Announcement for Nundevwizer Series

Hello everyone. Here is the timeline for all my stories that are on here and Reddit. I plan to write two more stories after the Pinkie one right now. One that is canon and another that is a joke story, before taking a break from making new content to cook up new ideas for the series and work on a personal project of mine that is completely unrelated to Fluffies.

To properly iterate, I am NOT leaving the fandom. I’ll still be around to comment and like stuff on here. I just won’t be posting content for a short while.

Thank you all who enjoy my work and I’ll be back soon.

PS. a quick shout out to @NekuChan for all the work she has done for me making the Survival of the Foal-ist story into a vibrant comic. I would highly recommend her for commissions and comics, she is a very talented artist and since she has recently quit her job, she could use your support.

I plan on having more commissions done by her in the future, but for now, it’ll be just text stories until I build up a bit more capital to spend on commissions.


I thought herd mummah was after survival. Was its name changed?

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Hewd Mummah is the name of the first part of the story. The Journey is the name of the full story acting the sequel of Survival of the Foal-ist


“Lab Rats” Oh… guess the blue colt didn’t get a happy ending…


depends on the experiments. :grin:


Thanks so much for the shoutout tho!! :'3


youre welcome. :wink:

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Hope to read this soon, want to wonder if the bitch mare and that stallion be with general
Lil herd or she will be on her own

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Did colt and the journey get a name change?

Colt was just a placeholder name, he’s called Traveler now. but the Journey name is still the same. ill be working on it once im done with Lab Rats

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What does )TBD) mean?

to be determined. those names were working titles at the time

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Oh ok cool.