Alright Fine (TinyHorses)

Derpibooru has plenty of gore but frowns on fluffy abuse.
So this user shouldn’t meet any resistance.


I dont have a dog in this race but the legs are still way too long. Fluffy legs are like a Munchkin Cat’s. Way too small for their fatass bodies.

Also just in general you draw them really thin. Their bellies are fluffy too and they dang near touch the ground.

Just in general fluffies barely get their bodies off the ground due to how rotund they are and how short their legs are.

Look at fluffle puff if you want an example of what you should be aiming for in revards to a fluffy thatd fit your style.

People told you here that the proportions you used for a foal were the exact sort of proportions people are looking for in an adult fluffy pony and you ignored them

I’m not sure exactly what else we can do for you if you insist on ignoring good advice from tenured members of the community.


It was okay the first time but I will admit it gotten better.

When in rome, do as the romans do


Did you mean this comment:


That’s the one I meant. Squeaky is one of the community’s best artists and absolutely worth listening to in terms of designing a fluffy.


Ah shit, here we go again


You would have gotten less grief from the community about your proportions if you hadn’t immediately gone on the offensive: when you act like a brat, people treat you like a brat.

If you actually want to participate in the community, you still can. Just cut the woe-is-me bullshit.


i draw some pretty not fluffy like fluffys, but i still accept criticism. i admit mine arent perfect and move on. fighting like this just leads to more fights.
Now if you drew a human and they were also lanky as fuck or a real pony next to the fluffy to show its just a stylistic thing then people wouldnt be so pissy.
I think this fluffy looks fine, little tall but we dont have anything to compare it to in the pic. if you draw it next to a pillow maybe that would help with showing its size in comparison


Are you still fucking doing this? Seriously?

Getting nasty and self-righteous is going to achieve you exactly zilch, other than pissing off the few people who were still willing to give you the time of day before.

Nobody is required to like your offerings. You aren’t any more special than any of the other artists here. Us not liking your content doesn’t make us hateful pricks or whatever; it makes you unable to connect with your audience. Stop blaming other people for your insistence on drawing things that look awkward and out of place here.

Just because it’s “your style” doesn’t mean we aren’t allowed to criticize it.

And, honestly, most people would still have readily adapted to your style after a while if you hadn’t immediately gotten butthurt the instant you received criticism. In case you didn’t notice, not everyone disliked your art. If you’d just let the community grumble a bit, you would likely have ended up with a loyal following of people who enjoy your work over time.

But that ship has sailed by now.



The hell I am!

Sorry, terrible joke, I know.

But yeah, I think TinyHorses should have taken a look at some of the other people who got needlessly hostile over constructive criticism, and treated them as examples of what not to do.

I mean, we just had this shit with Shadowraiden23 a week or so ago, we couldn’t hold out until February before the next round?

I’d better set the “[NUMBER] DAYS WITHOUT SOMEONE THROWING A TANTRUM” sign back to 0.


We…we don’t actually have any other numbers for that sign.

We’ve never needed them…


They’re being used to prop up the wobbly couch in the break room.


The elusive foxman appears

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Sorry for derailing this discussion. Thought we needed a little bit of humor to lighten the mood.

I’ll try not to be quite so elusive as I was last year.


I’ll never forgive you. This was the most important conversation of my entire life, and you ruined it… :sob:

Much :heart:, virgil


For you, the day Virgil graced this thread was the most important day of your life.

But for him, it was Sunday.



This looks way better! I can see this as a fluffy, it’s shorter and chubbier with a good amount of poof.

Since you’re still getting a lot of complaints, your attitude might have made people really nitpicky. Why not draw one of these fluffies next to a regular MLP pony? That would show off the differences much better, so people get off your back!