Adopting a Good Toughie Friend 7 (by: Biorb_McBiorb) {aka me!}

The morning came, birds were chirping, Fluffies were waking up and beginning to start their day. Chuck and Gwen arose to the loving taps and hugs of foals, a mix of “mownin’s!” And “miwkies pwease!”. Cooler and Crush were already awake, both had started playing tag without a care in the world. Kahlua and Bailey we still groggy but waking up slowly, along with Bubblegum’s Foals, Mambo already awake and staring daggers at Bubblegum and Pedo.

Speaking of.

Bubblegum had gotten very little sleep the night before, she had woken up only to find her mouth had been gagged so she wouldn’t scream. She had woken up hours earlier, she was scared! Where were her foals? Then she saw them, Volt, Agate, Smoke, even her dummy special baby, Mambo. But they were all in a hug pile with Poopie Kahlua and her poopie baby Bailey! They left her, HER babies left her alone and didnt even care?!

“Stoopi’ babbehs! dey weft bubbwegum aww awone! nu cawe about stoopi’ babbehs nu mowe!” Bubblegum thought. as she mentally disowned her children, she realize she was forgetting someone…

Her Special Friend!

Pedo was sitting in a bedded Box, he didnt want to wake up. In his Sleepy Pictures he still had legs! He was still the best Smarty ever! Every-fluffy loved him! He got all the best Nummies, all the Special friends he wanted, and even got to have all the poopie enffie babies! He was so happy. But like all dreams, his ended, he woke up hearing all the dummy babies, and dummy Fluffies, they were all happy, all having fun, playing and eating morning nummies. He was going to get his revenge one way or another. but for now he couldn’t do anything.

Pedo’s thought process was interrupted by a ball rolling over in front of Pedo’s Bed. and following the Ball, was Pedo’s Son, Volt. Yeah, he would work.

“Oh! hewwo owd mean daddeh! Peep!” Volt greeted Pedo

“not twue, Pedo did what Pedo had to do, fo’ gud of Hewd”

“Buh 'ou had bad speshuw huggies wiff othah babbehs, thats not gud thing, su 'ou am meanie tehehehe!” Volt knew his daddy was a bad Smarty, so being mean to a meanie is a good thing!

“huuu-huuu why meanie babbeh be mean to daddeh, pedo’ onwy twy to make ‘ou happy, twied to make whowe hewd happies! b-buh nu othah fwuffie eben gabe pedo huggies! nao pedo hab saddies an’ heawt huwties huhuhuhuuu” Pedo knew he only had one shot at this so he needed to make these crocodile tears work

“Weww… Bowt can gib meanie daddeh huggies! Cheep cheep!” Volt waddled over to the bed that Pedo rested upon, fully content giving his dad a big hug as thanks for the nice new hooman daddy.

It worked.

As soon as Volt reached the top of bed, he went to bite down on Volt’s head, the bite met, but he slipped! Pedo was too hungry and his mouth began to water, as soon as Volt’s head entered the mouth, it slipped out, all to the horror of Pedo, and the relief of Volt.

“CHEEP CHEEP HEWP BABBEH NEE’ HEWP PEEP CHEEP MEANIE DADDEH TWIED TO NUM BOWT” Volts cries rang out to the rest of the herd. Cooler and Crush heard the cries and ran to the little Foal’s rescue.

To Pedo’s surprise, they were, in fact, not there to help him eat his son. No they didnt even say anything and immediately started to beat down the pillowed Pedo, cries and insults were thrown.

Kahlua came over to take Volt back and comfort the poor naive foal.“Bowt ‘ou nee’ to stay 'way fwom meanie pedo, fwuffy fwuffy am bad fwuffie” Volt’s face saddened as he fully realized why his father was a meanie, he wasn’t just being called that, it wasn’t a silly name he was given. Pedo was a meanie.

Clint’s morning was very plain, got up, showered, got dressed, etc., etc. But as he was eating his breakfast, he was startled to hear cries from the safe room.


Clint opened the door to the safe-room to see Kahlua comforting Volt, Crush and Cooler beating the hell out of Pedo, it was a mess. “HEY” Clint announced to the herd. Silence, all Fluffies were at attention, Pedo began o beg for “Hewp” and tried to make it seem like HE was the victim in this.

“P-p-pwease d-d-daddeh, h-hewp Pedo” more tears ran down his face. “What. Happened.” Clint’s request was met by Cooler and Kahlua. “Meanie Pedo twied to num his own babbeh! Bwuddah Cwush an’ fwuffy wan obah an’ gabe stoopi’ Pedo huwties!” Cooler said, “Id twue daddeh! Kahwua went obah an’ picked up babbeh Bowt, an’ twied to cawm babbeh down” as Kahlua finished her addition, the rest of the herd agreed practically in unison.

“Well, I guess you need to be punished then huh Pedo?” Clints question was met with cries. “Nuuuuuu it not twue, fwuffy did nothin’ wwong, dey wiein’ honest!” hmm… Its obvious that he did do something… maybe i should ask bubblegum. See what she says to defend her special friend. Clint walks over to Bubblegum, undoes the little gag the vet set her up with. As soon as the gag came off, before Clint could even ask his question, Bubblegum started crying “IT NU TWUE DADDEH OTHAH FWUFFIES WIEIN! B-BUBBWEGUM S-SWEAW, BOLT JUST WYIN’ DUMMEH BABBEH, HATE ‘OU STOOPI’ BWUE BABBEH! D-daddy 'ou shouwd gib owwies tu bowt!”

Really? lying and trying to pass off the punishment to her own kid? Well adleast shes loyal… But for the wrong reason.

“You just lied to me, you AND Pedo, so you both have to get punished now” Cries from both Pedo and Bubblegum started, and immediately stopped as Clint grabbed Sheri from the wall, and brought it down twice on Pedo, and once on Bubblegum.

“Well, since you guys cant be trusted to be nice with your own kids, i think they should have a bit of a outside day! While you two can stay here and keep each other company!”

“O-otay daddeh, Bubbwegum undewstand, wanna go, but daddeh hate fwuffy.”

“Bubblegum I don’t hate you, but you have been a bad fluffy, a VERY bad fluffy, so you don’t get to have fun, you get to feed all the babies, and that’s it.”

Clint hung up Sheri back on the wall, opened he safe-room door, and lifted the gate out of the way so all the fluffies could follow close behind. Clint escorted the fluffies thru his House, to him it was the perfect size for a single guy, to the fluffies it was a Mansion! They have never seen a home of his size before!

Clint led the herd to the back door, opening it up to reveal a vast back yard, Clint owned around 500 acres of the land he built his home on. and was happy to be alone, he liked his own company, but one can get lonely, even if they prefer the solitude.

The field was mostly just grass, no plants, a few flowers, and a odd tree or two. It was a Bright day outside, but the breeze made it just cool enough for the heat to be subsided. As the fluffies walked out they looked to Clint, as if they needed approval. With a sigh Clint said “OK, you guy scan go play, BUT stay close to the house OK? i need to keep a eye on you so nothing bad happens” at the end of the sentence the fluffies ran out and enjoyed the new turf!

Chuck and Cooler played Tag? Whenever they tagged each other they would turn around and hug each other. Gwen was watching over her babies, Onyx and Trotter were hugging and (as lightly as they could) wrestling around in the grass, Brandy was playing with a opened acorn shell calling it her “bwown baww”. Oingo was playing but was mostly watching over his brothers and sisters, but he really wanted to play with Brandy and her ball.

Kahlua was also watching the other babies but she wasn’t alone. Crush was with her, and it seemed that he was trying to warm up to her. Maybe he was trying to like, flirt? The idea of Fluffies flirting kinda sent a chill down Clint’s spine. Bailey was Older than Bubblegum’s foals, But she played and showed them how to play certain games, and how to be nice, as their mother didn’t really care about them it seemed. Volt was especially close to Bailey, wanting her undivided attention, Agate and Smoke snuggled up in a two fluffy nap pile. Mambo was running around and enjoying the breeze, for every step he took it was followed up with a Cheep, or a Peep.

Clint sat down on his back porch, he liked this, he was happy, even with the all the trouble these little guys had brought. Clint was brought back to reality as he heard a new noise he hadn’t heard before.

enf, enf, enf, enf, enf, enf, enf, enf, enf.

To Clint’s suprise he saw Kahlua and Crush were… well they were fucking. They had left Bailey to tend to the other babies, probably a bad idea. Clint decided to get up off the porch and help Bailey out with the four, Clint scooped up the foals and told bailey to follow him, Setting the babies down next to Gwen and her foals. with Bailey close behind, Clint, Gwen, and Bailey played with the babies, playing Tag, Peek-a-Boo, and other games ment for children.

It had been about a hour, the foals were all sleepy, and began to curl up and take naps. Kahlua and Crush had finished their menage a deux. “Daddeh? Can can Kahwua teww ‘ou somethin’?” “sure Kid, what is it?” Clint replied.

“Weww… Kahwua am… am…” Before Kahlua could finish the thought Crush interrupted


at the mention of being a mummah again Kahlua smiled and hugged Crush. “Wub ou’ Cwush” Crush stopped dead in his tracks and shyly replied “Cwush wuv Kahwua too.”

Clint decided that the Fluffs had enough outside play, and told everyone to come back inside, Moms carried the babies, Crush told Cooler the news and hugged, then went back inside. To Clint’s Surprise Chuck and Oingo stayed seated on the porch outside.

“Daddeh, Chuck an’ Oingo nee’ to tawk wiff 'ou”

“Sure Guys, whats up?” Clint responded

“Oingo, say what 'ou towd daddeh, otay?”

“Oingo wan’ be smawty” Oingo said with a somber tone.



Im super enjoying this series! But why did Pedo try to eat Volt? Has he gone without food?

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It’s a simple case of Fuck You. Volt “betrayed” his father so Pedo tried to retaliate as only a legless piece of shit could


No they all have food, Pedo is just a piece of shit


Oingo proclamation hmmm hope this is given a clear reason of what kind of “smarty” he want to be.

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