Always a Bigger Fish [by Maple]

Thank you to @WingieFluff for the request and @Poopiest_of_bebbehs for the title!

“SCREEEE! MIWKY THEIF!!” a shrill voice startled you, and your mother’s hoof slammed into your jaw sending you flying back.

“Owwies!” You chirped as you landed on the cold metal of the pipe your family lived in. “Mummah, pwease nu-”

“Yu! WOWSTEST babbeh!!” Your mummah, a bright orange mare, stood over you angrily. “Ugwy babbeh! Stoopid babbeh! Teww babbeh nu miwkies!”

“Buh… su hungwy!” You protested.

“Eat poopies, ugwy babbeh!” She pointed to your siblings fear shits behind her. “Ugwy poopy babbehs eat ugwy poopies!!”

“Buh… buh…” you stammered, your dark brown lip quivering. You didn’t like eating poop! It tasted bad! It made your tummy hurt! “Babbeh jus’ nee’ wittow miwkies! Jus’ wittow!”


You jumped back just in time for her hoof to land right where your head was.

“Owwies!!” Mummah yelped, lifting her hoof. “Wai ugwy babbeh gib huwties?!”

“Nu, nu mummah, Yu gib huwties tu-”

Her face twisted in rage. “Bad babbeh gib mummah huwties! Mummah gib fo’ebah sweepies!!”

Your blood ran cold as she stomped closer to you. Your mummah was never nice to you, but you never thought she would hurt you! Sure your fluff was dark brown, not very pretty but… mummahs loved their babies, right? They had to!

Another hoof landed right next to you, your instincts once again saving your life. She really was trying to hurt you!

With tears in your eyes you turned and ran down the pipe. You didn’t know what to do! Mummah was bigger than you, faster than you, and even if you got away from her who would protect you from the monsters outside? You were just a little baby!

The light at the end of the pipe gave you a small amount of hope. You could hear your mummah’s angry snorts right behind you over your heart pounding in your ears.

You leapt into the light, tumbling down and into a new world. It was blindingly bright, your eyes hurt as they tried to adjust to the new environment. You could sorta see a path, something leading away from here to somewhere even brighter. You got your hooves under you, standing to run to freedom.

And then something pinned your tail down.

“Bad babbeh wun fwom Mummah!!” Your heart sank as you heard her furious growl. “Bad, ugwy babbeh, nu am Mummah’s babbeh! Am miwky theif! Sneaky munstah!!”

“Nu, pwease, am babbeh! Jus’ wan’ miwkies! Hungwy!!” You pleaded with her, trying to pull your tail free.

“Take biggest stompies, ugwy-”

A large shadow covered you, and your mummah fell silent with a wet crunch.

You were frozen in fear. A monster got her. Your loud pleading must have alerted one, and now it would kill you! You sank to the ground, trembling. You could only hope it would eat you quickly.

“Am wittow babbeh otay?” a booming voice asked.

You turned slowly to see a giant black fluffy, many times your size, standing over the flattened remains of your mother.

“Munstah… am fwuffy?” You asked quietly.

“Nu am munstah, am Mud.” She replied, leaning down to sniff you. Her dusty brown mane flopped over her ear and landed on you as she did. It felt… safe. In the small shady space she made around you, you could see her clearer. Her brown eyes were kind, she offered you a small smile as she inspected you.

“Nebah see babbeh su wittow, wai babbeh wan’ huwt tiny babbeh?”

“Dat am mummah…” you said.

“Oh….” She looked down at the gore on her hooves. “Mud am su sowwy, thought wuz babbeh huwtin’ babbeh…”

“Nu, mummah wan’ huwt babbeh…” you sniffled. “Babbeh jus’ wan’ nummies. Miwkies. Nu wan eat poopies…”

“Hm…” she laid down with her chin on the ground next to you. “Mud nu can hab babbehs, nu hab miwkies. Buh mabbeh can find nummies fo’ babbeh? Babbeh wan’ cum wif’?”

“Yus!” You hugged her muzzle. “Wub big mummah!”

Mud grinned. “Howd on den, wittow babbeh!” She lifted you up on her snout, turning and brushing you off between her shoulder blades. “Am comfy?”

“Yus!!” Her fluff was thick enough that you could fully burrow yourself into it, and so much warmer than the metal pipe you used to live in. You felt comfortable, for the first time in your little life.

“Mud gu fin’ nummies fo’ tiny babbeh.” She said, trotting away with you. The swaying triggered something in you, your eyelids grew heavy. It was so soothing, so warm enveloped in the soft fluff and scent of this giant mummah that you let yourself be lulled to sleep.


I have no idea where Mud came from, but I love her. :sparkling_heart:

  • stares with shocked pikachu face *

Wha??? Didn’t the dead shitrat have other foals as well? Maybe Mud did the world a favor by culling the pwetty colored fwuffies :joy:


Based uncle Qui-Gon is smiling down on this from the Netherworld of the force.


I love this one. Mud is awesome.


Amused at Mud stomping on what she thought was bully babbeh without any hesitation, plus her casual apology


Oh! Are the bad mummah and browm babbeh microfluffies? Or is mud a cowfluffy or something?


Oh, this is perfect. Also, I love the name Mud, it’s so simple and cute.


Yes, mummah and the baby are microfluffies

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