Hi has anyone thought of doing George Orwell’s Animal Farm but with Fluffies?
Like a bunch a of Fluffies on a breeding farm revolt against the human owners, try start a perfect society, but a smarty takes over and it becomes a dictatorship.
maybe just a frail old man with a breeding farm in the middle of nowhere and one day he just croaks from old age in his sleep or trips on a fluffy and falls down the stairs, then said fluffy goes full smarty and claims “Smawty gif mista fawmaw fowebew sweepies, dis am smawty wand nao, aww fwuffyes am smawty hewd ow gu foweba sweepies too”.
This is already the prompt of every feral herd. Fluffies aren’t supposed to be free to rule themselves, and when they are we see a different dynamic where their leader caste (smarty and toughies) go full Animal Farm almost every time.
I honestly thought it was well known that that’s where the theme comes from.
I mean has anyone done an ending where the smarties start to walk on their hind legs,wear clothing and start trading with humans and pretty soon the other Fluffies can’t tell the difference between man and smarty?
would be pretty funny seeing the atrocities of comunism trough the eyes of a fluffy, imagine the fluffies using an old chicken coop as the “sorry gulag”
tough choice, alicorns are smart enough to not get everyone killed in week but unicorns are the most subsceptible to smarty sindrome, how about an alicorn dictator that realy belives in a fluffy utopia but his “party” is made out of unicorns that only want to live decadent lives and boss around the other fluffies for their own gain and fun (kinda how Lenins rule went)