Am skettis good fow fwuffy?

(Is spaghetti good for fluffies?)
This is a question I’ve had for a little while. Do you guys think that skettis are actually good for our fluffy friends/foes, or do you think sketti is a forbidden fruit that does digestive damage?

Are skettis good for fluffies?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


I feel that skettis is overrated. It was an overrated lore pushed by an outdated joke. It made more sense when fluffies were a funny thing.

I still write fluffies liking spaghetti but I dont think of them as solely spaghetti obsessed maniacs


I feel like it’s to fluffies what chocolate is to us. They love the taste, and like little kids they want more than is good for them. They want as much as they can get, and only regret it when they get a stomach ache. The only reason they know of it by the name being said is due to programming telling them what it is and that it’s the best food ever.


When a man is wrong he’s always wrong

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It’s fine for them they have decently big brains with most stupidity just being a lack of survival instinct so they need a lot of food that’s high in glucose that doesn’t burn up too fast. The thing is that while it can be a good supplement it’s by no means the best and most kibble is much more balanced and healthy than Sketti.
@MostlyNeutralbox why did they program spaghetti though? Was it just the first food programmed into their DNA or did Hasbio have a partnership with a pasta company?


It’s probably like somewhat more unhealthy junk food to them. Yeah it wouldn’t kill them to have a little bit but don’t give them a full plate. I honestly consider it a joke overblown in the fluffy “cannon”.

I mean, would you give any Animal a human exclusive food for more than a rare treat?


like … fluffies are supposed to be omnivors and pastas are made of wheat. (It’s not inherently bad)


well, yes :v pastas mixed with kibbles to a dog :v


I see it as more like what a Twinkie is to us. Tastes good but bad for you (the chocolate comparison works too) so only as a treat.


I checked, 1kg of cheap spaghetti cost 0,77 euros when 1kg of dog kibbles cost 1,23 euros (it’s cheaper :v) → and maybe you can find the opposite thing but “no meat” product tend to be cheaper than kibbles, I think :v


Oh yeah your french I forgot.


id say its a bit iffy on r they good for fluffys, while they pre canned shit is gonna be down right awful for them, if homemade it could be good and healthy. homemade u could do veggy based noodles, use leaner meats like chicken or turkey or even go vegan and do tofu. u can cut back on the amount of sugar and salt in the sauce and the amount of grease that tends 2 be in it. homemade u can add as well fresher seasonings like garden fresh herbs, garlic, onions, ext. as well as add stuff like external vitamins and minerals or protein powder that the fluffy is missing out on from things such as medical issues or the body just will not take in from a natural option.


I like to think Sketti is absolutely horrible for fluffs (though humans don’t know this) but they are addicted to it (like cigarettes and humans).

So every time a fluffy is “treated” to sketties they are really just knocking off a few precious minutes off their already short life. :smiling_imp:


Oh I didn’t know you could feed plain pasta to dogs, I should probably try that as a treat for Ramsey.


I suspect it depends on the quality of sketties, whole wheat and good sauce? yes, Raman noodles with Hormel tomato sauce? not so much.


I always assumed they were neither particularly good nor bad for them. But like others said, it depends on the quality.


You should get a colonoscopy


why are you looking for your head

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Imo, sketties is a nutrientless product in the vain of easy bake creations, just another special little treat you can make for your special little guy. Like the 2005 furbies that are programmed to randomly ask where it’s baby is (A separate product that costs just as much,) Fluffies are programmed to seek the chemical/elements that trigger the censor in their brains that marks it as Best and Special. Now that I think about it, I very much base my fluffy lore on furbies-


I think they mostly like any comfort food and pasta specifically because it makes a higher quality milk