Here’s some free cuteness
“Nex’ stop, wittew sissy!”
This is awesome
Awesome, but i would never go inside a fluffy.
It just… Feels weird.
I would be paranoid the hole trip, like this:
“Does it know i have killed fluffies?”
“What if it does?”
“Can it digest something that’s inside its cabin?”
“What if it closes the doors and does not let me out?”
“If id would, will anybody know im in here?”
“What if it drives into a forest, and leaves me inside to starve?”
“Well, at least i am good to good fluffies, but is that enough to pleasure it?”
“What if it is not enough?”
“What if i do something wrong?”
“Would it become mad?”
“Would it or could it kill the passengers?”
“What if it abuses or brainwashes the people inside it?”
“Does it care if there are fluffies inside?”
“What could it do to them?”
Stuff like that…
But the art is really good!
“Huuhuu why meanie caw-fwuffy gib bus-fwuffy wostest huwties? Nu can feew tummeh fwiends nu mowe! Huuhuu am wostest bus-fwuffy…”
I can’t stop imagining a smart car fluffy demanding to be plugged in.
“Dummeh hoomin dis am smarty wand now! ‘Ou housie am ENFIE housie! It gib smarty gud feews ow housie get wowstest sowwy-bumpuh!”
Ride on top of the magic school bus!