Another Random Story Idea

Have any of you ever heard of Reborn Dolls? They’re those hyper-realistic baby dolls collected by people for an assortment of reasons.

I was reading about why some people buy them, and there was one anecdote about a girl who got one because she really wanted a baby but knew she couldn’t properly care for a real one.

And so I thought, what if there was a fluffy version of that?
A young mare wants babbehs really bad, but her owner knows she’s not ready for one, and buys her a Reborn foal instead. Shenanigans ensue.

And then there’s some bittersweetbox potential too, since Reborn Dolls are often used to help elderly people with dementia.
An old mare with dementia who had foals but forgot what happened to them (whether they grew up or died) is given a Reborn foal and finds comfort in her final days.


You wouldn’t even need anything much more high tech than a potato with a foal hide stapled on, fluffies are pretty dumb


I’ve thought about that before, maybe it has a small sound device that make it cheep or peep sometimes


True. lol

I’ve seen a couple babots. They’re little more than tinker toys but good for if the whole litter disappears. Like a wood egg.


Fooling fluffies is always fun and full of potential, I like the idea


Ive heard of a few stories where ‘reborn foals’ are featured, but I cant remember them

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I could see it be used as a way to placate mares who want foals. Essentially, find a loophole in the fluffies’ inborn desire to have babies by giving it a “baby” to care for. At least long enough for them to avoid being bred too soon, or long enough to get them spayed.

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There’s a story by The_Agony_Presence called Uglyface where there are abuse versions that break easily and release foal death smells to traumatize the fluffy playing with the “foal”


Sounds like an idea with potential for several different boxes.

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Just paint some rocks. Does the same thing.

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