Alley fluffy high-end house by ShititsMe

Hello!! Shit explaining some headcannon shit again hahahahaah this time comes a very lucky and high end carboard nest for alleyways fluffies and some of this structure apllies to every fluffy nest construction even in natural scenarios.


The exterior of the nest its usually located next to a bigger structure to bring protection and concealment and its away enough of the streets but no too deep into the alleys, smart fluffies will make an entrance with the fit of the more thicc of the little herd to prevent any non welcome visitant like dogs and bigger stranger fluffies.
The roofs are usually non protected due the lack of agility of the fluffies, but if they are smart enough and do teamwork they can make a roof with water resistant materials for rain satations and survive winter without losing their home.


The interior of the nest has a “floor” usually composed of sheets of paper to isolate some of the temperature changes around the day and bring some extra cushion while staying inside.
The nest its composed of differents areas that in alleys are compressed in only one room and these are:
-poopie place (not the anus): this area its separated form the rest and has a thicker layer of sheets to prevent any damage to the floor of the box, this aswell its the place for the poopie babbeh(s) that will only eat and drink the waste of the rest of the herd.
-food stack or reservoir: all the food that is gathered from the adventures of the special friend and even some exploring foals its accumulated usually in a corner next to the bed, the food stack can be composed of every food that you can see in the streets.
-Bed: the bed its make with fur of the mummah and daddeh combined with shreds of clothes and/or rests of plush toys searching to have a bed that the pregnant fluffy can stay long periods of time with little problem, the bed its always located in the oposite or the farthest place from the entrance of the nest.

The lucky fluffies can have these types of houses but only the smartest can maintain it and protect it form the ambient, weather and interaction with other living beings, and other consequense of being a little bit smarter than other fluffies leads to separate the interior to prevent infections and have an easier live inside their nest.



It takes smart fluffies so much time and effort to make a good nest, and yet one dumb idiot fluffy is enough to quickly destroy it all. And a human can do it in a few seconds.


That fluffy is so lucky to have such a big food pile…
that they’ll never be able to eat because it’s all in packets.


oh shit it does hahaha thats why i love fluffies and their moronic tendency to doom themselves.


hahahaha yup but lets suppose they do teamwork and later can eat an expired doritos bag


Love these schematics.


Hmmm… Pile of chips and candy, shit in room, and a “bed”. Pretty sure I’ve seen this fluffy house like that on r/neckbeardnests :joy:


I’d imagine so many things going from print to online really hurt them. Why, 10 years ago they could’ve had a lot of newspaper (daily papers, free weeklies, penny saver things, etc) to use for insulation, litter paper (not ideal but it’d work), etc. Now, there might be color magazines printed on glossy paper for decoration as well as poopie place paper.

Regarding the chip bags: they’re full of air so stompies would work.

I wonder if an abandoned shopping mall could turn into a home for many feral herds/colonies? Food would be a problem, but it’d be safe from the elements.


This is a great idea for a writing prompt. A feral herd moves into a derelict mall and then an investment company buys the mall and bulldozes it for redevelopment a few years later


Some have to say it hahahahah!! runaways and alleys are the star of r/neckbeardnests

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Totally!! the advance in technology would make some aspects of alley fluffies harder but thats the fun!! fluffies are a hard nut to crack and they will overcome the paper for insulation issue in some generations.

The shopping mall its a great idea!! if we suppose the fluffies can do some agriculture they would use the building no doubt

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Wasn’t there a show or movie that had “nature finds a way” as an idea?

Given that malls have been dying for years (decades?) there are owners that would rather let them sit empty as tax write-offs than actually trying to make them viable. Online is killing them just as many of them sucked their business customers dry (high rents, required hours, some malls even taking a share of the revenue).

If anything, a mall could be sort of reopened to become an online retail giant’s distribution center… partly in use, but mostly not.

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yup yup in jurassic park.
Thats an awesome idea, if i get your idea the fluffies would live in the closed part of the mall like in a mini city outside the eye of the owner or they will be there on propuse??

Ferals might try to avoid people, right? I think there’s better opportunity for conflict if they’re smart enough to do that.