beh hab how’see!!! *chirp…*chirp…*chirp…ba’beh su hap’ees!!! ba’beh wuv nyu…*screeeeeee!!!”

With little fanfare, Seth interrupted the pegasus by gripping one of her nubs and squeezing it between his thumb and forefinger until there was a barely audible snap. Her eyes bulged as she screamed, ill prepared for the raw agony that shot through her broken hoof. While she cried out in anguish, Seth placed her belly up on the third floor of the dollhouse, as far away from the stairs as possible. Tears streaming down her face, the foal saw as he reached for another of her nubs, whimpering as she tried and failed to flail it from his grasp.


“This isn’t about you…” Seth snapped the hoof as easily as the first, the pegasus howling as she rocked back and forth on her back. He gave her a few moments to recover, not wanting the pain of the third and fourth break to be numbed by shock. Once she was functionally limbless, Seth turned her over, the pegasus now reduced to peeps and chirps, her eyes bulging as Seth pressed slightly on her back, taking a bit of cruel pleasure in the foal’s pained shrieks. Satisfied that her ruined legs wouldn’t let her run away, Seth left her for the moment, his eyes falling on the green mare within the fluffbed. She had gone quiet save for the occasional whimper, still mourning for her lost child but terrified of all that she had heard. Holding her remaining foals close, she licked and nuzzled them, hopeful that if they remained quiet, the monster would forget them. Seth walked towards the grated bed, taking slow, deliberate steps. By the third, the green mare flinched as she heard the footfall, hunkering down and covering her foals with her body.

“P’wease nu find babbehs…p’wease nu find babbehs…p’wease nu find babbehs…”

A good mother…just like Cyclops Seth felt a slight pang of guilt as he stood over the bed, unable to stop his thoughts from turning to the gentle, one eyed mare. But this was as much for her as it was for Seth. If he didn’t get this under control, he could lash out at any of his fluffies, even her. The thought of sparing Cyclops restored his resolve, a smile slowly growing on his face as he gripped the fluffbed and dragged it over towards the dollhouse, enjoying as the green mare screamed and bounced within, her hooves holding her children tight. They cheeped loudly with each bump and jolt until the bed was now directly in front of the toy house. Despite the bumpy ride, the green mare still had her hooves wrapped tightly around the babies, keeping her body between Seth and them. He’d need them separated from her for what came next and as noble an effort as it was, Seth was eager to get things set up for Spot.

When he reached down for the foals, he was met with the expected resistance, the green mare falling tightly over them and curling up as best she could. It was an ingrained defensive measure that he’d seen scores of times, a last ditch effort for a fluffy mother to protect her progeny, with her own body if need be. The more cowardly of them would simply flee, leaving their babies behind, and even those brave enough to protect their foals might give up if threatened or harmed, a clash of their need to save their children with their delicate nature and fear of physical injury. But Seth was almost impressed with the green mare’s bravado as she covered her foals, refusing to part with them willingly.

“Mummah n…n…nu wet munsta huwt babbehs…”

If it were any other day Seth might try and trick her again, see how long it would take to coax her into believing he was a good owner once more. But with limited time, he had to make the most of it, and his plan for the yellow foal trumped gaslighting the mare. With little fanfare Seth slapped her sharply across the face, eliciting a yelp as her hooves tensed slightly but refused to budge. Not letting up, he struck her, again and again until her nose was busted and dribbling blood, causing her to fall over on her side, crying hysterically as she clutched her wounded maw reflexively.

“*SCREEEEEEE!!! Smeww pwace huwties!!! NUUUUUUU!!! NU TAEK BABBEHS!!!”

Try as she might, the mare was too slow and distracted by pain to stop Seth as he scooped up the remainder of her foals, walking the bundle over to a nearby toychest, placing them on top of it. They were peeping loudly, their small, underdeveloped heads wobbling as they tried to raise them and call out for their mother, confused and frightened as to why she was gone. Two were the same green as the mare, a not entirely unpleasant shade but a guarantee that they would have never cost more than a dollar, even with training. The last had a coat that was the same nearly brownish red as the colt that Seth had killed with the heatlamp. It was almost a shame really, as if either of them had been a smidge closer to red they might have been put anywhere besides the bargain bin. It was a passing notion, as Seth felt little compassion for the foals, leaving them for the moment as he went back to the crates for what he needed from Spot to get things started.

She had yet to fully recover, still huddled against herself on the floor of her carrier, chirping quietly and trembling, oblivious as Seth leaned over her. I wonder if she thinks it’s over…that if she’s quiet enough, I’ll leave her alone… Reaching his hands in, he gripped her tightly while he pinched at a small bit of her fluff with his free hand, tearing it free.

“*screeeeeee!!! *chirp…*chirp…nuuuuuuu!!!”

That answers that… Her torpor broken from the sudden agony, Spot wriggled in Seth’s palm until he let her fall back into the carrier, the filly running to the back where she and her adopted siblings had once tried to hide. The small spot where he’d pulled her fur was already bleeding slightly but wasn’t bad enough to kill her outright. Still, from how she winced as she leaned over and tried her best to lick her wounds, it was clearly a great deal of agony for the tiny fluff, more than she’d ever experienced in her short life. While she cowered in the back of the crate and pondered what the monster planned to do with her, Seth returned to the foals, already able to hear their mother calling out for them.

“Babbehs?! Mummah am hewe!!! Come tu mummah!!! P’wease!!!”

Not wanting their mother to interfere, Seth grabbed a nearby blanket and draped it over the bed, eliciting tears and pleading from the mare. Ignoring her for now, Seth took the fluff in his hand and held in close to the frightened foals, waiting for them to start to sniffle what smelled like another fluffy. Once they were interested in the scent, Seth began his scheme, petting on the foals lightly with his finger until they were calm. “Good…hugs…love…Good…hugs…love…” As he lavished the now content fluffs with attention he repeated the words very softly, making sure that they could hear him clearly. After a couple of minutes, he took the filly’s fluff away and began to pinch at the foal’s, causing a fresh bout of panicked confusion and peeping. It was always fun to see a chirpie try and use it’s limited reasoning when it was hurt, always flinching away and then peeping and chirping aloud for someone to come and help. It was something that Seth could do all day, but that wasn’t the goal.

Once they were upset and crying out again, he placed Spot’s fluff between them again, quickly petting them and repeating the words from before. “Good…hugs…love…Good…hugs…love…” It took a bit longer than before but they once again grew calm, peeping slightly and cooing as they nuzzled against the disembodied fluff. Seth spent the next five minutes repeating the pattern, lightly torturing the foals when he took away the fluff before holding it for them to smell, then tenderly loving on them until all was forgotten. It took less and less time for them to calm as it went on, until finally Seth simply placed the fluff with them , saying and doing nothing as they relaxed on their own, nuzzling against the filly’s fluff and cooing while they happily hugged on it and each other.

Grinning ear to ear, he was pleased that his plan had taken hold so quickly. Despite their young age, foals were still fluffies first and foremost. And just like their older counterparts, manipulating them was fairly easy if you knew how. Being too undeveloped for a proper conversation, one would have to keep things very simple to communicate anything to them. It was usually used by owners in earnest, petting and doting on them while saying kind things or in a sweet tone, allowing the foal to associate the voice or scent with a feeling of safety and love. It also helped to use the most basic words in the fluffy lexicon, as complicated terms would go right over their head. with words like good and love putting them at ease.

Once they were good and calm, it was time to make sure they couldn’t cry out. While Seth had experience snipping or even burning a fluffy’s vocal chords, he didn’t have the time or the proper tools for something like that, so a temporary fix would have to do. Taking an old stuffed animal from the chest, Seth took a bit of the cotton filling that was coming loose and grabbed one of the green foals, placing the small bit of cotton in it’s toothless maw and holding it there firmly. The young fluff wriggled in Seth’s hand, it’s attempts at chirping for help muffled as the cotton slowly dried out it’s mouth. After a few seconds, Seth withdrew the wadding, pleased to hear only a light rasping sound as the foal tried and failed to utter a peep. He then repeated the process with the remaining foals until all three were croaking and rasping, desperate for milk to soothe their parched mouths.

Testing one last time to make sure, Seth placed the yellow fluff near the foalpile one last time, satisfied as they quickly calmed despite their thirst. Scooping them up, he took the fluffs over to the dollhouse and placed them just in front of the stairs of the second floor, careful to keep them just far enough so they wouldn’t risk tumbling down them. Once they were secure, Seth reached between the foalpile and took away Spot’s fluff, prompting a fit of bellowing croaks and rasps as the fluffs tried their best to chirp their displeasure. Now that the chirpies were managed, he took one last look towards the blue pegasus in the top floor. Only peeping slowly, she hadn’t moved an inch from where Seth had left her, the agony of her ruined legs making her near comatose. He’d need her far more vocal soon, but that wouldn’t be a issue for Seth once Spot was made ready.

With about half an hour left before he’d be double charged for the room, Seth went over to the carrier, reaching in and grabbing Spot despite her protests. She flailed wildly in his grip as he walked her over to the sink, knowing the kind of monster that he truly was.

“*screeeeeee!!! ba’ upsies!!! wet gu!!! *chirp…*chirp…wet spot gu!!! *chirp…*chirp… nu mow huw’tees!!! *chirp…*chirp…spot nu wan!!!”

Seth cut off her screaming with a light flick to the nose, prompting a pained shriek followed by stunned silence, the filly only rubbing her nose with her nubs as she stared quietly towards the monster holding her, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Good…stay quiet or you’ll get worse…” He placed Spot within the sink’s basin, pleased by how nervous the filly was, trembling as she gazed upward towards Seth, unsure what his plans for her were, but terrified of what they might be. “…So…do you want me to let you and the other foal go? The pretty blue one?” While not much older than the other talkie foals, Spot was cognizant enough to understand what the monster was asking her, the filly’s head hesitantly nodding as she wiped away tears.

“*sniffle…yus…*chirp…*chirp…pwe’ wet ba’behs gu…”

“I can’t just let you go Spot…but if you can find and hug the pretty blue foal, then I’ll let you decide what I do with you…” It was a bit much for her to understand, but the filly only nodded again, unsure of anything save that she wanted to escape, and to spare her sister the same fate as the poor red colt, the memory of his melting visage causing her face to twitch slightly. Pleased with her answer, Seth smiled as he leered at Spot, his hand reaching through the nearby cleaning supplies before grabbing a spray bottle of cleaner. “Okay then, but if you don’t find her in time, then I get to decide what happens to you both…” Just as it was with the chirpies, the filly was more sensitive to Seth’s tone than what he was saying, knowing that it was bad for her and the blue foal. “Come on then, unless you don’t want me to let you go…” Seth put his free hand out for her to walk onto, wanting to see if she’d play his game willingly. Spot was trembling, but she slowly waddled onto his outstretched hand. Once she was secure, Seth quickly held the bottle of cleaner near Spot’s face and lightly misted her face with it.

“*screeeeeee!!! *chirp…*chirp…buw’ne huw’tees!!! buw’ne huw’tees!!!”

With her eyes full of the cleaning agent, the filly screeched and howled in agony, her nubs desperately pawing at her face as she tremored in Seth’s hand. Holding her maw shut, he muffled her pained cried so she could hear him clearly. “I couldn’t make it easy for you…Got the idea from a fluffy I have at home. I know it hurts but if you stop screaming and listen, you’ll be able to hear the pretty blue foal. Remember, no matter what, you have to hug her…Do that, and I’ll let you go if you want…” Taking his hand away, Seth walked Spot over to the dollhouse and placed her on the first floor, as far from the stairs as he could. She still whimpered and seethed from the pain in her eyes, waddling around blind and bumping into the padded, plastic walls. Ready to start the game in earnest, Seth then reached towards the torpid pegasus, gripping one of her malformed wings and quickly pulling it free of her tiny frame.


With her vestigial wing disembodied, the pegasus found her voice again, the torment reinvigorating her as she shouted and shrieked in pain. Distracted by her own ordeal, it took Spot a few moments before the sound of her sibling could be heard, the filly gasping as she tried to run as fast as her tiny hooves could carry her towards the screaming, hopeful that she could save her from the red colt’s fate.

“spot heaw siss’e! *chirp…*chirp…spot sab’ siss’e! *chirp…*chirp…*oof”

Seth had to stifle a laugh as Spot slammed head first into a wall, the filly tumbling over and to the ground. It was beyond amusing to watch the blinded foal try and find her way to the stairs, let alone attempt to climb them. However, once she recovered from the blow, she used her nubs to find the step that she had tripped over and slowly clambered up them. While she made her way to the second floor, Seth took the blanket off of the fluffybed. The green mare was in tears, sobbing into her hooves before gasping as she suddenly saw the foal stealing monster. Before she could cry out, Seth reached through the bars, gripping her mouth shut and facing her towards the dollhouse. “Quiet now…just sit there and watch…”

Still in pain from the caustic spray in her eyes and her rough fall, Spot was careful as she made her way past the steps onto the second floor. It was a start, but her sister’s pained cried were still coming from above, but were much more clear now. Waddling slowly, the filly approached the wall that led to the second faux staircase leading up, unaware of the foalpile just in front of it.

“spot hugg’ees siss’e…*chirp…*chirp…den ba’behs wun way’…”

It was the off red chirpie who heard her first, his head rising up as he rasped quietly, his nose sniffing the air before he awkwardly waddled towards her, followed shortly by his green siblings. Cold. thirsty, and frightened, they were drawn to the scent that had brought them succor and safety not long ago. Once Spot was close enough, they latched onto her, hugging and nuzzling the filly. She yelped aloud at the shock of being grabbed by the unseen fuzzy creatures, startled by the horrible noises they made as she tried to pry them loose.

“wet gu!!! wet gu!!! *chirp…*chirp…spot nee’ sab’ siss’e!!!”

While the chirpies were doing nothing more than hugging her, Spot couldn’t tell what they were, scared that the monster that killed her brother might not be alone. Seeing her frustrations grow as she tried and failed to free herself with the pegasus within earshot, Seth knew it was time to throw fuel on the fire. “Oh no Spot! ?You’re almost out of time! You better hurry if you want to save the pretty blue foal!” She gasped, pulling harder as she struggled to squirm free of the muted chirpies, unable to escape the scared foalpile. “They’ll never let you go Spot! They want you to fail! They want your sister to die, just like your brother did…” Evoking the image of the red colt’s death cries, his ruined face burned into Spot’s mind forever, was the final push she needed. With a small but ferocious scream, the filly pulled a hoof free, smashing it as hard as she could against the smaller, fuzzy monsters, unaware as she crushed in a chirpie’s skull before trampling another to death. Seth wasn’t sure which he liked more, watching Spot blindly kill the foals, or the look on the green mare’s face as she saw them die.

Scared and confused, the off red chirpie smelled blood and felt his brethren go still. Unsure what was happening, he gripped Spot tighter. Whatever was wrong, no matter how terrible, the chirpie’s mind told him that the scent next to him meant safety.

“du’meh mun’sta! *chirp…*chirp…wet! spot! gu!”

Punctuating her last words by stomping again and again, the last chirpie’s ribs were crushed with a small but satisfying crack. Triumphant over the unseen hazards, Spot made her way up the steps, now dragging herself from exhaustion. Once she made it to the top, the filly smiled despite the pain in her small frame. She could hear the blue pegasus so clearly now that she knew that it wouldn’t be long, their freedom only moments away.

“spot su cwose…*chirp…*chirp…heaw siss’e…”

Her pained screams had died down a fair bit, the foals voice hoarse and raw. But as she saw Spot approaching, covered in viscera and shards of bone, her eyes went wide as she let out a blood chilling howl.

“*screeeeeee!!! nuuuuuuu!!! *chirp…*chirp…mun’sta!!! weeb ba’beh 'wone!!!”

“mun’sta?! mun’sta nu git siss’e!!! *chirp…*chirp…”

Confused and desperate to save her sister, Spot summoned the last of her strength and rushed in, wrapping her hooves around the prone pegasus, only to be met with more shrieking as the blue foal rocked in place, desperate to be free from the bloodied fluffy’s grasp.

“*screeeeeee!!! wet ba’beh gu!!! *chirp…*chirp…”

While Spot tried her best to console her petrified sister, Seth stood up, leaving the green mare to sob aloud at the loss of her babies. “Congratulations Spot! You won!” Even as she cheered aloud, blinded and covered in gore, the pegasus looked on in horror at the thing that was holding her.

“*screeeeeee!!! wet gu mun’sta!!! *screeeeeee!!! wet gu!!! *chirp…*chirp…”

“spot sab’ siss’e! *chirp…*chirp…mun’sta nu git siss’e!”

“So since you found her, I’ll let you decide what happens. First things first, should I get rid of the monster that’s scaring your sister?” Puffing up her cheeks, Spot nodded fervently, hugging the pegasus tighter even as the horrified foal tried in vain to pull away.

“yus!!! mun’sta dat scaw’e siss’e nee’ gu way’!!! *chirp…*chirp…”

Seth could see how proud Spot was that she’d saved her sister, almost grinning even as she condemned the monster that was vexing her. Seeing as how she had won, it only seemed right to kill her quickly, grabbing her head with his gloved hand and crushing it before she even realized what was happening. Still being held by the now nearly headless corpse, the pegasus lost what little composure she had left, screaming wordlessly as she tried to shake the cadaver loose. She was past the breaking point and there was no real fun to be had with her anymore. Seth wrapped his hand around the foal’s body and put an end to her horrified screams.

It was a few minutes before he had to leave, so Seth made sure that he tidied up as best he could, humming to himself as he put the bodies away in a garbage bag. He used some bleach from the sanitation station and then cleaned up the areas he’d bloodied as best he could. The simple task was rather soothing to Seth, his mind quiet for the first time since his ill fated vacation before the fourth. Satisfied that it looked about as good as he’d found it, he then grabbed the green mare and took her over to the carriers. Besides a few muted whimpers, she was quiet as she hung limp in Seth’s arms, too distraught to fight back. Once she was back in her crate, he loaded her and Cuddles back into his pushcart. He wasn’t quite ready to do away with the stallion, at least not until he knew more about what had happened to the timid creature. And as for the green mare, well Raptor was getting to be about that age, and missing a testicle or not, he’d probably start asking for a special friend soon. It was frustrating to think of doing something nice for the obnoxious pegasus, but with Candyfloss seeing him as her brother, just killing him wasn’t an option, at least not yet. And he sure as hell wouldn’t have Raptor assaulting any of his good fluffies, so the mare would have to do.

Pushing the cart out of the room, Seth walked past the attendant that had let him in. As she entered the mock safe-room for a quick inspection, she stared down towards the dollhouse, shaking her head slightly as she pointed. “It looks far better than most leave it, and I hate to do it to you…but you missed a spot.” Unable to hold back a laugh, Seth simply reached back in his wallet and handed her a few bills before making his way back to his car, whistling the whole way home.


Very much looking forward to seeing what happened to Cuddles as well as what will be happening to him in the near future lol. Excellent chapter, and very creative with the foals being conditioned to associate Spot’s scent with safety to the detriment of all parties. Considering how scent oriented fluffies are, I’m shocked this kind of trickery isn’t used more often. (I will have to remedy this in some upcoming comics)




Oh fuck, I’m caught up! ): looking forward to the next part!


I NEED to find out what happened to Cuddles


This is far more likely to get an update when I have time. I’ve written a lot of it but lost a few paragraphs sadly so had to start over.


glad to hear another chapter’s in the works. I’m reading through all your stories right now, you’re one of my fav writers here

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Thanks. I appreciate the compliment.

Don’t worry. I don’t do mystery boxes. I have what happened to him written out and it does get revealed.

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I appreciate this work and I look forward to the next chapter, I wonder if Seth will resist eliminating so many foals in his possession,


I have made a new years resolution of sorts to get my ass back to writing this and my other stories.


New to the community and wanted to say: I binge-read this entire story in 2 days and…wow. So impressed, and so excited to see what happens next. As somebody torn between hugbox and sadbox, you’ve inspired me to put my own writing skills to the test someday.


Thanks dude. Glad you enjoyed it and even better that it inspired you.


This is so good. I kneel.