Anyone know what happened to Ghost_Writer?

His stories were really cool and well-written but I can’t find them anymore. Did he leave? :frowning:


Danny phantom got him


Damn. XD

I’d also like to know though. I’m always looking for good stories but I’ve never heard of ghost_writer

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He’s gone.
Wanted all his shit deleted.
So it goes.

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Yeah, I was told in PMs (wanted to edit my post but I kept getting errors). Shame. :frowning:

I was told ghost writer was Karn, and Karn left during/after the Reddit H83r post

Are you sure? I was told he was a user called Random Air Person.

Maybe, I was asked to see who was suspended after the post, one of which was ghost writer

Double checked, you are indeed correct, and yeah, they left during that whole debacle

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Do people here have some kind of genetic disposition towards deleting everything they create after getting into a tiff over something minor? If you’re going to leave, at least let other users continue to enjoy what you shared, you petty little crow turds.

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All his work (stories), specially his old ones are saved in my profile, you can find these there ^^
New ones, nope.