Aftermath (by Saximaphone)


Nice, I wonder what the story behind this flyer is?


Probably religious zealotry.

Because I’m sure as shit not starting an armed uprising over little retarded talking horses.


Is that Fluffy shit on the ground? If that is, then I wonder if it’s a location that was overrun by Fluffy shit.

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It’s for the PETA raid on Hasbio. The ‘classic’ or at least most popular fluffy origin story.

Its an advertisement for the iconic PETA raid.

It’s mud, but knowing fluffies it could be shit.

Some of Column A, some of Column B…

This Is first biggest peta mistake ever.

They released not fully developed anti depresion animals but look now peta not only killed human inside lab but they also killed Fluffies by releasing them but now peta Is angry how human Is killing those fluffy, they can’t get over shit they have done so good job peta, you made this mistake

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The thing about Peta though is they would probably be for the humane killing of fluffys. Peta honestly believes domestic animals are better off dead than with humans and that’s why they kill like 80-90% of pets surrendered to them or they kidnapped no matter if the animal is good for rehoming or not. Let’s not forget the time they took a chihuahua from its family’s front yard and had it put down in less than 48 hours despite the law saying they had to wait at least 5 days

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This looks really good!

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Theres a peta logo right there

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