A Smarty once came upon a dumpster, the emaciated green pegasus spying a lovely bunch of grapes dangling tantalizingly out of the bin. As he looked up, his mouth watering at the delicious potential meal ,he realized just how high up they were. But he was starved and didn’t know the next time that food would be this close without dangerous humans involved. The pegasus walked over to the dumpster and began to tap on it fiercely with his hoof, demanding that it relinquish the food.
“Dummeh twash ting gib smawty nummies wite nao ow smarty gib yu wowest sowwy hoofsies an’ sowwy poopies!”
After the sixth rap of his hoof, he winced, his tiny hoof scratched and starting to bleed from his efforts. He snorted angrily and then turned his hindquarters towards the dumpster.
“Why nu gib nummies dummeh twash ting! Hatchu! Gib sowwy poopies to twash ting!”
The pegasus released a torrent of waste along the bottom of the dumpster, a look of satisfaction as he finished. Clearly this would show the dumpster how wrong it was to keep him from his meal. But his smug sneer was quickly washed away as the grapes were still far from his reach. Desperate to eat, he began to slowly scale a nearby fire escape and try to leap towards the grapes. Once he was well above the dumpster, he stood at the grated edge and flapped his wings slightly in preparation. He leapt, confidence quickly faltering as he plummeted, screaming and soiling himself as he collided first with the dumpster’s edge, and then the ground.
As the Smarty eye’s fluttered open, his entire body in agonizing pain, he saw the grapes on the ground. His collision had knocked them loose. Laughing despite his agony, he tried to get up, quickly screaming as he did so. He looked down and realized that his lower legs were ruined by the fall, twisted and gnarled into an unnatural position. Crying slightly he slowly crawled his way to the grapes, taking many minutes and leaving a trail of blood and pulverized bone along his path. Closer and closer the pegasus made his way to his desired meal until they were nearly within his grasp. As he slightly nudged the grapevine, his watering mouth nearly making him forget his injuries, a loud and terrifying caw could be heard from the air. A large bird, with dark beady eyes and deep black plumage landed in-between the pegasus and the grapes. It’s head swiveled as it cooed, the bird scrutinizing the wounded fluffy.
“P’wease biwdy munstah, nu huwties…”
He didn’t get to finish his question as the bird aggressively pecked at the pegasus, tearing and shredding his face badly and blinding one of his eyes.
After it’s onslaught, the bird turned around, eyeing it’s prize. It grasped the small vine of grapes and flew away, the pegasus sobbing as it did so. As he bawled to himself, starving, half-blind, and crippled he muttered to himself.
“*Huuuuu…huuuuu…dem nummies was poopie nu pwetty nummies…”