It’s a warm summer night and a feral mere is sitting in her nest-box humming and rubbing her tummy.
(repeat “mama wov soon babes” jingle multiple times to take the picture)
Her name is Toffee, for her blonde caramel fur and white-ish mane.
Toffee wasnt a naturally born feral, she once had a family too, but got kicked out in favor of a babe hoomie… she doesn’t understands why.
Fluffies love babies and babies make everything bettaw.
Toffee loved that house an’ her mama an’ her dedde… and probably would have loved her soon little hoomie bwoda too.
As far as she remembers, Toffee’s moma wasn’t any normal hoomie mama, she was her real mama… Toffee came from her tummi.
Mama and dadeh were there when Toffee was born, grown her like she was their own babe.
She was the bestest fluffy ever, never demanded anything, always made good poopies in litter-box, made good sweepies and never cry when dawkie time.
Never needed a sorry-box nor a sorry-stick, always listen to moma an’ dadde.
Maybe… maybe that was the reason, Toffee was too perfect…
Pffff- nooo no no no, siwwi thinki pwace… it’s a too stupid reason to even think about.
Then, why did they kick her out?
Sometimes… even the bestest of hoomies can came out with the ugwiest idea, but…
Despite what they’ve done, she still loves em with all her heart and hope that eventually, one day, when they see she got babies too, they will be more than happier to let her back in and reunite into one biggest loving family.
— —
After she got kicked away, she wandered the streets for many forevers until she founded her speshal fwen… a big feral aquamarine stallion… he was everything for Toffee and after he gave her special huggies, her love only increased even more.
Toffee is pregnant, she can feel her babies coming soon… in a week or so…
They gives her many wuv hoofsies, thats a good sign… they will grow into strong and healthy fluffies and surely find a family on their own…
She doesnt care if she gets poopie babehs or monsta bebehs, she will love ‘em no matter what.
Having babes makes her very happy, even tho she lives in the cold harsh streets.
But she doesn’t care, as long as her loving special friend takes care of her giving the biggest an’ bestest huggies and tastiest nummies, she’s happy.
its also true that he’s gone for many forevers now.
She tries to be positive thinking that maybe he just got lost or found a family… thinking of anything else only gives her too many hearth hurties.
— —
It’s dark time and she’s about to go to sleep, when she hears weird sounds of footsteps and laughs getting closer.
They stopped… now only laughs…
She rises her head and see two funny looking misters pointing and laughing at her.
The light of the street lamp doesn’t really help very much… all she sees are two silhouettes and a weak light dot…
Toffee thinks that maybe its finally her time to get a new family too, a loving house for her soon babes it’s all she wants right now… so she gets up, and slowly walks the best she can while dragging her big belly.
(Tired but Happy Toffee): “Hewwo nice mistews! Toffee am soon mama, pweese giv mama a wovin housi…
Toffee nee’ wot of nummies fow makin’ miwkies fow babehs an’ noffin ewse, Toffee jus wan onwi da best fow soon babes
… nice mistews?…”
How strange… the two misters seem to not have heard anything and still laughing.
Maybe they didnt heard her.
So, she tries once again and repeat a bit louder this time, hoping they dont ignore her.
(Louder Toffee): “P-pweese nice mistews, Toffee jus wan a nice pwace fo babes… -eeeeep…”
But before she finishes, one of the misters picks her up.
It’s not a bad upsie but it still scares her a little.
Now that she’s closer to them, she can see that one has a light stick in their mouth and… it doesnt smell very pretty.
(Dude1): [inhale] “duuude what the fuuck hhh, this shit s awesome” [inhale and pass] “look this fukin ballon is talkin to me”
(Dude2):“Duude thats a fluffy…”
(Dude1): “Oh… hehehe, she kinda cute tho”
[Says the second dude while stroking Toffee mane]
Toffee blushes and reply
(Concerned Toffee): “Tank ou nice mista bu’ p-Pwese, put soon mama down… upsies am bad fow tummi bebes…”
But before she could finish again, the mister roughly put her in a fetal position in between his arms while the other mister gets closer and breath right in front of her nose.
(Scared): “nuuuuu pweese nice mista… soon mama am vewi fwagiwe an’ nu wan soon babbes get huwt… an’… am nu wike Toffee nu wike upsies but… Toffee nu am babbe nu mow…”
The man who was holding Toffee still had the joint in his mouth, the entire time she was up in his arms, the man unwillingly exhaled toxic fumes straight to Toffee face.
That cloud smelled funny… it was like a weird combination of sugar, gwassies nummies and mean metaw monsta smell.
After a while Toffee started to feeling a little dizzy.
(Dizzy Toffee): “Uuuhhg… funny cwoud make Toffee nu feew pwetti”
[pukes a little]
(Dude1): “Duuude we should keep her, Chuck needs some company…”
(Dude2): “But… aaa… wasnt Chuck dead?”
(Dude1): “oh Yeah… no… idk man i forgot” [inhale]
(Dude2): “Hol’ don dude shes passin, this shit hits hard even as just smoke ehehe… do you still have that thing… aa… the adrenaline shot?”
(Dude1): “Yeah dude, i had… it here… ah! There you go”
Toffee sees that syringe and immediately think they gonna hit her, so she tries to beg them not…
(Scared dizzy Toffee): “hhuuu nuu pweese nice mista… nu huwt Toffee… Toffee am gud fwuffi an’ soon mama huu huu… Toffee nee’ huggies an’ wov no huwties… huuu… pwese put ‘way sowwy stick huuu…”
The nice mister finally puts Toffee down and she finally calms… but soon after gets stabbed with that strange pointy sorry stick.
It’s so fast that Toffee doesn’t actually realizes it… also she didn’t really felt anything, but immediately after she gets a sudden energy boost.
It’s not painful but she doesn’t like it.
Everything began to get slower and faster at the same time, she sees strange looking monsters and flashy lights appear and disappear in front of her.
Her head hurts… a sudden nausea attack makes her puke whatever was left in her stomach, in panic she start a nervous cry… she want to run away but her legs refuse to move…
(Nervous Toffee): “wa- wat hapenin… T-Toffee nu feew pwetti… nu-nu wike dis game…”
Her heart beats faster and faster, breath faster, she feels colder and bad wawa came out from her… an agglomeration of emotions sprouts…
She truly doesn’t know what to feel, too many things are happening all at once and it scares her.
She’s stay in this horrible state for a while until she gets distracted by a growl coming from her tummy…
A growl… from her tummy… her babehs… babehs are coming… but its not right… its too soon…
(In Pain Toffee): Owies huuuu… tummi huwt… gasp… tummi huwt? Biggest poopies?! Nononnono… pweese babes stay in mama tummi am too eawly…
[hyper ventilation]… pwese no babehs, no weawe mama tummi… am too eawly, TOO EAWLYYY!
After a long session of cramps and unnatural body twists its done, in a very painful way her babes came out from her special place one after the other…
They hit the ground making a weird wet sound but… no peeps nor cry, only a lot of bubu juice.
She rapidly turn around to check her babes but… oh no… they didnt make it.
-peep peep-
Wait, you hear that? It’s a cry… a foal survived!
A relieved Toffee rushes to grab the baby, aquamarine pegasus like his father, she hugs it and cry for happiness.
Even through that immense pain, the love for that little bebe is strong enough to forget about it.
As the foal cries, Toffee gives it wiki cweans and put it right in front of her tit full of warm and delicious sweet milk.
But… whats goin on?.. the bebe stopped to cry but it doesnt even eat…
(Preoccupied Toffee): Pweese wastest babe… nu sweepie… nao am miwkie time… -sigh-
Moma wov babe… -sigh- babe… babe wov mama…
Pwese babe… not ou too… not ou too… huuu
The foal didnt make it…
The no more moma start cry in agony both from her own pain and the loss of her babes.
(Distressed Toffee): “Waaii… huuu huuu… Wai babe weft mama… am too eawwy hu hu huuu…”
While crying she look at the misters and begs for help.
(Crying in pain Toffee): ”Pweese huuu huu… Toffee am mama no mow… pweese nice miwstes fwuffi jus’ wan huggies now… huuu …fwuffi am biggest heawt huwties… huuu… nu feew pwetti… ewitin huuuwt…”
After that last sentence she collapse loosing senses, once again she enters in hyper ventilation and start twitching and contort in various unnatural positions… saliva sprouts out her mouth while slowly loosing conscious.
She can see the two guys just standing there doing nothing as everything began to turn darker and darker…
(Loosing conscious Toffee): ”Pwees hewp… Toffee nu feew pwetti… nu feew… nu… nu… …”
She’s gone… her eyes still wide open crying in pain, foam and puke coming from her mouth… while blood and amniotic fluids still coming out from her speciaw pwace…
(Dude2): “Well shit dude, that was a mess” [inhale and pass]
(Dude1 [checking Toffee hearth beat]): “Yeah… she’s still alive… sho… should we help her?” [inhale]
(Dude2): “Naaah, she probably gonna die any moment soon”
(Dude1): “Yeah… thats sad tho, i would’ve kept her”
The two look at each other, they were sad for real but weed kick back and both started to wheezing for then walk away.
Little do they know what they have just started.
Oi no love stories today.
For those who were little interested, this the prequel of Sketti Genie
Later on last part.