Anyone wanna collab? [CLOSED]

By “collab” I mean that all of us shove a bunch of fluffies into one picture.

I will start it if I can have over 5 people to join!

How it works is basically that I pick randomly one person to draw some fluffies and other stuff into a picture, and then that person sends the picture to the next person, who also draws some fluffies in it and other stuff, and then that person sends it to the next person, and this goes on until everyone involved has drawn in the picture.
Rules: Keep it civil.
I will allow abuse, but not too much.



  1. Squeakyfriend
  2. Brayatansempai
  3. federalChemical1728
  4. ifluffybooru
  5. Larur
  6. carniviousduck
  7. Moesius
  8. TiredSloth
  9. Uncle
  10. Vanner
  11. Julie
  12. TheBigBrother
  13. Eded_ted

Ooh, I’m up for it! Those kinds of collabs are always fun!

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I’m in

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hell yeah


I’ll add what scrapbook fluffs I can manage for sure

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Hmmm i too will join this venture…

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can i join ?

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Hmm… tell me what to draw.

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Im in

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I’m in.

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oh yes yes i’d love to join in!!

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That fluffy wants to swallow my soul.

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I’d love to, but I can’t draw. Let me know if you want a story for anything though!

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If I’m not too late I’d love to join

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I will send the canvas to the first person!

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@SqueakyFriend we should draw a cursed version of the last supper because there is 13 of us lol.

Or do what makes sense




It has been 26 days since I sent the canvas to the first in line, and I was wondering who has it now.

I already know that it has passed ifluffybooru, so that means that the artists before him have already drawn in it.

So if you have the image, just let me know and we will continue. There is no rush, I know that drawing may take some time, and that people may not always have time to draw.

I’m just making shure that there is no problems.


I know i passed it, but dont know where it is currently


Haven’t seen it yet so it’s between carnivorousduck and me at least.

Thanks for the update I’m very excited