Ah Bewiebe Ah Kin Fwy! by SnakevsFluffy

You are Cloudy, a wingie babbeh! Well, you’re almost a full grown fluffy at this point, but you’re still SORT of a babbeh.

You live with your mummuh and bwuddas. They’re dummeh fluffies! Mummuh keeps saying you can’t fly! That’s impossible! You have wingies! That means you can fly!

You asked mummuh where she had heard that, and mummuh told you that daddeh had told her that. “Daddeh a gud daddeh an a smawt daddeh. He neba wiesies. If daddeh sez wingie babbeh kin nu fwy, den daddeh tewwin da twuth!” She said as she licked your head playfully. Mummuh loved you so muchsies, but she was a dummeh. They were all dummehs.

One day, it was really hot, and daddeh had opened all the glass see places in his housey that was high up on top of another housey. Hoomuns were silly.

You saw this as your chance to show dummeh mummuh, dummeh bwuddas, and dummeh daddeh that they were dummehs. You were gonna fly!

Your bwudda, Lime, tried to tell you no, but you gave him a bop on his smeww pwace. “Stupi bwudda Wime no stopsies Cwoudy fwom fwyin. Yuu gun mess it aww up fo bestest smawty babbeh Cwoudy!”

“Nuuuuu, bwudda Cwoudy nu gu fwy. Nu fwy!” Lime shouted as you lept out into the open air, cheering as you felt the wind go through your pretty white fluff.

You were flying!

You soared through the air, through the townsies, through the trees, you darted and zigzagged.! It was so much fun!

Then suddenly you were dropped.

You plummeted, screaming all the while and making bad pee pees and poopsies as you fell and fell.


But then you didn’t go forever sleepies! You landed in a nice comfy twiggy place.

Looking around, you saw that a bunch of wingie fwiends were there! They were dummeh looking, but you knew you could boss them around easily enough.

“Hewwo dummeh wingie fwiends! Fwuffy am Cwoudy! Am new smawty bestest an yuu gotta du what Cwoudy say ow ew-”

The wingie fwiends then pounced on you, ignoring you screams, cries, and pitiful pleas for mercy as they slowly tore you to pieces.

Hours later, when you finaly expired, you had your last stupid thought.

“Wha wingies betway Cwoudy?”

Yeah, just something I quickly typed out to get back into the swing of writing Fluffy shit. Been having a bit of a writers block/burnout/general life shit.


So Clowdy fell on a bird nest and was tore appart?


Well, a bird caught him as he lept out the window and flew him to her nest.


Throwing arrogant Pegasi that think they can fly at a wall or into oncoming traffic seems like a good pastime. That’ll teach these winged shitrats something… maybe.
But also having them stumbling into bird nests and ending up food as just as fun.


That explains a lot. I thought he was so invested in his stupid daydreaming he had an entire sequence playing just before reality hit.

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A fluffy feeling hope needs to be punished.

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Fluffies usually need to be punished for many things

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