Adopting a Good Toughie Friend 2 (by: Biorb_McBiorb){aka me!}

Standing before Clint was a Smarty followed by a Herd. Clint wasn’t surprised at the fact a herd was near by, he was more shocked to see the Smarty had adorned his pecker! The sick fuck was practically wearing a foal over it!

And holy shit they were a mix’n’mash of colored fluffies, the Smarty was sadly beautiful, he had a shiny gold fur with a Jet black mane, the toughies were all Bright Orange and all of them had the same bright yellow mane, maybe brothers?

the last 2 were mares. it was obvious which one the smarty loved and which was the poor sod who was forced to eat, literal, shit.

the Smarty’s Special friend was a bright pink, with a white mane, attached to her back was a Fat golden baby, with a black and white mane, following her were four more babies, black, grey ,blue, and brown. the other mare was a light brown with a grey mane, and along her back was a fluffy, also brown. the Brown mare seemed sad but was too afraid to try and speak her feelings.

Oh we cant forget about the single fluffy around the sick bastards pecker, blue. and obviously dead.

What the actual fu-“‘ou! gib smawty dah dummeh poopie not toughie’s babbeh’s! dey aww gud enough fo’ enfie toy!” this smarty clearly only wanted the babies, Jesus, what a disgusting creature.

“Stoopi’ smawty! Go 'way we hab new daddeh nao! am nu wongah apawt of youw hewd nu mowe!”

“hehe, dat fine since ‘ou am nu wongah apawt of Smawty’s hewd, nu nee’ to take cawe of 'ou, can just gib ‘ou aww foweba sweepies an’ take enfie babbeh’s!” With a quick nod of the Smarty three of the colts, his Toughie pals, ran straight at the family. But they had practically forgotten about you, as these Fluffies were yours now, you took it upon yourself to protect them. with a swift kick you send the first enforcer rocketing to a nearby wall.

“SCREEEEEeeeeee-oh Fwu-” BLAMPH

all eyes are on the hoomin now, as if he just appeared out of thin air! this monster just punted a poor fluffy across a alleyway! the poor fluffy had more or less painted the wall red… and brown. its body slid down leaving a red viscous paint job until it hit the floor with a lifeless flomp

“W-WHY HOOMAN MUNSTA DO DHAT TU TOUGHIE FWEND?! NEBAH GIB OWWIES TU ‘OU OW DO ANYTHIN’ BAD!” the Smarty cried out, as if he was in the right, as if it was ok he was a baby-enf-ing monster.

“Because these fluffies are mine, and I’m not gonna let some sick Lil MONSTER TRY AND TAKE THEM AWAY FROM ME!” i yelled back at the smarty, the poor fuck was scared and decided it was too scary to take me on, so it did the only thing it could think of…

“TOUGHIES…G-go gib that m-munsta foweba s-sweepies whiwe smawty take c-cawe of soon mummahs!” and with that he ran behind his special friend, dropping the poor enf toy in the process, the brown mare walked over the the now, very dead, baby with tears in her eyes.

“s-so sowwy w-wittwe b-babbeh, am dah w-wowstes’ m-mummah ebew, wet s-smawty enf babbeh…”

as a mental note you decided to also take in the poor thing. in fact… You decided this may be a opportunity to get some very much needed stress relief. in a quick motion, he scooped up his new fluffies and ran them over to the bed of his truck, placing them into a moving box he was going to use to transport he fluffies.

“wait here, guys, I’m gonna go take care of your old herd, OK?” Clint says to the sweet family, before grabbing a larger container he used for moving and hauling larger Tools. ‘probably enough space for the herd’ he thought

“OK GUYS AND GALS, ALL EYES HERE” you yell to the feral herd, the last two Toughies are crying over their, now confirmed, brother. the rest were just happy the monster was gone.

“what dummeh hooman munsta wan’? wan’ to gib foweba sweepies tu west of hewd? twy to gib foweba sweepies tu Smawty?” the cowardly fuck says hiding behind his special friend.

“No, im gonna be your new daddeh~! and im gonna give you all treats!” Clint says in the sweetest tone he can. the fluffies are now fixated on the idea of having someone take care of them, the two toughies are now jumping for joy in the now puddle of blood their brother has made, the Smarty’s Special friend are so happy she tried to dance but could not due to her weight, her babies on the other hand were ecstatic!

all but the Brown Soon Mother, she was somber, and only stared down at her enf’ed baby, her son was sad but was trying to tell his mom the good news! they were getting a home! a dad! “Chiwp! dont be sad mummah, chiwp! Dah nice mistah wiww take cawe of us! chiwp!” oh thoes 2 were going to love the new home!

the Smarty is already taking credit for finding a new dad for them. one of their herd just died in front of them, and not even in a nice way! he became a rocket and splattered all across a wall! “OK all fluffies get in the good boxie! then i will take you to your new home!”

after some… nervous looks and some reassurance about treats and a new home they all complied and got into the storage box. Clint, thankfully, was able to life all of the fluffies into the bed of his truck, as he set the box down, he tried to pick up the brown mare and her son “don’t worry girl, I’m not gonna hurt you, im just gonna move you and your kid to another box, their isn’t a lot of room in this one, ok?”

“o- otay. Nice mistah? Can ‘ou pwease not weabe othah babbeh in not nice pwace? dont wan’ him to be weft awone…” the poor mare was still heartbroken at the fact she had let the Smarty have her son it seems. “sweetheart i dont think thats a good idea, your son is already gone, but i promise you, we will make sure you and your other son are taken care of ok?” clint then sets the brown mare, and son, down into the box the Fluffy family are in, to there shock. “nice mistah why wet meanie fwom hewd in dis box? why wet hewd come to nice home? fwuffy su confused.”

"because she is a good mom, she deserves to have a loving home, so treat her well, same to you OK? Clint points to the brown mare, and is given a quick nod from the new pair “w-we wiww! fwuffy pwomise!”

“Good. And the reason we are bringing back the rest of the herd is so you and i can get some well earned stress release, doesn’t that sound nice?” Clint ask the Fluffy Father while scratching his head. “ou gon’ foweba sweepies them?” the colt asks in response.

“not all of them, but yeah, some.”

“eben dah babbehs?”




That’s an ominous note…

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