Adopting a Good Toughie Friend 6 (by: Biorb_McBiorb ){aka me!}

[sorry about the little break work has been killer for the last week or so, lol]

“New daddeh dah bestes! New Daddeh take cawe of Chuck an’ speshuw fwend Gwen, buh new daddeh awso took meanie Pedo an’ meanie Bubbwegum, new daddeh awso took owd toughies, buh dey am nao fwiends! Chuck dont know why daddeg took owd hewd, buh Chuck just happy dat famiwy hab ne housie an’ nice new daddeh!”

These were the loving thoughts Chuck told himself as he got his Check up and shots. Chuch decided to be brave and show his family and friends that it was nothing to be afraid of. After Chuck came the rest of his family, they all took their shots well, Onyx, Brandy, Tortter, and Oingo were given sugar cubes as a treat for being brave babies.

Crush and Cooler were trying to be brave, but they did cry. they were also given treats for being brave toughies. Clint couldn’t help but giggle a little as Crush was biting his lips in anticipation of his shot, only to realize hadn’t felt the shot at all.

Bubblegum’s Brood was next, Volt, Agate and Smoke took there shots well enough but still chirped and cried about hurties! Mambo took the shots like a champ, and besides the obvious S.B.S, he was perfectly healthy, instead of being put with there mother, Kahlua took them so they wouldn’t see there father and mother, and what there fates were.

Pedo and Bubblegum were next. Clint had taken the fluffies to a more respectable no questions asked fluffy vet, He wanted to get Pedo to be treated and correctly Pillowed, as Clint knew he botched the at home version on purpose as punishment. And as quick as a They could, the Vet correctly pillowed Pedo, leaving him with four nubs of flesh naked and cold. Pedo was awake, but at the first sight of his new pillowed body, he freaked out, the Vets had to strap Pedo down for his shots. He cried, he begged, he even “Cursed” as well as a fluffy could. There was no expression to Pedo’s fae as he was put back into the carrying container, but the stream of tears that matted the sides of his fluff around his muzzle was plain as day, and it scared Bubblegum.

Clint was contemplating Bubblegum being put down, but didn’t want Gwen or Kahlua to overwork themselves. So he only option he could think of was Milk-Bagging. Bubblegum was Muzzled, strapped down. Normally Vets put fluffies under as to not let them experience pain, but Clint wanted her to feel it, so none was applied.

Bubble cried out and screamed, she wanted her legs to move! To run away! But… They didnt move!

“P-p-pwease wet bubbwegum g-go, am gud mummah, n-n-need to go gib b-b-babies w-” Bubblegum was cut off by the beginning of the procedure, her legs were sliced off with a Serrated pair of scissors. then they were cauterized with a flat piece of steel, Bubblegums cries and screams were so loud they echoed into the lobby where Clint, and a few other owners were waiting


The screams were cut off by the occasional hu-hu’s, until the third leg, where Bubblegum passed out due to the pain. Bubblegum is out cold. all thru out the Operation, she sleeps, thinking only of pretty babies, skettie and her Mummah, as if she deserved the world on a platter.

After paying the clerk at the front for the care and shots, Clint took the Fluffies back home. it was late, the Babies were asleep in piles, cuddling Kahlua and Gwen, they were happy, warm and safe. Chuck, Crush, and Cooler were awake, just enjoying the bumps of the ride. Bubblegum was still out cold, and with Pedo, he was crying in the back of the truck in a lonesome box, only his bitch of a Special Friend, to keep him company.

Taking the Fluffies into the home one group at a time, Placing the fluffies down in their safe room nests, sleepy as they were, they were happy to be home, but they were more happy to see the beds they got to sleep in. Kahlua was a little surprised, but more than happy to take care of Bubblegum’s babies. The only ones not in the fluffpile were Mambo and Oingo, they were cuddled up next to each other in the bed meant for Pedo and Bubblegum. Crush, Chuck, and Cooler, slept in on the outside of the piles, keeping a eye to the other corner of the room, where Pedo and Bubble were moved to, Pedo tried to snuggle up to Bubble but she was awake now, and inconsolable. Clint didn’t want to wake any of the sleepy Fluffies up, so he dimmed the safe room light, revealing glow in the dark stars and moons stuck to the ceiling. They weren’t bright enough to keep the room lit, but enough to wade of the fear of the dark.

Closing the door behind him, Clint was a conflicted, he enjoyed hurting Pedo and Bubblegum. but he also loved taking care of these new additions to his home. He knew he wasn’t a full blown abuser, but he wasn’t about to see any more dead foals, but he saw nothing but hate for those two. he was going to think on this for a while, he wanted the Fluffies to be happy, but he also wanted to sate this new need he had. He prayed that none of the babies turned out like their father or mother, but, a part of him did as well.


It was quiet in the safe room, all besides the blissful snoring of Fluffies. If any of the babies were awake, they would be terrified. Pedo was staring daggers at the Herd he had lead. They didn’t care he was now a pillowed smarty, he HATED his herd now, but his Gaze was met by a unlikely pair of eyes, in fact, two small pairs.

Oingo and Mambo were now awake, and they stared back at the hateful expression of the former leader unafraid, his hate was matched by these two babies. its as if they were comparing hate and malice for one another, in a silent competition, a match between two babies, and a pillowed smarty

And in this comparison of hate. Pedo wavered. He turned his head, closing his eyes, and began to try and sleep. Oingo and Mambo never took their gaze off of him. they stared back at that Monster with hate, even more than a Fluffy could comprehend.

Mambo Closed her eyes and quietly peeped and snuggled up to Oingo’s Side, but Oingo stayed awake longer than the others, he kept his eyes pinned on that Mean Smarty and Bad Mummah, He was a Smarty! He was supposed to be the best! but he was horrible, he was the worst Smarty ever, in fact even Oingo’s Daddeh would be a better smarty! Even Oingo would be a better Smarty!

“Stoopi’ dummeh Smawty, wowstes’ Smawty ebew” Oingo whispered as he began to drift off to the sweepies pictuwes place. “Oingo be bettew, be bestes’ fo’ famiwy… Smawty supposed to take cawe of othah fwuffies…” Oingo had fallen asleep, but he saw sleepy pictures him playing with the other babies, even Cognac! He drempt of his new daddeh. He was happy, Pedo and Bubblegum were gone, Mambo was there too! But she was a talky babbeh like Oingo!

“Oingo so much bettah than owd Smawty!” Mambo said as they played with a shiny Technicolor ball. “Ou know whats wite an’ whats wong, 'ou wouwd be much bettah smawty den Pedo!”

Oingo felt a weird feeling in his heart as he heard these Sleepy Pictures, he was a better smarty than Pedo? B-but Smarties are bad! They mean! They do bad things! If Oingo was going to be a Smarty, he was going to be a Good Smarty! He was going to be brave and strong for his friends, he was going to make sure all other babies got to eat!

And he was going to make sure that Pedo knew this.

Oingo was a Smarty, but he was going to be the best Smarty he can be, for his Family, for his friends, for his Daddeh, he was going to be great for them.

Oingo loved them, after all.


Clint better check on himself that abuser thinkin can be a double edge sword and if he didnt control himself, he will lost into its darkness.


i dont really have any intention of Clint becoming a full blown Abuser, but Smarty Abuse is fair game


Wise words brother

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