Amphibious Aqua Fluffy adoptables CLOSED (ADashOfPaprika)

Here are 6 Amphibious aqua fluffy Adoptables , Also known mostly as the Walking Aqua Fluffy. Here is some info about them!

walikng aqua fluffy’s are inspired by the Genera of certain fish that are considered Amphibious, mostly the mudskipper. and are able to Live in any type of water, Not dependent on if it’s salt or fresh water. And can be out of water For up to an hour before needing to find a body of water to rest in. Don’t worry if you accidentally feed them meat, As they are Omnivores.

Unlike the Usual Variety of aqua fluffy’s , these fluffy’s have four hooves like Normal fluffys. Having a fish like fins and tail in order to propel themselves through the water .


Ugh I love the cheeks on that little one with the green head and red body.

oo, can I adopt number 1?

That calico-colored male has me giddy. Can I please have number 2?

Will share a picture of my calico-kitty in exchange. :brown_heart::orange_heart::white_heart:

I really like #2. Calico’s are definitely something I enjoy. :slight_smile:

He is your’s

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Actually number 2 is based off a koi fish

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Sorry no lurkers allowed

Oh, I understand they ate based off a koi fish, but it also shares calico-colors. It is my favorite coloration of koi fish. :grinning::grin:

The foals of this type are known to have lots of baby fat that they lose when they get older

i’m glad you like him

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Can I perhaps have the little guy… :babbeh:

Sure , Salmon colored colt is yours’s

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Oh nice! Thanks Gal. Lovely artwork as always.

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Aww thanks

1,2,5 and 6 Have been Adopted!

2 are left! Numbers 3 and 4

I think this is a really interesting design, @ADashOfPaprika !! It reminds me a lot of @PeppermintParchment seafluffies!

5’s design interests me the most. I would like to adopt #5.

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Number 5 is yours! hope you take good care of her!

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Could I have #1 please?