Adopting a Good Toughie Friend 9 (by: Biorb_McBiorb) {aka me!}

After the Pedo/Bubblegum incident, time passed. about a week or so to be precise. Not much had happened in the ways of punishment, or correcting.

Gwen and Chuck’s Family were absolute angels. Gwen never demanded thing like sketti or toys, and loved all her babies, sometimes she would take a little longer when grooming Onyx, but nothing outside of that. Chuck was great, just like his special friend, never demanded anything. he was a bit stern in taking care of his foal, But always apologized if he felt he went too far. The foals adored Gwen and Chuck, Oingo most of all, speaking of…

Oingo is a gem. He always made sure his siblings ate first, always made sure they all shared toys, but most of the time he just played with Mambo, the two foals were almost conjoined at the hip, but always went to each others family fluff piles when it was time to go to bed.

Onyx and Trotter became competitive, trying to one up each other and show off to Gwen for huggies. Clint thought that some healthy competition would be good for the two, as long as they didnt take it too far. Brandy was a Mommy’s Girl, or, Mommy’s Foal. She almost never left Gwen’s side, She loved being around her, getting any sort of praise from her made Brandy beam with joy. She did get a little jealous when one of her brothers got milkies or got a hug before her. but she never showed any malice or hate, just sad mom didn’t let her go first.

Those two’s Foals were a similar story.

Volt became a sort of mock leader since Crush and Kahlua weren’t always watching. Taking care of Agate and Smoke, he cared about his sisters, much more than his mom or dad ever could, and that is whats important. Mambo was almost always with Kahlua, SBS was a hell of a thing. Clint knew there wasn’t a cure for it, but after reading others experiences from other Fluffy owners, Clint found that sometimes SBS Fluffies could, if not temporarily, revert, and have a few clear moments. Clint hoped maybe Mambo would have one or two of these moments. but knew if Mambo was going to have one only Oingo or Kahlua would be there to witness it.

Cooler was good, but, he felt lonely. so when ever Clint came to play with the fluffies Cooler would go out of his way to try and play with him more than the others.

Cooler even went out his way once to ask if he could have a special friend.

“daddeh? can… can coowah pwease hab speshuw fwend?” The orange ball of fluff asked.

“Oh uh… Are you sure buddy?” Clint wasn’t surprised at the question, He had a hunch Cooler felt left out of the “Special Friend Game” everyone else was playing. “Weww… Cwush nu hab time to pway wiff Coowah… buh, maybe if Coowah hab own speshuw fwend, den Coowah can hab own famiwy! an’ den Cwush’s babbehs can pway wiff Coowew’s babbehs!”

Clint was going to see if he wanted a special friend anyways, but because Cooler asked, and didn’t demand… “Sure buddy! But if we do find you a special friend you gotta follow the rules remember?” Clint asked.

“Yes! Coowah wemembew! nu bestes’ babbehs!” Clint trusted Cooler, he had been a good fluffy, protecting babies, playing and being kind to his friends, and he only broke the poop rule once.

“alright, come on Cooler, lets get your leash.”

You’re Cooler, and you SO excited! Your daddy said you can get a special friend!

You run over to your brother and tell him the great news! “Cwush! Cwush!” you yell, getting his attention. “Coowah otay? Why bwuddah yewwing?” Crush said, climbing out of his nestie.

“Coowah get to hab speshuw fwend! Gon’ be daddeh just wike bwuddah!” Crush couldn’t believe it! Cooler AND Crush got to have families?! Crush’s response to Cooler’s exclamation was to run over and hug him of course! “Ou am gon’ be gweat daddeh bwuddah, su pwoud of 'ou” Cooler couldn’t help but tear up at hearing his brothers praise, so in return, he matched his brothers hug.

Chuck came over to the brothers hugging, he had overheard the good news!

“Su! Coowah am gon’ get speshuw fwend? wewe ‘ou feewin’ wonewy?” Chuck read him like a book, Cooler thought, even tho he had never read in his life! Even before Nice Mistah Cwint brought them all back.

“Y-yus… Coowah fewt wike fwuffy was woosin’ aww Coowew’s fwiends! b-buh Coowah stiww knew that Chuck an’ Cwush wiww awways be Coowew’s bestes’ fwiends!” Chuck and Crush made a impromptu Fluffy hug pile. Cooler was so happy, he had friends, he was gonna have babbehs AND a Special Friend! He couldnt wait!

He just hopped that she liked Babbehs just as much as he did!

Clint came back to see Cooler sitting attentively by the door of the Safe room door. Clint leaned down and tussled Cooler’s mane, and putting the Fluffy in the black harness, attaching the leash, and picking up Cooler, tucking him under his arm.

“OK guys, Cooler and i are going to get him a special friend! I’m also going to get a nurse mare to help with Volt, Agate and Smoke. While im gone, be nice, and listen to your mummahs and daddehs ok?”

With every fluffy nodding and agreeing. Clint closed the Safe-room door. Heading outside Cooler squirmed with excitement, he was so happy! Clint almost dropped him as he squirmed and jittered under his arm. Getting into the car, Clint saw that Cooler was not very afraid of noise it made as he started the truck. Cooler flinched, but was actually looking out the window!

Cooler couldn’t believe how fast they were going! it was far faster than a Fluffy could run. He didn’t like the noise but when Cooler stared out at the “window” he felt so fast! He also felt very dizzy but he didn’t mind.

It seemed as if Cooler was in the “Twuck” for many fowebews! But to his Joy Cooler felt the Nice Metaw Munsta slowing down! That meant they were close! He couldn’t wait! He was so excited to finally get a special friend! He was goign to be just like his brother! Just like his friend Chuck! He couldn’t wait!

Clint had made a mistake. He had taken Cooler to the Fluffymart he had met the herd at, as Clint pulled into the parking spot he got out, went to let Cooler out, and was met with a very different fluffy than the one who was enjoying the car ride a few minutes ago.

Cooler had begun to cry, and stared intently at the alleyway he recognized. Where his brother went foweba sweepies. Cooler looked at his Daddy, and asked a very disheartening question.

“Daddeh Cwint? is C-Coowah goin’ go foweba sweepies wike big bwuddah?”

“What?” Clint looked and saw the alley realizing his error. “oh-OH NONONONONOnononno buddy! Of course not! We wanted to get you a special friend remember? the big housie there, keeps a LOT of fluffies, im sorry Cooler, if you want we can go to another Flu-”

NU” Cooler said, cutting off his daddy. "Coowew’s othah bwuddah didn’t get chance to see nice new home, bwuddah did what dummeh pedo wanted… Buh, wan’ to teww him… Wan’ to teww bwuddah that Coowah goin’ to be new daddeh soon… " Cooler began to sob, Clint scooped him up coddling the Neon Orange fluffy. “Im sorry buddy, yeah of course we can… we can talk to him…”

“Did… Did your brother have a name? If not, why dont we give him one? i think he’d be very happy to have a name.” Cooler looked up at Clint, Tears in his eyes. “Dat sounds gud, what shouwd sweepy bwuddah’s name be daddeh?”


“How about… Jarrito?”

“Coowah think dat gud name fo’ sweepy bwuddah daddeh, Cwush gon’ wike it… Can… Can Coowah tawk to Jawwito?”

Sure buddy… Sure.


I know that its flaired as Neutral, This story was always going to start as a bit of Abuse, and end on a Neutral/Happy note,


Nuthin, its my story if i want it to end happy/sad THEN I’M GONNA MAKE IT END THAT WAY

also 1 more chapter and this whole thing draws to a close!



I hope Clint is prepared, having three lots of foals in the house is no easy task, but at least he’s rewarding good behaviour.

Glad to see the herd dynamic actually flourishing without Pedo and Bubblegum fucking things up


another reason i forgot to even add in this part, that was touched upon in the last part, was that he was also going to get a Nurse mare to help when one or two mummas needed help.
Lol mb

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