Any Art Request Ideas? (Star-The-Alicorn)

I’m gonna jump on the bandwagon here and ask if any of y’all want me to draw anything. (These aren’t commissions, since I’m not gonna be asking for any payment. Also you can request as many times as you want!)

However I have some personal limits. There are a few things I don’t wanna draw such as:

  • Sexual stuff (That includes rape, fetish material and implied stuff). That’s not something I’m personally comfortable drawing myself, sorry y’all.

  • Anything too gorey, (Like, entrails n stuff) since I have zero clue how to draw that yet. I’d rather practice that on my own first until I feel skilled enough to post it publicly.

  • Abuse of children/animals that aren’t fluffies, for me that’s too far.

  • Anything that would break community guidelines or be considered bigoted/controversial. (Such as political stuff, anything involving the support of hate groups, things like racism/LGBT+phobia, etc. This does not include anthrofluffs, I can draw those as long as it’s non-sexual!)

So basically, I can draw hugbox, weirdbox, sadbox, and less-gorey abuse of fluffies. Also non-sexualized anthrofluffs. Send in anything you want (That isn’t anything listed above, ofc) and I’ll get it to ya!

Here’s an example of the new style I’m practicing using the requests:image


Fluffies playing D&D


Would you draw my fluffy oc Birthday Cake? You can find drawings of him in my gallery

If not…a fluffy going for a walk with their owner. Complete with leash (and harness if you want)

need i say more?

Hugbox please
A Fluffy plaing with Rubik’s cube.
Thank you :wink:


Can you draw a fluffy version of Punxsutawney Phil? He’s the groundhog that comes out on Groundhogs Day. It would end up being a grumpy, over-aged fluffy.


Fluffy trying coffee?


Two fluffies playing Yu-Gi-Oh. Loser goes to the Shadow Realm.


Freddy Mercury fluffy sing crying 'MUMMMAAH~ ’ and then some approrpiate ‘huuu huu’ stuff instead of the Oooo wooo ooo woo. xD

link provided if you’ve never heard the song.


Fluffy in panel 1 being commanded by human off screen to transform.
Fluffy in panel 2’s arms/parts begin to rotate and it is confused as it did not know it is a transformer.
Panel 3 - Transformer suffering identity crisis.


So basically, no horny


Black coffee for a gross reaction, or coffee with a bunch of sugar and cream so they like it. Up to you of course.


Can you draw The guide?


Expresso. Since it’s a tiny size appropriate for a fluffy.

Thought he caffeine dosage might not be~


Fluffy tries mexican candy (gone wrong) you won’t believe what happened


Unicorns are called pointies.
I always chuckle when people call them ‘hornies’ instead though, especially when its like ‘And then the horny fluffy played with the ball’ xD.


shadow weawm.


mummah! Fwuffy gib fowebah sweepies tu mistah, point boom-stick to mistahs head an puwwed dah twigeh


An orange fluffy or a fluffy in an orange jumpsuit with a beanie. A look of terror/thousand yard stare but stuck in the upsies pose because the reflection of SCP-173 is reaching for it in its eyes.


Freddie mercury “mama” but the lyrics were butchered in a fluffy talk translator

Am dis dah weaw wife?
am dis just fantasy?
caught in wandswide
nu escape fwom weawity

open youw see-pwaces
wook up to dah skies an’ see
am just poow boy
fwuffy nee’ nu sympathy
'cos am easy come, easy go
wittwe high, wittwe wow
anyway dah wind bwows
doesn’t weawwy mattah to fwuffy
to fwuffy

mummah, just kiwwed mistah
put gun against his head
puwwed fwuffy’s twiggew, nao fwuffy’s dead
mummah, wife had just begun
buh nao fwuffy’be gone an’ fwown it aww 'way

mummah! ooh!
nu did mean to make ‘ou cwy
if am not back again dis time tomowwow
cawwy on, cawwy on
as if nothin’ weawwy mattews

too wate, fwuffy’s time has come
sends shibews down fwuffy’s spine
body’s achin’ aww dah time
goodbye ebewybody
fwuffy’be got to go
gotta weabe ‘ou aww behind
an’ face dah twuff

mummah! ooh!
(any way dah wind bwows)
fwuffy nu wanna die
fwuffy sometimes wish fwuffy’d nebah been bown at aww

fwuffy see wittwe siwhouetto of mistah
scawamouche! scawamouche!
wiww ‘ou do dah fandango?
thundewbowt an’ wightnin’
bewy, bewy fwightenin’ fwuffy!
gawiweo! gawiweo!
gawiweo! gawiweo!
gawiweo, figawo!

am just poow boy an’ nobody wobes fwuffy
fwuffy’s just poow boy fwom poow famiwy
spawe him his wife, fwom dis monstwosity

easy come, easy go
wiww 'ou wet fwuffy go?

nu, we wiww not wet 'ou go!
(wet him go!)
we wiww not wet 'ou go!
(wet him go!)
we wiww not wet 'ou go!
(wet fwuffy go!)
wiww not wet 'ou go!
(wet fwuffy go!)
nebew, nebah wet 'ou go!
nebew, nebew, nebah wet fwuffy go!
nu, nu, nu, nu, nu, nu, nu!

oh, mamma mia, mamma mia!
mamma mia, wet fwuffy go!
beewzebub has debiw put aside fo’ fwuffy!
fo’ fwuffy!
fo’ fwuffy!

su ‘ou think can stone fwuffy an’ spit in fwuffy’s see-pwace?
su ‘ou think can wub fwuffy an’ weabe fwuffy go foweba sweepies?
oh, babbeh!
nu can do dis to fwuffy, babbeh!
just gotta get out
just gotta get wite outta hewe!

oh, yeah! oh, yeah!

nothin’ weawwy mattews
anyone can see
nothin’ weawwy mattews
nothin’ weawwy mattews to fwuffy

anyway dah wind bwows