Am Jus' Widdow Subspecies (by guritchu)

Anyone who:

A. Makes some sort of introductory post before they have even posted one piece of art / story


B. Make “Coming back” posts when no one knows who they are, 0 images in gallery

Are genuinely the ones who end up being horrific to even try and speak to, let alone leave a comment for.

And to re-iterate the above points, theres no difference between being LGBTQ+/Whatever (im in there somewhere) and making it your whole identity and being a motorcyclist and making it your whole identity. If you wanna, after some time knowing eachother, introduce me to your hobby/identity, I’ll be happy to engage with you! But if you speak to me the first time and say “Im an agender queer dogfolk, heres my pride flag cape I wear everywhere” or drive up to me revving your shitty Harley rip off’s engine as hard as you can, before youve even told me your name, im gunna call it like I see it…


It is not only an issue with fluffeh ponahs, I fear. Am slightly saddened at all the OCs out there with nowhere to go - suspect a focus on the visual over the literary may be involved.

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