Having a brief break from the Tail Monster series to bring you a bit of eye bleach!
Edit: I definitely forgot to add the tail To the sorry box with me.
Edit: I definitely forgot to add the tail To the sorry box with me.
I-it has no tail.
No tail!
Even the dream version has no tail!
The poofball tail is like your signature art thing, so it’s weird to see one of your fluffies with no tail.
I have no idea what I was thinking lmao
If this fluffy has no name, I dub thee Smoov-B. The B is Butt. Because, you know, the tail thing.
Dat babbeh is not tinkin bout miwkies
The lil’ one doesn’t has a mane either.
It’s a young one who still has to grow the tail and mane, and he’s dreaming 'bout his future.
My foals don’t typically have manes but tails are rarely missing. Total brain fart!
It was a brain fart from my side, but yer canon caught my notice now.