Advice wanted (SpaceFluff)

Im in the midst of creating a fluffy comic thing, my sketches go up to page 39. What prevents me from finalizing and posting the first few pages or so is the fear I will not write an ending. Im dumb I know, but its a OCD thing. I guess what im asking is if I should finalize and post like five pages in a bundle every week. Sorry sorry Im just conflicted and cant really ask anyone else.


I’d just say there is a reason that “My favorite fanfiction from high school just posted another chapter a decade later” joke made the rounds. Or the jokes about how hard it is to end a story, or start one.

Or comics that suddenly stop so the first few chapters can be redone with the retcons in place. Or the Star Wars Special Editions.

Plenty of folks here are mid-story. I have like six I’ve got a skeletal ending, and am filling in the guts and skin on.

Just gotta do it. Its a hobby, not a portfolio.


Thank you that makes a lot of sense, still nervous butt fuck it imma try.
Much appreciated.


You also have the possibility of audience suggestions. Ideas and theories from readers could push the story in different directions and give you the inspiration for which one to take.

Hell I created an entire family and backstory around a piece of fan-art, anything’s possible in this place.


Still nervous to buttfuck it, just use protection


Just do it. If you don’t, you don’t.

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Seconded. Start posting, read the community feedback, and go with what seems right.

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Very appreciated! Thank you!

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