An unwelcome visitor by (that1hugboxer)

(I am so sorry for my terrible Spanish)

You are Lorna

While tending to the fluffies early one morning you receive a call over the hand radio

“Lorna we have a person at the front gate requesting you by name.”

“Could you ask this person how exactly I know them?”

The radio goes silent for a few seconds before you receive your answer

“Does the name Lola Delgato mean anything to you?”

Your grip on the radio loosens,as it drops to the ground,Your heart races and you begin having a panic attack

It takes a solid two minutes to regain your composure

You pick the radio up off the ground

“Sorry they must have the wrong address “

This was the code phrase used to discreetly inform the gate keeper that this person is is not welcome on the property

“Understood. Sorry to have bothered you Lorna “

You head into the main house and Vicky stops you

“Lorna what’s going on? You never come in the house mid shift unless it’s an emergency.”

“I’d definitely classify what just happened as an emergency.”

Vicky looks at you concerned

“Lorna. What happened?”

“Miss Lola Delgato asked for me by name at the gate”

Vicky’s face turns red with fury

“ Lorna stay here, I’ll be right back.”

(Switch to Vicky’s perspective)

You sprint to the front gate and find Miss Delgato arguing with gate security

“I heard her voice over the radio, I know it was her!!!”

“Mam for the last time you have the wrong address, please leave now or we will remove you from the premises by force!”

You speak up.

“Thomas I will handle it from here.”

Miss Delgato turns her attention to you

“Do you own this place?

“The deed is not in my name but I am in charge of operations if that’s what you mean?”

Miss Delgato calms down a bit

“Please I’m simply trying to find Lorna Delgato.”

You take a deep breath

“Mam I’m afraid the only Lorna we have on staff is Lorna vanderholt my eldest sister.”

Miss Delgato becomes annoyed and screams in your face

“I heard her voice over the radio!
Do you expect me to believe your Gringa ass has a sister with a Latina accent thicker than a bottle of wood glue!!?”

“Mam please get out of my fa…”

Miss Delgato punches you square in the nose and you stagger backwards

You regain your footing and your head stops spinning

“ you know what!? I was sick of being nice anyway.”

You are about to beat her ass like an Indian war drum . But you are interrupted by a familiar voice

“Oh Hell no! You’ve got some titanic huevos to come here and punch my big sister!”

Lorna storms over to miss Delgato

Miss Delgato’s face lights up

“Mija! I knew you were here!”

Lorna grabs Miss Delgato by the shirt collar

“I am not your MIJA!”

Miss Delgato shakily speaks


Lorna looks down at Miss Delgato with eyes ablaze in hatred and malice

“You sold your MIJA to a pimp for 1 kilo of coca!”

Miss Delgato cries

“MIJA! Please forgive me! I’ve repented!”

“I’ve even stopped practicing white magic!”

Lorna shakes Miss Delgato violently


“Don’t pretend you were some curandera! You never once did anything other than hurt people!
You made and sold LITERAL poisons As your main source of income!”

Lorna throws miss Delgato to the ground

“Get off this property! And if you ever come back here you will be shot on sight! UNDERSTOOD?!”

Miss Delgato runs back to her car and leaves

Lorna turns to you

“You ok sis?”

“Yeah I’m fine. Her bark was worse than her bite.”


your break really was short


Yeah the stories started flowing again but I’m going to try and pace myself this time (keyword being try)

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That was cool