Annihilation Ch. 5 [END] [By BFM101]

An excellent read. And so much fun seeing such invasive shitheads get utterly destroyed.

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Ha she has a Mongola basement.
Personally, I would’ve partially derped Coco, you don’t almost crush a foal’s windpipe and get a few minutes of hard breathing. At least a raspy wheeze for the rest of her life.
Still the idea that Tara waited because she found Chip to be an overly happy annoying idiot, warms my heart.
Beautiful execution. I’d love to see living babbehs being used to kill mummahs more often. Hilarious.


Excellent read

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Well that was a great read. And it reminds me that one day I’ll have to explain to my daughters that we also have a penchant for violence that has to be kept in check. I have spent my whole life fighting for fun, I’ve watched my mother pull a knife on a man 5 times her size… my grandfather, his 3 brorhers, their father and his father all stacked bodies for the US gov in the army through to retirement as infantrymen. Fighting is what we do. But control is key.

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Honestly loved it … don’t know why don’t know how but it seems like were not done with belle yet ~ for her … the eternal suffering has only begun… day by day she’ll watch her babies starve as she can’t hold them run or even play with them … all while the gods of death,destruction and chaos savor their meal of this ones suffering and agony all while she could have avoided her worlds destruction… the death of her entire herd could have been well avoided ? but lets face it her herd was doomed from the start for when they hurt another fluffy they called down not a gods wrath … or no they called down a angel of death to which that was tara to which she took everything away.

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I imagine Josef’s ghost whispering one last time to Tara, you have evil in your heart, you are a mongola

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I take it back, plot hole fixed and in an emotionally satisfying way. I should have trusted you more, BFM101, to not lead us astray. :slight_smile:

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