Any advice for drawing manes? (By:WhatAmIDoing)

mad fluffy


I often give them a typical horse mane simple flick design…but if i wanted to differentiate I’d draw a puffball like a wad of cotton or maybe a stylized look like a fringe or something like it was designed for a girl like making it curly or other stuff…btw im a novice at fluffy drawing so take ehat i say with a grain of salt.

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Bro looks funny

I like making the mane and tail match. So if the tail is fluffy like a cloud, so is the mane. For a tail like this, the mane would probably look like a crappy li’l toupee. In general, drawing a mane’s just like drawing regular hair, so don’t overthink it!

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Thanks for the advice either way

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Thanks, I’ll try not to think about it too much

I would just imitate an artist I like if I were you. I hate drawing loose fur/hair and it takes a few passes to get something I’m happy with.

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Check out where the mane grows from on a horse (one long strip down the back of the neck). Then make up different shapes with the origin of the hair in mind. These are cartoon toy creatures so you don’t need realism; just a hint of where the mane originates will help it look attached to the head rather than a random squiggle.

Fluffies aren’t MLP, but you could use MLP as guidance for how to give variety to cartoon horse hair. With the G4 main characters you’ll notice that the shapes of the hair give each of the six a defined silhouette, which is good character design.

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I used how to draw manga hairstyles to learn. Nowadays though I draw them with only a few styles: anime protag, female mullet, bowl cut, and a puffy cloud looking hairstyle.


Sketch a few different styles and see which one you like best. It tends to vary from fluff to fluff. Here’s how I draw mine:

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